When exploring the world in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, there are a few quests that some characters will ask Indy for help with. These story-driven side missions are known as Fieldwork and are some of the game’s most expansive side activities. One of the earliest Fieldwork missions you can find is called A Savage Discovery and tasks you will help a Professor and his student reunite and also get a relic out of Fascist hands. This guide will show players how to complete the A Savage Discovery Fieldwork in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
A Savage Discovery Fieldwork Walkthrough in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
You can start the Fieldwork mission right after leaving the Apostolic Library and officially entering Vatican City. Right outside the door, there is a small military tent. Inside is where you can find the Theft Report Note. This letter is a report about an English kid who has been arrested by the Fascists for stealing an artifact from a dig site. This kid is the assistant of a professor who is in the city and your first task is to find him. This is the first of 4 Fieldwork Notes that you can find during this mission. When this Note is added to your inventory, you will begin the Fieldwork Mission, A Savage Discovery.

Go to the west end of the Belvedere Courtyard and open the large double doors at the end of a small tunnel. Go south and then take the first left to reach the exterior of the Sistine Chapel. Sitting on a barrel in this area is the Fool Card, the second Note for this Fieldwork.

In the same area that you find this Note, you will also find Professor Savage. This is the mentor of the imprisoned thief. Talk to him and he will let you know that his student, Sidney, is being held in the Blackshirts Barracks. You will now be tasked with saving the boy.

The Blackshirts Barracks can be found in the northwest corner of Vatican City. Go north up the road you used to reach the area where you met Savage to find the camp. This is a heavily guarded area that will need to be snuck into. This can be done in a few ways. If you have already gotten the Blackshirts Disguise, you will be able to just walk through the entrance. If you haven’t gotten this outfit yet, the best way to get inside is to climb the ladder on the scaffolding found right outside the barracks. Use your whip to scale a wall to the highest platform to find a zipline that leads into the barracks.

There are several guards in this area so use the melee weapons and bottles to help get around and knock out the enemies while you head down to the first floor and the northwest corner of the base. This is where you will find the Jail Cell Key on the wall. This can be used to unlock the door that is in the same room you found the key. Unlocking this door will play a cutscene that sees Indy rescuing Sidney and the boy will flee the barracks to reunite with Professor Savage. He also tells you that you will be able to find a Fascist named Giuseppe who took the artifact that Sidney found in the dig site and that you could find Giuseppe in the Excavation Site.

After the cutscene, you can find Sidney’s Letter Note next to the bed in the cell.

You will now need to track down Giuseppe in the Excavation Site in the southeast corner of the Vatican City. You can reach this area by passing through the Apostolic Palace. You can enter the Palace by going back to the area where you met Professor Savage and following the path to the east. The entrance and interior of the Palace are guarded by Fascists so you will need the Blackshirt disguise to enter through the front door. To sneak around the guards, go to the area where Savage used to stand and climb the ladder onto a scaffolding. Use your whip to reach a small rooftop and then shimmy on the nearby pipes to reach another landing that leads to another rooftop. From this roof, go across another scaffolding and into the open window to enter the Palace.

Head through the interior of the Palace to find the Excavation Site on the other side of the building. This is a large exterior area with a lot of guards patrolling.

Go to the southeast corner of the Excavation Site to find a small building. Inside this building is the Dig Site Schedule which you can pick up from the table. This is the fourth and final Note for this Fieldwork. When you pick it up, a cutscene will play and you will learn that Giuseppe is stationed in Dig Site F.

After the cutscene, go down into the underground part of the dig site and look for the path labeled with an “F.” Once you find the right tunnel, go inside to find Giuseppe digging. Knock him out and loot his body to find a Cellar Key with the address “3 v.d. Pellegrino” which is next to The Vatican Post Office.

To find this address and use this key, head back to the Belvedere Courtyard and go east. If you haven’t gotten the camera yet, the gate to the Vatican Post Office is closed. The best way to get around this obstacle is to go to the left of the gate and use the whip to climb a wall. Ascend the rooftops to find a zipline to reach a roof near the Post Office.

Drop down to the street and take the road to the right. There will be a staircase here that leads down to a cellar door that you can use the key on. Inside, you will find the artifact that Sidney stole: The Stone Fragment. When you pick this up, a cutscene will play that ends with a guard walking in. You will need to beat this guard in a fight after the cutscene.

If you loot the guard’s body, you will be able to get some optional loot by getting the Lockbox Note. This piece of paper gives you a hint about the code in a box in the corner of the cellar. The hint is “November 11, last year.” This means the code is 1-1-3-6. Inside the chest is the Street Scrapper I Adventure Book which can unlock the ability to increase damage with one and two handed melee weapons for 250 Adventure Points.

Now that you have The Stone Fragment, go back to the Apostolic Library. Near the entrance, you will find Professor Savage and Sidney sitting at a table. Give them The Stone Fragment and a cutscene will play, concluding the A Savage Discovery Fieldwork. You will get 300 Adventure Points and will unlock the “A Savage Discovery” Achievement.

That is our full walkthrough of the Fieldwork mission A Savage Discovery in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle as well as other great games in the future.