One of the most iconic puzzles in the original Silent Hill 2 is the hox with several chains and locks around, referred to as the Chained Box or “Louise Puzzle” due to a note found next to the box that mentioned that name. In Silent Hill 2 Remake, the Chained Box is in a different location than its original but still plays a major part in the progression through the game. Players will need to figure out how to open 3 separate locks to get the strange box open and to go deeper into the horrifying hospital it occupies. This guide will show players how to solve the Chained Box Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
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How to Solve the Chained Box Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake
The Chained Box is found in the Otherworld version of Brookhaven Hospital after defeating the Flesh Lip Boss Fight. Take the elevator to the 2nd Floor and then turn right to find the Chained Box at the center of the room covered with a sheet. Interact with the sheet to reveal the iconic chest and start the puzzle.

You can find the codes and key for the chest in any order that you want and can find the location of each solution by following the chain from the box. They will lead you to other puzzles that must be solved to find all the keys to open the chest. Here is a full breakdown of how to open each lock on the Chained Box.

Padlock Code
The Padlock on the left side of the Chained Box required a 4-digit code that can be found in Room M2. To reach this room in the southwest corner of the hospital’s 2nd Floor. Turn around from the Chained Box and go down the hallway. Go into the Restroom through the door on the right and then go all the way to the west wall of the room to find a container that can be climbed onto. Use this to jump up through a window and into the southwest part of the hospital.

Go into Room L1 and then into the hallway. Make your way into Room M3, break through the weak wall that separates Rooms M3 and M2, and then squeeze through the opening. There is a notebook sitting on the ground with hints for each digit on the Padlock.
“1 Year they’ve been watching me. So many PILLS they fed me. When a LOUD HOUR comes, I tremble every time LIGHT FALLS“

Each part of this note lets you know how to find each number for the Padlock. The 1 in “1 Year” tells you that the first digit is 1. For the second number, go to the sink in Room M2 and count the number of Pills in it, which is 6. Leave M2 and go to Room M1. There is a clock with a broken hand on it. Straighten out the hand and turn it to 2 o’clock to set off an alarm. This will summon a few monsters so be prepared. This tells you the third number is 2. Finally, go back to M2 and look at the wall to the left of where you found the note. There is a hole that you can look through that gives you a clear look at a ceiling light. The light will turn on and off twice, meaning the fourth and final number is 4. This code is the same on every playthrough and across all Puzzle Difficulties so on repeat playthroughs, you can skip going to M2 and just enter the code to help improve your time, especially if you’re going for the speedrunning Achievement.
Chained Box Padlock Code: 1-6-2-2.

Return to the box and input the code to unlock the Padlock.

Number Pad Code
The Number Pad on the right side of the box also requires a code which can be found in a secret room above the Director’s Office. To access this area, you’ll first need to find the Director’s Office Key. Go down the east hallway from the Chained Box and then turn right. Once at the south end of this hallway, turn right again until you reach the Director’s Office. Across the hall is a weak wall that can be broken through with your pipe. Squeeze through the hole to enter the Laundry Room. Leave the Laundry Room and enter Room L2. Push the bookshelf that is blocking the northern entrance to L2 and then find the laundry box that you can grab and move. Push it into the hallway and place it under the window that leads into Room L3.
Jump up onto the box and through the window to enter Room L3. Go to the right into the Observation Room. There will be a TV displaying static sitting on the ground. In front of the TV is the Director’s Office Key.

Go into Room C5 and unlock the door to get back to the hallway. Head to the Director’s Office and unlock the door with a key. Behind the desk is a ladder that leads up to the 3rd Floor.

In the Otherworld version of the room you battled Flesh Lip is now a vertical-standing bed referred to as the ECT. You will need to restore power to this thing and activate it to get the number pad code. This is fairly simple. Go through the doors and go through the hallway until you find a hole in the wall to the right of the locked 3rd-floor elevator. Inside this room is a generator that can be turned on to power the ECT. Crawl through an opening to reach the Restroom and then unlock the nearby door to return to the ECT room. Press the button next to the device to shock it and 4 numbers will be burned into it. This is the code for the number pad. Just like the Padlock, this code is the same for every playthrough and Puzzle Difficulty.
Chained Box Number Pad Code: 9-6-5-9.

Return to the box and input the code to unlock the Number Pad.

Lapis Eye Key
The final item you need to get is the Lapis Eye Key to unlock the box. Go through the Nurses’ Station to the left of the box and then go through the Nurses’ Lounge to reach the northwest hallway. Take the staircase in this part of the 2nd Floor up to the 3rd Floor.

Turn right once at the top of the stairs and pass through the X-Ray Room. From here, go into Exam Room 4 to find a frightened mannequin sitting in a surgical chair.

You will need 2 items to get the Lapis Eye Key out of the mannequin’s head: The Instrument of Force and the Key of Bliss. The Instrument of Force is found on the table right next to the mannequin. With the item in your Inventory, interact with the mannequin and turn the right arm into a downward position. Then, use the Instrument of Force to break this arm off.

To find the Key of Bliss, hop through the window into Exam Room 5 and head to the hallway. Go north and then turn left to find a hole in the wall that leads to Room D2. Pass through D2 and into D1 to find a ladder that leads down to the Kitchen on the 1st Floor. Go south to enter the Cafeteria and then go into the Medical Records room through the door on the northeast corner of the Cafeteria. There is a hole in the wall in the northwest corner of Medical Records. Squeeze through this gap to reach a locked room. In an opening at the northern wall is where you’ll find the Key of Bliss.

Return to the Surgical Chair on the 3rd Floor. Move the remaining arm out of the way of the mannequin’s eye and then put the Key of Bliss into the socket. This will reveal the Lapis Eye Key in the mannequin’s skull.

Take the key back to the Chained Box and use it in the center to unlock the box. With all the locks now undone, you will be able to open the box. While there is nothing inside, you will get an elevator button during the following cutscene which will allow you to proceed deeper into the Otherworld version of Brookhaven Hospital.

You now know how to fully complete the Otherworld Brookhaven Hospital Chained Box Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Silent Hill 2 Remake as well as other great games in the future.