Each major area in Silent Hill 2 Remake contains an overarching puzzle that players are working towards solving. For the Brookhaven Hospital, that big puzzle is the Director’s Office Hand Puzzle. Tasking players with uncurling a clutched and unnerving mannequin hand holding a key, this puzzle involves several other smaller puzzles that must be completed in order to get important items. For players that need help tracking down everything needed to get this Hand open, I have got your back! This guide will show players how to complete the Brookhaven Hospital Director’s Office Hand Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
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How to Solve the Director’s Office Hand Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake
This Puzzle can be found in the Director’s Office on the 2nd Floor of Brookhaven Hospital. This area can be reached after getting the Basement Key from the Reception Office and restarting the generator. After a cutscene that sees Maria fall ill, go down the hallway to the west of the room Maria is resting in and then go down the hallway where you find the first Bubble Head Nurse. At the south end of this hallway is the Director’s Office and on the desk is the clutched hand that this puzzle revolves around.
Examining the Hand, three spaces go up its arm where bracelets can be placed. These are the Bloodstained Bracelet, Marked Bracelet, and Filthy Bracelet. You will need to find all of these items to get the key being held by the closed Hand and complete the puzzle.

To the right of the desk with the Hand is a dresser with three notes on it. Each of these notes are report about the inmates who wore the bracelets that you now need to track down. These notes provide you with your first hints on where to find each of the bracelets.

Here is our full breakdown of how to find all 3 of the inmate bracelets for the Director’s Hand Puzzle.
Marked Bracelet
The Marked Bracelet is the simplest bracelet to get as all it requires is a key. leave the Director’s Office and turn left. At the end of the hallway, turn right and go all the way to the end of this hallway to reach the northwest corner of the 2nd Floor. This is where you’ll find the Nurses’ Lounge. On a table in front of a TV displaying static is the L1 Room Key which can be used to open the door found in the hallway you took to reach the Nurses’ Lounge.

Go to Room L1 and use the key to get inside. There will be a box that can be moved to a wall with a window at the top of it. Move the box against the wall, climb onto it, and then climb through the open window. Mantle over the wall to your right and follow the path into the Utility Room. There will be a small hole in the wall. Interact with it to start a cutscene that sees James crawl into the hole and drop down to a room below on the 1st Floor.

Once you regain control of James, go through the door to enter the Medical Records room. Go to the right and look for a large white sheet covering a few boxes. Among the scattered items around this sheet is the Marked Bracelet.

Filthy Bracelet
From the 1st Floor to the 3rd, the Filthy Bracelet is locked in Room D1. Go back to the Nurses’ Lounge and take the nearby staircase up to the 3rd Floor. Keep turning left around corners when at the top of the stairs until you reach the southwest corner of the 3rd Floor. This is where you’ll find Room D1.

A padlock blocks the door and the code can be found by solving the nearby X-Ray Puzzle. You can check out Gameranx’s full guide on how to complete the X-Ray Puzzle. That being said, you aren’t actually forced to do this puzzle. Since the code for the padlock doesn’t change, you don’t need to complete the puzzle if you already know the code. Even if you know the code, make sure you break the window across the hallway from Room D1, jump through the window, and go through two doors to reach Exam Room 5. On the desk is the 1F Inner Ward Key which is needed to reach the area with the final Bracelet.
The Code revealed by the X-Ray Puzzle is 4-37-12.

Enter the code into the padlock by going right, left, and right to open it and gain access to Room D1. Inside the room is a bed. Interact with it to find the Filthy Bracelet under the blanket.

Bloodstained Bracelet
The final Bracelet is found through a redux of a classic puzzle You will need to find two items that can be turned into a fishing line to get an item from a drain. The first item is a Bent Needle. Go back to the west end of the 2nd Floor and go into the Women’s Locker Room. In the corner of the room is a teddy bear that has the Bent Needle on its back. Interact with the bear to get the item.

The next item is a Medical Tool. Go to the 1st Floor Lobby of the hospital and then go north up the hallway to find a locked door. This is where to use the 1F Inner Ward Key. Once through the door, enter the Dayroom directly behind the door and then go to the left side of the room to find a hole in the wall. Squeeze through it to enter the Pharmacy. There is a window to the left of the hole that you can jump through to enter the Garden. Go to the northeast corner of the Garden and go through the Greenhouse to enter the Pool. Go to the opposite end of the Pool and into the Shower Room. In the southeast part of this room sitting on the sink is the Medical Tube.

Head back to the Pharmacy and combine the Medical Tube and Bent Needle to create the Medical Tube with Bent Beedke attached. I know, clever name. Use this item on the open drain in the corner of the Pharmacy to fish out the Maintenance Key.

Go back to the Pool. In the southwest corner of this area is a locked maintenance hatch. Use your newly acquired key to open the hatch and then turn the valve inside to drain the pool of water.

Go into the deep end of the pool to find a cracked wall with an eye drawn on it. Use your Steel Pipe to hit the wall and in the hole behind the eye is the Bloodstained Bracelet.

Completing the Director’s Hand Puzzle
Now that you have all the Bracelets, go back to the Director’s Office. Place the Bloodstained Bracelet in the top spot, the Marked Bracelet in the middle spot, and the Filthy Bracelet on the bottom. With all the Bracelets in the right spot, start rotating them until a number is revealed by each one. The numbers displayed are the same on every playthrough and Puzzle Difficulty.
The number sequence you want to reveal is 92 – 45 – 71. Once this is displayed from top to bottom, the Hand will open up and drop the Director’s Storage Room Key. This will conclude the Director’s Hand Puzzle! Use this on the nearby door in the Director’s Office to start working on the Director’s Safe Puzzle.

You now know how to fully complete the Brookhaven Director’s Office Hand Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Silent Hill 2 Remake as well as other great games in the future.