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- All Glimpses of the Past Locations in Silent Hill 2 Remake
- Glimpse of the Past #1
- Glimpse of the Past #2
- Glimpse of the Past #3
- Glimpse of the Past #4
- Glimpse of the Past #5
- Glimpse of the Past #6
- Glimpse of the Past #7
- Glimpse of the Past #8
- Glimpse of the Past #9
- Glimpse of the Past #10
- Glimpse of the Past #11
- Glimpse of the Past #12
- Glimpse of the Past #13
- Glimpse of the Past #14
- Glimpse of the Past #15
- Glimpse of the Past #16
- Glimpse of the Past #17
- Glimpse of the Past #18
- Glimpse of the Past #19
- Glimpse of the Past #20
- Glimpse of the Past #21
- Glimpse of the Past #22
- Glimpse of the Past #23
- Glimpse of the Past #24
- Glimpse of the Past #25
- Glimpse of the Past #26

There are several changes to be discovered in Silent Hill 2 Remake when compared to the original. These changes not only provide a fresh interpretation of the 2001 game but have also introduced a new collectible known as Glimpses of the Past. If fans of the original go to the places that they remember and that have been changed, they can find small reminders of what used to be there. Finding all of these references will unlock the “Echoes” Trophy and Achievement so both returning fans and completionists will want to track down all of these locations. This guide will show players where to find all the Glimpses of the Past locations in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
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Full Achievement and Trophy List | How Long Is Silent Hill 2 Remake? | How To Get All Guns & Special Weapons | How to Get the Handgun | How to Get the Shotgun | How to Get the Hunting Rifle | Pyramid Head Boss Fight Guide | Flesh Lip Boss Fight Guide | Abstract Daddy Boss Fight Guide | Eddie Boss Fight Guide | Dual Pyramid Heads Boss Fight Guide | Final Boss Fight Guide | All Number Locks & Keypad Solutions | How To Unlock Every Classic Ending | Secrets Guide | How To Unlock Two New Secret Endings
All Glimpses of the Past Locations in Silent Hill 2 Remake
There are a total of 26 Glimpses of the Past in Silent Hill 2 Remake, each one found in the location of things that have been moved or changed from the original game. All you need to do is interact with these Glimpses and you will get a nice camera angle that resembles the 2001 game and a sound cue. Just know that all these collectibles must be found in the same playthrough to get the Trophy. Here is the full breakdown of where to find all the Glimpses of the Past.
Glimpse of the Past #1
The first Glimpse is found near the start of the game. After meeting Angela for the first time in the Graveyard, pass through the door at the end of the Silent Hill Ranch with a key and then follow the dirt road. At the end of the road is a right turn. Before taking that right, there is a pile of wood that was the original location where you got the iconic radio and battled your first enemy. Now, it’s just a pile of wood. Interact with the planks to get this Glimpse.
There are a total of 26 Glimpses of the Past in Silent Hill 2 Remake, each one found in the location of things that have been moved or changed from the original game.

Glimpse of the Past #2
Make your way into the town of Silent Hill by going down Wiltse Road and onto Sanders Street. Take this road west until you reach Lindsey Street and head north. Go north and shortly after a brief cutscene where you see the Lying Figure in the fog, turn right onto Vachss Street to find a closed fence. This was the road that you used to enter Silent Hill in the original game.

Glimpse of the Past #3
Follow the Lying Figure’s bloodstains deeper into the fog. Eventually, you will pass through some backyards and go to an alley. Crawl into a small building to find the Radio and defeat your first monster. Leave the building by going out the window. After a cutscene, go through the fence door and immediately turn right. There is a bloodstain in the corner. There was a body here, it’s gone now. This is where you originally found the key to enter the Apartment Building which is now your reward for completing Jukebox Puzzle.

Glimpse of the Past #4
Look to the right of the entrance of the Wood Side Apartments to find a trashcan. This is where you originally found the jammed trash chute and got the Old Man Coin.

Glimpse of the Past #5
Go to the west end of Katz Road to the left of Wood Side Apartments to find a wall of sheets. Look behind one of these sheets to see unsettling writing on the wall next to a door. Don’t worry, when you come through this area during the Otherworld Silent Hill portion of the game, the text will be on full display.

Glimpse of the Past #6
Go into the bedroom part of Room 213 to find scratches on the wall that show signs that something was moved. This is where the Blue Creek Apartments Clock Puzzle used to be though it is now in the Blue Creek Apartments.

Glimpse of the Past #7
Complete the Wood Side Apartments Coin Cabinet Puzzle to enter the Blue Creek Apartments. Go to Room 110 after completing the Blue Creek Apartments Room 210 Bird Seesaw Puzzle. Next to the door is a smashed dresser which was the original Coin Cabinet Puzzle.

Glimpse of the Past #8
After completing the Clock Puzzle, find the staircase in the bottom right corner of the 2nd Floor. At the top of the stairs is a dead Lying Figure, a remnant of the unsettling cutscene that began the first Pyramid Head Boss Fight in the original game.

Glimpse of the Past #9
Complete the Blue Creek Apartments and meet Maria in Rosewater Park. Once in the west side of South Vale area, go northwest to find Pete’s Bowl-a-Rama at the corner of Nathan Avenue and Carroll Street. On the counter is a nearly empty pizza, which Eddie originally ate while talking to James. While that conversation is now moved to the movie theater, the pizza remains and will also unlock the Leftovers Trophy and Achievement.

Glimpse of the Past #10
Go south of the bowling alley and look to the right to find a staircase with a door at the top. This is where the original front entrance of Heaven’s Night.

Glimpse of the Past #11
Progress until you reach the Brookhaven Hospital. Once on the 2nd Floor, go into the Laundry Room to find some paper thrown in the trash next to a typewriter. Originally, this is where you found one of the codes for the Louise Box which has also been moved. Speaking of which…

Glimpse of the Past #12
Go to Room M1 in the bottom left corner of the 2nd Floor to find a chain and padlock sitting on a bed. This is where you originally found the Chained Box Puzzle which is now the centerpiece of the Otherworld Brookhaven Hospital.

Glimpse of the Past #13
In the Medical Records room on the 1st Floor, which can only be entered via the L1 Room on the floor above, there is a typewriter with a broken access card next to it. This was where you originally found the Puble Bull Key for the Chained Box.

Glimpse of the Past #14
After doing everything you need to do in the normal version of the hospital and opening the Brookhaven Hospital Director’s Safe, you can make your way to the roof. To the left of the door you use to get onto the roof is a broken fence that Pyramid Head hits James through in the original game.

Glimpse of the Past #15
In the padded cell labeled I3, there is a bloodstain that once contained the final code for the Chained Box.

Glimpse of the Past #16
After defeating the Flesh Lip Boss Fight, you will find yourself in the Otherworld Brookhaven Hospital. Go through the Restroom at the center of the 2nd Floor and climb a wall into Room L1. Go to Room M3 and go through the holes in the wall until you enter M5. In the corner next to the door is a wall with some hands painted on it with an old opening that has now been sealed. This is where you originally found the Basement Storage Key.

Glimpse of the Past #17
After finishing the Otherworld Hospital, you will head out into the Otherworld version of the Silent Hill streets. Make your way back to the east side of South Vale and stop by Neely’s Bar. Sitting on the bar is the map that has several points of interest that you could find when first exploring the town in the original game.

Glimpse of the Past #18
Once you land in the Toluca Prison Cafeteria and meet with Eddie, go to the end of one of the tables to find the pieces of the “Gluttonous Pig” Tablet which was part of the puzzle that has been replaced by the Toluca Prison Weights and Scales Puzzle.

Glimpse of the Past #19
Cell A3 found in the 1F Main Section of Toluca Prison is the original location of “The Opressor” Tablet.

Glimpse of the Past #20
Make your way into the Hornless Ox part of the prison and get to the Showers. Along the south wall is where you’ll find “The Seductress” Tablet.

Glimpse of the Past #21
In the Eyeless Boar section, go to the bottom left of the area to find a horseshoe and wax on top of a heavy metal trap door. While combining a wax doll and horseshoe was a great way to create a makeshift handle in the original game, whoever tried it here didn’t have the same luck.

Glimpse of the Past #22
After beating the Abstract Daddy Boss Fight, you’ll enter the Labyrinth. Go to the Rotten Area and when you find the Suspended Key. Go through the western door and when you reach a split, turn to the right to find a weak wall. Break down the wall and squeeze through the hole to find the original location of the Gallows Puzzle.

Glimpse of the Past #23
Cross Toluca Lake to reach the Lakeview Hotel. Go to the small fountain on the right side of the Garden to find the original location of The Little Mermaid Music Box.

Glimpse of the Past #24
Go to Room 212 in the top left corner of the 2nd Floor to find the broken Cinderella Music Box in a suitcase which is where you got this item in the original game.

Glimpse of the Past #25
Progress through the hotel until you head down to the basement. In Pantry are the bits of the original Snow White Music Box.

Glimpse of the Past #26
The final Glimpse of the Past is in the Otherworld version of the Lakeview Hotel after watching the Video Tape in Room 312. Head to the Reading Room to find a broken cassette player and headphones which were originally used to here a conversation between James and Mary’s doctor.

When you interact with this last collectible, you will have found all 26 Glimpses of the Past and will unlock the Echoes Trophy and Achievement in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Silent Hill 2 Remake as well as other great games in the future.