Mr. Peeks is the mischievous stuffed rabbit that has made several appearances throughout the Dark Aether Story of Call of Duty Zombies. In Black Ops 6 Zombies, several Easter Eggs involve Mr. Peeks with one of them involving specific cars found around the Liberty Falls map. This map is filled with abandoned cars but there are unique cars that can provide some powerful rewards. This guide will show players how to complete the Mr. Peeks Car Easter Egg on Liberty Falls in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
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How to Complete the Mr. Peeks Car Easter Egg on Liberty Falls
There are 3 specific cars found around Liberty Falls that are black with yellow highlights. One of these cars is right outside Olly’s Comic in the Rear Parking Lot area. Look to the right of the door in a parking space to find this car.

Another car is found in the Groundkeeper’s Yard, parked between the white house and the Toolshed that contains the Handbrake for the Jet Gun.

The last car is on the road in the Hilltop area near the church at the west end of the map. It is parked right against the wall of the Cemetery.

Now that you know where every car is located, look through the window of each car to find the one with the Mr. Peeks stuffed rabbit sitting in the backseat. The car that the rabbit sits in will change every game so make sure to check each car before you try to destroy them

Once you find the right car, get a Mangler Cannon or Mutant Injection Scorestreak and shoot the Mangler’s cannon at the back of the car that has Mr. Peeks inside. If done correctly, a golden flow will emanate from the trunk and a piece of loot will come out of the car. The first time you do this, the “We Only Take Cash” Document Intel will also pop out of the car.

That is how you complete the Mr. Peeks Car Easter Egg on the Liberty Falls map in Black Ops 6 Zombies. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Black Ops 6 as well as other great games in the future.