In Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, players are forced into the depths of the Vatican. In this long-buried area, there is the Sacred Wound Puzzle that takes players through many moments of the life of Jesus Christ. Players will need to use the “blood of Christ” at several different locations to complete this puzzle and progress further in this main story mission. This guide will show players how to complete the Sacred Wounds Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.
How to Complete the Sacred Wounds Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
This puzzle is found during the “Stolen Cat Mummy” Adventure Mission while you explore the Tower of Nicholas V. Enter the tower and you will find a wall with a carving depicting St. Michael fighting a dragon in a chapel that has the altar in front of it. Use the bottle of Wine that was given to you by Antonio earlier on in the Adventure mission and pour it on the altar. This will see the carving of the battle to come out of the wall. Go up to the wall and rotate it once to the left to put St. Michael on top of the dragon. This will see the wall open up and lead down to the Underworld section of the tower.

Progress through the Underground area until you reach the room that has a mural depicting the crucifixion of Christ on the wall. Pour Wine into the altar in front of the wall to reveal 5 levers in the wall, each one being at one of the Sacred Wounds of the crucifixion. You will need to put the lever under the correct number to solve this puzzle. To find the number that represents each wound, you will need to pour Wine on the altar in front of murals found around the area with each one depicting an image tied to one of the wounds. The altar will then reveal the number for that wound.

The mural to the right of the crucifixion shows Jesus walking on water with a golden circle around the left foot. The Wine will show the number 3 written in the altar when poured.

Look to the right of the mural to find a gate closing off a room. You can shimmy through a hole in the wall to enter the room with a mural showing Jesus having his other foot washed. The altar will reveal the number 4.

Back in the main room, go to the left of the crucifixion to find a mural with Jesus holding a golden chalice. This will be for the right hand. The altar reveals the number 2.

Go through the gate at the left end of the room to find another mural of Jesus holding bread in his other hand. This will reveal the number 2.

The gate closes behind you when you enter the room with the previous mural, so go through the path to the left to find the final altar, this time with a statue of Longinus holding the spear he pierced Jesus with. This altar reveals the number 3.

Use one of the weapons leaning against the wall to break down the wall to the left of the altar to enter the main room.

You now know all of the numbers needed for the crucifixion mural. Here is the breakdown of each lever on the mural:
- Top Left Lever: 2
- Middle Left Lever: 3
- Bottom Left Lever: 3
- Top Right Lever: 2
- Bottom Right Lever: 4

Once all the levers are in the right spots, the wall will open and allow you to travel further into the Underworld of the Tower of Nicholas V to continue the Stolen Cat Mummy Adventure Quest.

You can now complete The Sacred Wounds Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle as well as other great games in the future.