While there are some strange monsters and puzzles found around the Wood Side Apartments in Silent Hill 2 Remake, the building does mostly resemble a normal if empty apartment complex. That’s what makes Room 206 stand out so much as it is anything but normal. Any homey element is completely stripped away and what remains is a lone safe that players will need to crack in order to progress further into the foreboding building. Finding out the code for the safe can be a little tricky as it requires players to solve a small riddle that might leave them stumped. Luckily, we here at Gameranx can help you figure it out! This guide will show players how to get the Wood Side Apartments Room 206 Safe Code in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
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How to Solve the Wood Side Apartments Room 206 Safe Code in Silent Hill 2 Remake
To solve the Safe Code Puzzle in Room 206, you will first need to know how to get to Room 206 and it isn’t as easy as opening the front door. You don’t enter Room 206 with a normal key like most other doors around the apartment complex but instead require a strange Golden Apple Handle to open a wardrobe in the room next to 206, Room 208. The Handle can be found on the floor below in Room 108. This part of the building is locked off when you first arrive. So to gain access to the hallway connected to Room 108, you first need to get to the Chute Courtyard Key which can be found in Room 202. This is the same room where you will find the Flashlight and be introduced to the Mannequin enemy. Open a drawer in the corner of the room next to the Mannequin to find the key you need to progress.

Return to the first floor and follow the hallway that goes to the east of the building’s entrance. Turn left at the corner of the front desk and then go to the end of the hallway going north. The locked door in this hallway is the door that leads to the Chute Courtyard. Use the key to open the door.

Once out in the Chute Courtyard, look along the northern wall to find a box that can be moved. Take it to the window that leads into Room 112. Climb onto the box and through the window to reach the northeast portion of the Apartment’s first floor.

Go into the hallway outside Room 112 and then go to the right. At the end of the hall, turn left and go all the way to some bars blocking the path forward. Interact with a key on the other side of the bars to have a cutscene start. A little girl named Laura kicks the key away as James tries to reach for it.

Unlock the door to the right of the bars to return to the courtyard and go back to the Chute Courtyard door. Once back in the front lobby of the apartment building, go to the right and there will be a doof that leads into the southeast part of the building that is now unlocked. Go to the end of the hallway to find Room 108. Inside is a wardrobe that has hands as its handle. Turn the left hand down to match the one on the right and not only will the dresser open but it will also drop a Golden Apple Handle for you to pick up. With the Handle acquired, get the key that Laura kicked and go up the staircase.

Unlock the door to the left of the stairs and go to Room 213. There is a wall with a hole in it that can be squeezed through to enter the hallway, which has Room 217 at the end of it. Go into this room and get the Handgun weapon. Once you get the gun, go back to Room 213 to find the Apartment 212 Key to enter the room across the hall.
By going into Room 212, onto the balcony, and then into Room 210, you’ll reach the hallway that will bring you to Room 208. Inside this room is another dresser just like the one found on the floor below. Put the Golden Apple Handle in the left hand to open the dresser. There is a peephole that allows you to look into Room 206. Go to the side of the dresser and push it out of the way to find a gap that allows you to squeeze into Room 206.

Room 206 is unlike any of the other rooms in the Wood Side Apartments. Manic drawings and writing sprawl across the black walls, the only object in the room being the safe at the center. The objective of this strange room is to get the safe open and to do that, you must read the poem written on the wall right next to the hole in the wall. Luckily, this poem is the same on every Puzzle Difficulty, though the solution is different between the Light Difficulty and the Standard and Hard Difficulties. The poem is the following:
“Right where the rooftops pierce through the night. Left are homebound footprints with no owner in sight. But has he found home, oh, please pray tell. Or a river of memories leading right to his hell.”

To find the code for the safe, look around the room and shine your Flashlight to find drawings corresponding to the bold words in the poem. There is a drawing of a few houses with a number written on the roof, a single home with footsteps nearby with a number next to it, and a river with a number nearby as well. The locations for these drawings change depending on the difficulty but the code Normal and Hard are the same with the Light Puzzle Difficulty having its own answer. Here are the codes for each Difficulty:
- Light: 15 – 11 – 13
- Standard / Hard: 13 – 7 – 11

Go to the safe and turn the dial in the order of the directions that were also bold in the poem, so right, left, right. Stop at each number in the order the poem tells you and the safe will open. Inside is the Man Coin which is needed for the Coin Cabinet Puzzle on the first floor of the Wood Side Apartments. There is also the Steel Key inside the safe which allows you to unlock the front door of Room 206 and continue your exploration of the complex.

You can now solve the Safe Puzzle in Room 206 of Wood Side Apartments in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Silent Hill 2 Remake as well as other great games in the future.