Silent Hill 2 Remake contains a total of 8 available endings, two of which are completely new to this reimagining of the 2001 horror game classic. One of these new endings is known as the “Stillness” Ending and expands upon one of the classic endings and makes the game’s most tragic conclusion even more haunting. This guide will show players how to get the Stillness Ending in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
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How to Get the “Stillness” Ending in Silent Hill 2 Remake
The Stillness Ending is similar to a lot of the bonus endings in Silent Hill 2 Remake with how it can only be unlocked by beating the game in New Game+. What makes this ending unique is that it requires another specific ending to be achieved before this one becomes available. You must get the “In Water” Ending before Stillness becomes available. Once you have gotten that ending, you can then start your New Game+ playthrough.
Make sure you grab the New Game+ exclusive weapon, the Chainsaw, from the Silent Hill Ranch since you will need it to break a window. Pass under the Nathan Avenue bridge and immediately look to the left. There will be an old greenish car. Break the windows to find the Key of Sorrow. This is the only item you will need for the ending and be prepared to hold onto it for a while since you will need to get through most of the rest of the game before it becomes important.

After watching the Video Tape in Room 312 in the Lakeview Hotel, you will enter the Otherworld. Progress through the area until you are in the Employee Section of the hotel’s basement after the scene with Angela in the stairwell. Go into the Manager’s Office to find a wooden safe. Use the Key of Sorrow in the safe and then enter 3-1-4 into the dial by going right, left, and then right again.

The safe will open and you will get the Toluca Postcard. Make sure to inspect this postcard from your Inventory and then progress through the rest of the story. Upon defeating the Final Boss Fight, you will get the Stillness Ending.

Do all this and you will get the Stillness Ending after defeating the Final Boss Fight. This ending is an expansion of the In Water Ending as James suffers the same fate but he is joined by a vision of Mary as he prepares to drive into Toluca Lake.

You can now get the Stillness Ending in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Silent Hill 2 Remake as well as other great games in the future.