Getting your weapons Pack-a-Punched in Black Ops 6 Zombies is something that players will always need to do if they want to get through the higher rounds of the survival mode. Getting the points needed to buy this necessary upgrade can take some time but on The Tomb, there is an Easter Egg that allows players to get an Aetherium Crystal and get the first Pack-a-Punch level completely free of charge. Players will want to know how to find this secret in every game of The Tomb to hold on to some extra Essence and luckily, I can show everyone just how it’s done. This guide will show players how to get the free Aetherium Crystal Easter Egg on The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
How to Get a Free Aetherium Crystal on The Tomb
This Easter Egg is found in the Dark Aether Nexus, which is where you will find the Pack-a-Punch machine. Whenever you travel through the portal into the Nexus, you can see 5 rocks in the sky let off a slight ripple of electricity. You will need to shoot any of these rocks and upon doing so, all 5 of the rocks will start to fly around the sky in the counterclockwise direction.

You will now need to get all of these rocks to stop moving. This can be done by simply shooting them with any bullet weapon. This doesn’t require any type of Ammo Mod or Pack-a-Punch level, just make sure to land your shots. This must be done quickly as after about 5 seconds, a stopped rock will begin to move again.

There will be an audio cue letting you know that this Easter Egg has been completed if you have shot all 5 rocks quickly enough. On the carved stone altar at the center of the Nexus, you will find the Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod and a Raw Aetherium Crystal, which will upgrade the weapon in your hand to Pack-a-Punch Level 1 for completely free. While there is only one crystal and this can only be done once per game, the number of Cryo Freezes will match the number of players in the game so everyone can get a free Ammo Mod.

You know now how to complete the free Aetherium Crystal Easter Egg On The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Black Ops 6 as well as other great games in the future.