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Dev Error 5820 is a persistent problem that keeps popping up for players of Black Ops 6 — the problem pops up on Xbox Series X and PS5, appearing when players attempt to join a game or enter a new lobby. The error is likely to get better as new patches are released and the initial server rush dies down, but if you’re just trying to play a few online matches, getting kicked out of your game is a big problem. Here’s a few tricks players have tried to get around this annoying glitch.
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Dev Error 5820 | Possible Fixes
Dev Error 5820 is a Multiplayer error that prevents matchmaking and appears on all platforms of Black Ops 6. It is seemingly most common on PS5 — but we’ve experienced the same errors on Xbox Series X. These issues seem to be server side and may get better over time once the player base shrinks. That could be days, weeks or months, so if you’re struggling with Dev Error 5820, there’s a few little tricks you’ll want to try.
- NOTE: There’s no guarantee these fixes will help with your Dev Error 5820. We’ve heard conflicting reports — some players say they work. Others are getting no noticeable benefits. Try them all and see if your issues are getting any better.
The error message usually appears after completing a match or when switching lobbies. Some players will get into one match, complete it, then get hit with an error message.
Turn On Crossplay
Turning OFF Crossplay is something the servers in Black Ops 6 really don’t like right now. As annoying as Crossplay can be in Black Ops 6 with the sweatiest of the sweaty PC players dominating console lobbies, crossplay seems to be required if you’re getting a lot of Dev Error 5820 disconnects. Disabling Crossplay is only available to PS5 players. Xbox Series X will automatically connect to PC.
If you’ve turned OFF Crossplay, you may want to try turning it back on. PC lobbies, and the Call of Duty series in general, have never solved their cheater problem. Cheaters and hackers are seemingly more prevalent than ever, and Activision isn’t doing anything to stop it. PC is also the most common platform for Black Ops 6, so you’re much more likely to get into matches without the error message.
- How To Turn On / Off Crossplay: Disabling Crossplay is only available on the PS5. To disable it, go to Account Settings in the main menu.
Customize Emblem & Calling Card
This is a longshot, but a persistent rumor advises players experiencing the Dev Error 5820 to go into their customization settings and switch their Emblem and Calling Card — sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t, but if you keep getting this error, it can’t hurt to try.
- How To Customize Emblems & Calling Cards: Press the ‘Start’ Button on your Xbox Series X or PS5 controller. This opens the options menu.
- Tab right to the Progression Menu. Beneath Profile, you’ll find the Calling Card and Emblem options.
You can also change Emotes & Sprays, Loading Screen art and edit your clan tag from this menu.
Edit Loadouts & Customization Before
Here’s another weird one. For other players, and for us, we consistently experienced Dev Error 5820 while customizing loadouts in the menu while in a lobby. It seems to happen (almost) every time. To help with it, create custom loadout before joining a lobby and don’t touch the customization options while you’re waiting for the game to start. Don’t mess with loadouts while waiting to join a lobby.
- NOTE: This seems to occur with ANY menu — the loadout menu, progression, or anything else. Try to avoid accessing menus while waiting for a match to begin.