The Clock Puzzle is one of the more memorable puzzles in the original Silent Hill 2 and is still present in the Silent Hill 2 Remake. It is slightly different, however. Instead of having to unlock the display of the clock in the Wood Side Apartments, this revamped version requires you to track down each of the hands of the clock in Blue Creek Apartments. Allow us here at Gameranx to assist any players struggling with this changed puzzle. This guide will show players how to solve the Blue Creek Apartments Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
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How to Solve the Blue Creek Apartments Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake
The Clock can be found in Room 212 on the 2nd Floor of the Otherworld Blue Creek Apartments. You will start in Room 208 when you start in Blue Creek. To reach the Clock Puzzle, go down the west hallway until you reach Room 206. Break down a weak wall, squeeze into the room through the hole, and go into Room 204. Head into the hallway and go south until you reach a left turn. At the center of this hallway is Room 212. Go inside to find the clock covered by a sheet.

To the left of the clock is a drawing of two unmarked clock hands and the word “Scott” written under them. There is also a note on the table across the room from the clock that reads, “Henry fears Scott, he’ll run from him and hide, He’s Fled to the west, to the other side. But Her comes Lidred with unknown intent, Scott lies face down, blind to her descent.”
This poem and the wall writing tell you what each hand needs to be set to. The Hour Hand must be set to 9, The Minute Hand to 2, and The Second Hand to 3, meaning the time required to finish this puzzle is 9:10:15 (which is the same solution as the original game).

The Hour Hand
Having found the Clock and the notes surrounding it, it’s time to track down the hands. The first one you will find is The Hour Hand, found on the 3rd Floor in Room 307. Go out the door to the right of the clock to find a fire escape and then turn left to find the entrance to Room 203. Inside 203 is a breakable wall that leads to Room 205. Head out into the hallway from 205 and then jump out an open window to reach another part of the fire escape which has stairs that lead up to the 3rd Floor. Jump up on a box at the top of the stairs and then through an open window into Room 303.
Go into the hallway and go north. Turn right and at the center of this hallway is Room 307. A Radio is hanging at the center of the room which you will need to bring down to get The Hour Hand. To get the Radio down, you will need to find a valve and use it on a pipe found in the side room of Room 309. Gameranx has a full guide on how to complete the Room 307 Radio Puzzle so check that out if you want a full in-depth guide on how to do it. Here, we will break down the basics.

Head back to the fire escape by going out the back door of 307 and then turn to enter Room 305. Get the Apartment 306 Key from the nearby table and then go to the left to find a valve. Turn it to remove the locked door that leads to the rest of 305.
Go all the way to the north end of the hallway outside Room 305 and then turn left. Enter Room by using the key and then go to Room 304 by crawling through a small opening. There is another valve in 304 that will come loose once you use it. Once the valve breaks off, pick it up and add it to your Inventory.

With the valve acquired, head back to Room 307 and place the wheel into the pipe. Turn the valve until the Radio drops from the roof. Interact with the Radio to pick up The Hour Hand.

Return to Room 212 and put The Hour Hand into the clock. Set The Hour Hand to 9 o’clock and it will lock in place. More importantly, it will unlock a door found to the right of 212 on the fire escape which has an “H” carved into it. Go through this door and into Room 210 to continue the Clock Puzzle.
The Minute Hand
The Minute Hand is easy to get, though it is pretty gross. Go into the kitchen of Room 210 and break down the weak wall. Squeeze through this hole in the wall to enter the bathroom. Have James reach into the toilet to get The Minute Hand.

Upon exiting the bathroom, it will transform and the “H” door will be locked again. To reach the Clock Puzzle, you will need to finish the Bird Seesaw Puzzle in Room 210. Just like the Radio Puzzle, Gameranx has a full guide on how to do the Room 210 Bird Seesaw Puzzle. To put it in simple terms, get the Pigeon Figurine found on a shelf in Room 210. Then, go to Room 211 at the bottom of the hallway outside 210 to find the Wooden Swan Head. Inside the bathroom of Room 209 to the north of Room 210 is the Malformed Figurine Part.
Combine the Swan Head and Malformed Figurine to create the Swan Figurine. Go to scale in Room 210 and put the Pigeon in the slot that is furthest to the left on the scale and then put the Swan Figurine in the slot that is two spaces from the center. The scale will give you the Winged Key to unlock the nearby door. Behind the door is a hole in the ground that leads to the 1st Floor.

Use the staircase on the east side of this floor to reach the part of the 2nd Floor that has the Clock Puzzle. Insert The Minute Hand onto the clock and set it to 2 o’clock. This will lock it in place and unlock Room 209.
The Second Hand
After getting to the west end of the hallway outside Room 212, turn to the right and then left to find Room 202 with “M” carved into it and filled with moths. You will need to unlock the padlock that has a circle, a crescent moon, and a skull carved into the wall next to it. Check out Gameranx’s guide on how to complete the Room 209 Moth Room Puzzle.

There are several large moths found around the room. There is also a weak wall next to the framed moths on the wall that you can destroy and squeeze through. Move a dresser out of the way in the next room to find 2 more framed moths. You will need to count up the total number of skulls, moons, and circles to figure out the number combination on the padlock. Here is a full list of what number each icon represents:
- Circle: 5
- Skull: 2
- Moon: 8

Here is a breakdown of all the carvings and the solutions for each difficulty:
- Light Difficulty: Circle | Moon | Skull = 582
- Standard Difficulty: Moon – Circle | Skull + Circle | Circle – Skull = 373
- Hard Difficulty: Moon + Skull – Circle | Circle x Skull – Moon | (Skull + Moon) / Circle = 522
There is a hole in the wall behind the door which is where you will find The Second Hand.

Completing the Clock Puzzle
Now that you have The Second Hand, return to the clock and insert it into the display. Set it to 3 o’clock and you will complete the Clock Puzzle. This will unlock a nearby door with a Strange Photo collectible as well as the door with the “S” carved into it that leads to the courtyard on the 1st Floor. Going through this door brings you to the first Pyramid Head boss fight which concludes the Blue Creek Apartments section of the game.

You now know how to fully complete the Blue Creek Apartments Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Silent Hill 2 Remake as well as other great games in the future.