Citadelle Des Morts in Black Ops 6 Zombies comes with several new Wonder Weapons in the form of elemental swords. One of these new swords you can unlock is Solais, the Lion’s Light Sword. To wield this blade of light, you will first need to complete a quest to imbue the basic form of the sword with the power of the sun. This guide will show players how to get Solais, the Lion’s Light Sword Wonder Weapon on Citadelle Des Morts in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
How to Get the Solais Light Sword Wonder Weapon on Citadelle Des Morts
To get the Light Sword, you will first need to get the Bastard Sword held by the Lion Knight. Gameranx has a full guide on how to get the Bastard Sword Wonder Weapon but we will give the simplified breakdown here. Activate the Pack-a-Punch machine and progress to Round 10. At this point, some Zombies will spawn with a Templar helmet on their head and will drop the Stamp item upon their death. Take a Stamp to the Dining Hall to find 4 Suits of Armor holding swords. Interacting with one of the suits of armor with a Stamp and they will give you their sword. The Lion Knight is the northeast armor.

Now that you have the Lion’s Bastard Sword, 4 glowing Parasites will spawn. Killing one of these Parasites with your sword will cause the blade to start to glow gold. The sword will glow as long as you don’t switch weapons or drop it.

Go to the Village Ascent area, the eastern path that connects the spawn room and the castle. Go down the slope to the right of the Speed Cola Perk Machine to find a door with a small Lion’s head engraving. Melee the door with your glowing sword and a symbol will appear.

After meleeing the door, kill another Parasite to get the sword to glow again and then hit the door to reveal another symbol. Do this 4 times to reveal all the symbols on the doors. If you accidentally kill a Parasite without using the weapon or the sword loses its glow, don’t worry. Progress to the next round and 4 more glowing Parasites will spawn. Once all 4 symbols are glowing on the door, interact with it to go through it.

At the end of the small room behind the door is a pedestal that you can put the sword into. A ray of light will burst out of the pedestal, causing 4 symbols to float around the area. You will have 1 minute to shoot these symbols in the right order. You can figure out which symbol you need to shoot by looking at the pedestal to see what symbol is glowing on it. The symbol that is being displayed is the one that you need to shoot. Once the symbol is shot, the next one will be shown on the pedestal. Continue this process until all 4 symbols are shot.

Once all the symbols are shot, all the light will return to the sword and you can now pull Solais from the pedestal. While it still has its parry ability and now comes with a more powerful melee attack, the Light Sword also comes with the new Light Mend Ammo Mod built in, giving you a chance to activate the ability when getting kills with the sword. It also comes with a powerful Special Attack. When the sword is fully lit and the lion on the hilt glows, press both triggers to have light surround you, making any Zombie that gets close to you take damage. This Special Attack also has an additional passive skill where you will fully replenish your armor upon activation.

You can now get the Solais, the Lion’s Light Sword Wonder Weapon on Citadelle Des Morts in Black Ops 6 Zombies. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Black Ops 6 as well as other great games in the future.