Table of Contents[Hide][Show]
- All Gizeh Field Note Locations in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
- Airship Document
- Gizeh Vista
- Blue Tent
- Osiris
- Margaret Portrait
- Geomantic Analysis
- Dr. Kafour
- Thieves Article
- Voss Article
- Horror Tales #1
- Field Kitchen
- Fattah Recipe
- Omega Book Page
- Great Sphinx
- Crashed Bulldozer
- Gizeh Village
- Meroe Page
- Camels
- Village Dog
- Carpet Merchant
- Parked Car
- Hamam Mashi Recipe
- Nawal Article
- Asmaa
- Snake Charmer
- Gizeh Story Teller
- Senet Players
- Ful Medames Recipe
- Tea House
- Savage and Sidney
- Oud Master
- Date Harvesting
- Goat
- Khufu’s Pyramid
- Train
- Weather Station
- Professor Omar
- Kleber’s Letter
- Pipeline Construction
- Numeral Basics
- Kozra Letter
- Horror Tales #2
- Khentkawes Mural
- Dunes
- Menkaure’s Pyramid
- Khafre’s Pyramid
- Funerary Temple Dig
- Funerary Temple Tunnel
- Old Research Journal
- Excavation Plans
- Adamic Tablet
- Conveyor Belt View
- Code Note
- Winning Hand
- Code Letter
- Scary Stories #1
- Peru Postcard
- Poker Tent
- Nazi Cinema
- Scary Stories #2
- Assignment Letter
- Marya’s Letter
- Nazi Compound
- Disappearance Report
- Excavation Orders
- Engel’s Report
- Code Note
- Gun Approval Document
- Old Scholar’s Diary
- Temple Entrance
- The Bridge Cavern

There are many collectibles to find in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle with each region you explore having a large set of Field Notes that add some insight to that part open world area. The desert region of Gizeh has the most Field Notes out of all the areas explored in the game and will take some time to track down all of them. Players will want to find every Note in the game to unlock the Archivist Achievement. This guide will show players where to find all Gizeh Field Note locations in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.
All Gizeh Field Note Locations in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
There are a total of 71 Field Notes in Gizeh. These are pages, books, photos, and several other items that you find throughout the region. Here is the full breakdown of where to find all of the Gizeh Field Notes.
Airship Document
Aboard the airship that Indy uses to travel from Vatican City to Gizeh, there is a small office near the hatch used to leave the vessel. This Note can be found on the desk.

Gizeh Vista
To the south of the Gizeh Workers’ Area is a wooden platform that overlooks the entire region. Take out your camera and take a picture of the two pyramids to the northwest to collect this Note.

Blue Tent
Look to the right of the previous locations where you took the photo of the vista and look toward the Workers’ Area. You can see Dame Nawal’s blue tent at the center of the area. Take a photo of it from this vantage point to get this Note.

Inside the blue tent, you will be asked by Nawal to feed her snake, Osiris. Take a picture of the pet to get this Note.

Margaret Portrait
In the corner opposite Osiris is this Note.

Geomantic Analysis
This Note can be found sitting on a small table in the center of the tent.

Dr. Kafour
Dr. Kafour can be found at the infirmary in the Gizeh Workers’ Area. You can find this infirmary in the large tent south of Dame Nawal’s blue tent. Take a picture of Kafour to get this Note.

Thieves Article
There is a tent directly to the west of the blue tent. This is where you can find the Note.

Voss Article
Go into the barracks directly south of the restricted area in the Workers’ Area. This Note is found on a wooden desk in the barracks.

Horror Tales #1
This comic book is on the same desk as the previous Note.

Field Kitchen
Go to the west of Dr. Kafour’s infirmary. There is a small kitchen under a canopy that you can take a picture of.

Fattah Recipe
This Note is on a table next to the kitchen mentioned above.

Omega Book Page
Go to the ruins to the southwest of the Worker’s Area and west of the platform you stood on for the Vista and Tent photos. Behind some rubble is this Note sitting on the ground.

Great Sphinx
Go to the northwest of the Workers’ Area to find the Great Sphinx/ Take a picture of the front of this structure to get this Note.

Crashed Bulldozer
There is a wooden bridge in front of the Sphinx. Look over the side of the bridge to see a crashed bulldozer. Take a photo of it from the rocks east of the bridge to get this Note.

Gizeh Village
Along the north side of the Sphinx is a watchtower that you can climb with your whip. Once on top of the tower, face the northeast toward Gizeh Village. Take a picture of the town to get this Note.

Meroe Page
Go behind the Sphinx and you will find an entrance in the hill to the west of the structure. Go through this entrance and you will find this Note.

Go north of Sphinx and on the side of the road is a small canopy acting as a stall for camels. Take a picture of the camels that are under the canopy to get this Note.

Village Dog
Go to the western entrance of Gizeh Village. A dog can be found sitting right outside the walls of the town. Take a picture of the dog to get this Note.

Carpet Merchant
Near the western entrance of the town is a stand where a merchant is selling carpets. Take a picture of the stand to get this Note.

Parked Car
Go to the southern entrance of Gizeh Village and to the right of the road is a parked car. Take a picture of it to get this Note.

Hamam Mashi Recipe
There is a path directly across the road from the parked car. Go pasted the broken down wall and then immediately turn left to find this Note sitting on a table.

Nawal Article
Go back to the road near the parked car. Facing north, you will see a staircase on the left side of the road. At the top of these stairs is where you can find this Note sitting on a bench.

head to the center of Gizeh Village and find Asmaa, the vendor who sells you the Lighter. Take a photo of her and her stand to get this Note.

Snake Charmer
Facing Asmaa, turn around and you will see a group surrounding a snake charmer. Take a picture of the group to get this Note.

Gizeh Story Teller
Follow the path to the right of Asmaa to find the Gizeh Story Teller. Take a picture of her to get this Note.

Senet Players
Head back to Asmaa and then go down the road to the left of her stand. To the right of this path is where you can find to men playing Senet. Tak a picture of them to get this Note.

Ful Medames Recipe
Go to the area to the left of the Story Teller and you will find this Note on a table.

Tea House
Go into the area to the left west of the previous Note. You will find people under a canopy drinking tea. Take a picture of them to get this Note.

Savage and Sidney
This Note can be collected after completing the A Savage Predicament Fieldwork. After rescuing Sidney from the Khafre Excavation Site, return to Gizeh Village. You can meet Savage and Sidney in Gizeh Village. Take a picture of the duo to get this Note.

Oud Master
At the top of the stairs at the western entrance of Gizeh Village, look left to find the Oud Master. Take a picture to get this Note.

Date Harvesting
Follow the path to the west of Gizeh Village and you will find a field and trees. In one of the trees is a person picking Dates. Take a picture of them to get this Note.

Go to the west end of the building near the field to find a goat. Take a picture of the Goat to get this Note.

Khufu’s Pyramid
Go to the intersection of the paths to the northwest of the Sphinx and then face north. Take a picture of the pyramid looming over the Nazi Compound to get this Note.

Go to the train tracks and get a clear look at the train parked at the Nazi Compound. Take a picture of the parked train to get this Note.

Weather Station
There is a Weather Station at the center of the Gizeh region. Go to the front of this area and take a picture of the base to get this Note.

Professor Omar
There is a canopy to the northeast of the Khentkawes Dig Site. This is where you can find Professor Omar. Take a picture of him to get this Note.

Kleber’s Letter
This Note can be picked up from the shelf to the left of Omar.

Pipeline Construction
Head west from Omar’s canopy until you find an under-construction pipeline. Go to the south entrance of the pipeline and take a picture of the pipe to get this Note.

Numeral Basics
Go to the north of Khentkawes Dig Site to find a wooden building. Go to the southwest end of the building to find an open window you can climb into. On the shelf to the left of the window is this Note.

Kozra Letter
Go to Khentkawes Dig Site and drop down to the lower area. Go through the path south of the elevator. This Note can be found sitting on the ground in this passage.

Horror Tales #2
In the upper portion of Khentkawes Dig Site, go to the canopy at the west end of the area to find this comic.

Khentkawes Mural
Drop down to the lower area and follow the red wire. You will drop down further into the temple. Follow the path forward until you reach a room with a large scaffolding and several guards patrolling around it. Head to the area with the red switch that is part of the Secrets of the Queen Mother Fieldwork. On the wall behind the red switch is this mural. Take a picture of it to get this Note.

Also in the Khentkawes Dig Site, go to the temple at the south end of the site. Climb all the way to the top of the scaffolding to find an entrance to the temple. Once inside, climb the scaffolding, swing across the gap, and then climb up to the top of the temple. Drop down to the area to the southwest of the top of the temple and then face the desert to the south. Take a picture of the dunes to get this Note.

Menkaure’s Pyramid
Go to the northwest of the Khentkawes Dig Site and look to the southwest to see a pyramid off in the distance. Take a picture of the pyramid to get this Note.

Khafre’s Pyramid
Go to the Khafre Excavation Site at the west end of the region. Near the south entrance of the area, look to the pyramid next to the Excavation Site. Take a picture of the pyramid to get this Note.

Funerary Temple Dig
Near the same place you took the picture for the previous Note is the watchtower. Climb the tower to get a view overlooking the Excavation Site. Take a picture of the area to get this Note.

Funerary Temple Tunnel
Still in the Khafre Excavation Site, enter the B1 tunnel and take a picture of the minecart in the tunnel to get this Note.

Old Research Journal
Go to the tent south of the conveyor belt of the Khafre Excavation Site. This Note can be found on a table.

Excavation Plans
This Note is right next to the previous Note.

Adamic Tablet
Look for the mine marked A1 and then head inside. At the end of this tunnel is a hole in the ground. Drop down this hole and you will find this mural on the wall. Take a picture of the mural to get this Note.

Conveyor Belt View
Climb to the top of the conveyor belt and Look back to face the Khafre Excavation Site. Take a picture of the area from the top of the structure to get this Note.

Code Note
Go to the area overlooking the Nazi Vehicle Garage to the northwest. While wearing the Wehrmacht Disguise, you can unlock the door of a security checkpoint. Inside is where you can find this Note.

Winning Hand
On the table at the same security checkpoint are some playing cards. Take a picture of them to get this Note.

Code Letter
Go to the Nazi Vehicle Garage, the restricted area to the west of the Sebek Stele. There is a large garage at the north end of the area. Look on the workbench to find this Note.

Scary Stories #1
In the center of the Nazi Vehicle Garage, you can find this comic on a table.

Peru Postcard
Also in the Nazi Vehicle Garage, go into the eastern tent and you will find this Note on a table.

Poker Tent
Go to the Nazi Recreational Camp and go into the western tent to find a group of soldiers playing poker. Take a picture of them to get this Note.

Nazi Cinema
Take a picture of the movie screen at the north end of the Recreational Camp to get this Note.

Scary Stories #2
Go into the tent at the east end of the Recreational Camp to find this comic on a bunk.

Assignment Letter
In the Nazi Compound, go to the large building in the northeast corner of the area. On the ground floor, go to the area right of the staircase and look for a desk near the east end of the room. This is where you can pick up the Note.

Marya’s Letter
Climb all the way to the top of the building where you found the previous Note. In the first room on the top floor is where you can find this Note.

Nazi Compound
Go through the door of the previous Note and then turn left to go through another door. This brings you to an area that overlooks the entire compound. Take a picture of the area to get this Note.

Disappearance Report
Go into Voss’s Office in the northeast building of the Nazi Compound and you can find this Note on a shelf to the left of the entrance.

Excavation Orders
Go into the room directly below Voss’s Office. On the table at the center of the room is this Note.

Engel’s Report
Go to a table at the south end of the same room as the previous Note to find this Note.

Code Note
Go to the war room west of the room with the previous two Notes. On the table near the east end of the room is this Note.

Gun Approval Document
Go east of the large building in the northeast corner of the compound is a small single-floor building next to a giant building. Inside this single-floor building is this Note.

Old Scholar’s Diary
Go to the building along the train tracks at the south edge of the Nazi Compound. Go to the second floor and on the table is this Note.

Temple Entrance
The Temple Excavation Site is east of the Nazi Compound and is reached after escaping the compound during the Idol of Ra main story quest. You will find a large temple that Indy and Nawal go into to look for the titular idol. Take a picture of the temple’s exterior to get this Note.

The Bridge Cavern
Progress through the main quest until you go to the temple below Khafre’s pyramid. Go through the caves until you complete The Three-Eyed Gate Puzzle. Behind the giant door that is opened up to the puzzle’s completion is the Abyss Cavern. Take a picture of the giant cavern from the entrance to get this Note.

You now can collect all Gizeh Field Note locations in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle as well as other great games in the future.