In Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, each area that players explore has a deep history attached to them with side quests known as Fieldworks forcing them to explore this history. In the Vatican City, there are several Strange Inscriptions found all around the holy city that are part of both the main story and the Secret of Giants Fieldwork. To complete this mission, players will need to know where to find the locations of each of these inscriptions. This guide will show players where to find all Strange Inscriptions and how to complete the Secret of Giants Fieldwork in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.
The Secret of Giants Fieldwork Walkthrough in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
There are a total of 10 Strange Inscriptions found around Vatican City. After obtaining the Camera, you will need to take pictures of 4 of these Inscriptions to progress The Stolen Cat Mummy Adventure story mission. After getting these 4 photos, you will be tasked with taking pictures of the other 6 as part of the Secret of Giants Fieldwork. You can take these photos in any order. Here is a full breakdown of where to find all the interruptions in Vatican City.
Inscription 1
Go to the south end of Belvedere Courtyard and use your whip to climb the scaffolding to the balcony. In the southwest corner of this balcony is an inscription.

Inscription 2
Progress through the main story The Stolen Cat Mummy until you finish the Tower of Nicholas V portion of the Adventure. After you climb out of the catacombs and meet Gina Lombardi, use the nearby zipline and then turn around to go through a small hole in the fence. Drop down to the area below. This is where you will be able to find the Blackshirt Disguise. Take out the guards in this area and you will find the inscription in the corner.

Inscription 3
During The Mad Priest Fieldwork, you will head down into the sewers beneath the Tower of Nicholas V. After climbing up the walls to the passage that leads toward the Apostolic Palace, there is an inscription along the way.

Inscription 4
Go toward the Fountain of Confession in the southwest corner of Vatican City. This inscription is on the way toward the fountain.

Inscription 5
This inscription is found carved into a fountain in the center of Belvedere Courtyard.

Inscription 6
Go to the eastern portion of Vatican City and then enter the garden found left of the gate that leads to this area. This inscription can be found in the northeast corner of the garden.

Inscription 7
Go to the Excavation Site in the southeast corner of Vatican City. Hidden in the northwest corner of this area is another inscription.

Inscription 8
This inscription is found in the Museum Wing garden behind the Apostolic Library. This area can only be accessed during the A Nun In Trouble Fieldwork. Sneak into the Blackshirt base at the northern end of Belvedere Courtyard and go through the door in the northwest corner. Once through the interior, you will find yourself in the garden. Go up the stairs in the northwest corner of the map to find this inscription.

Inscription 9
During the A Savage Discovery Fieldwork, you will gain access to a locked room under the Vatican Post Office. This inscription can be found in the southwest corner of the room.

Inscription 10
Go to the exterior of the Sistine Chapel in the southern part of Vatican City and climb the scaffolding and wall to reach a small rooftop with this inscription found on it.

With all the photos now collected, go back to Father Antonio’s office and place all the pictures on his corkboard. This will complete the Fieldwork. Antonio will give you an Ancient Relic collectible for completing this mission and you will also unlock the “Path of Junia” Achievement. You can also use these photos to now solve the Vatican Underworld Flame puzzle.

You now know where to find all the Strange Inscriptions and complete Secret of Giants Fieldwork in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle as well as other great games in the future.