Finding long-buried treasures is a tentpole of the Indiana Jones franchise and that is no different in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Among the varied collectives that you can find all across the world, the Ancient Relics are found in every area you explore and play an important part in an endgame secret. Players will want to know where to find all of these relics. so allow me to break down where to find all of these secret items, starting with the game’s first open world area, Vatican City. This guide will show players where to find all Vatican City Ancient Relic locations in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.
All Vatican City Ancient Relic Locations in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
There are a total of 10 Ancient Relics found in Vatican City. Picking up the first relic in an area will begin the “Riddles of the Ancients” Discovery. These white stone cylinders can be collected in any order and are required to get the game’s secret ending. None of these Relics can be permanently locked out of being collected so if you happen to pass one during your progress through the area’s main story, you can return at any time. Here is Gameranx’s full breakdown of where to find each and every Ancient Relic in Vatican City.

Ancient Relic #1
The earliest Relic you can find is right after meeting Father Antonio and heading to the hidden underground portion of the Apostolic Library. Use the Giant’s Pendant to open the hidden passage on the first floor of the library and follow the path to the alchemist’s lab. This Relic can be found on the corner of the table in the southeast room.

Ancient Relic #2
Progress through The Stolen Cat Mummy story mission until you make your way through the Tower of Nicholas V crypt. After getting the Giant’s Parchment from the coffin and the cutscene that sees the bulldozer fall in from the Excavation Site above, you will find a wooden beam that you can swing from not too long after you regain control of Indy. Repel down with your whip and you will find a small opening in the wall that you can swing into. The Ancient Relic can be found here.

Ancient Relic #3
Drop down into the water under the previous Relic and swim to the east until you enter a series of chambers. Take the first left turn, then go right, and then go right again to find a hole in the wall with water running down it. You will need to get a lit torch into the room on the other side of the hole. This can be done by going through the door to the left of the hole and then taking the next door to the right and then turning right. You will find a hole in the wall that you can throw a lit torch through. Then, go back to the water hole and slide through it. Pick up the torch and burn the wooden door on the opposite side of the room. This will grant you access to a small room with the Ancient Relic inside.

Ancient Relic #4
Progress through the underground until you get past the part where you swing across the chandelier. Then, go right. There is a pedestal where you can put a nearly bust on it. This will raise the gate to the left of the pedestal and behind the gate is the Ancient Relic.

Ancient Relic #5
Progress to the room that has a large mural painted on the walls and two wooden walkways that you must use your whip to climb up onto. While you can progress further in the area from the first walkway, you need to climb up to the second beam. In the room at the top of this area and next to a statue is the Ancient Relic.

Ancient Relic #6
Go back down to the first wooden walkway in the mural room and progress down the hallway until you get past the small hole that you need to crawl through. Then, go through the second door on the left, grab the Bust off the ground, and put it on the pedestal next to the first door you passed after coming out of the hole. This will open the door next to the pedestal. Once inside, use the two-handed weapon to break down the weak wall and grab the other Bust that is sitting on a pedestal in the room where you found the first Bust. Put the second Bust on the pedestal in the room you were just in and that will open a nearby gate that leads to the Ancient Relic.

Ancient Relic #7
This Ancient Relic is a reward for completing the “Secret of Giants” Fieldwork quest. You will need to take pictures of all 10 Strange Inscriptions found around Vatican City. You can check out Gameranx’s full walkthrough of the mission here. Once you have all the photos, return them to Father Antonio’s office and put them all on the board. Upon doing this, he will put the Ancient Relic on his desk for you to collect.

Ancient Relic #8
After completing the Fountain Of Confession puzzle, you will enter a new underground part of the Vatican. Progress through this area until you reach the jumping section with the swinging guillotines. After you get through the first set of platforms, drop down into the water under the set of blades and platforms. This Ancient Relic will be in the corner of this area.

Ancient Relic #9
When you enter the Gold Path Trial puzzle, look for a hole on the right wall. Crouch through this wall and put the Bust found here on a nearby pedestal. This will open a gate on the other side of the wall and inside is this Ancient Relic.

Ancient Relic #10
Progress through the rest of the Adventure until you beat the Giant boss fight and watch the cutscene that sees Voss get the Cat Mummy. When you enter the room you need to use the Giant’s Pendant to progress toward the airship, go to the south wall to find this Ancient Relic on a shelf.

Once you have all the relics, Riddles of the Ancients will be completed. You now know where to find all of the Ancient Relic Locations in the Vatican City area of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle as well as other great games in the future.