While the Handgun and multiple melee options will get you through a lot of Silent Hill 2 Remake, there is nothing like a powerful Shotgun to blast the monsters of this fog-laden town to bits! Getting your hands on this weapon requires you to traverse a decent amount of the town and can be found not in its secured weapon locker but instead freely accessible in a hospital. Players who want this powerful tool will need to first know where to find it! This guide will tell players how to get the Shotgun in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
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How to Get the Shotgun in Silent Hill 2 Remake
The Shotgun is found in the Women’s Locker Room in Brookhaven Hospital, the major location in the west side of South Vale. You reach this area after meeting Maria in Rosewater Park and can be reached after meeting with Eddie and Laura in the movie theater. Once inside the hospital, you will need to find a way to the 2nd Floor. Before getting to the 2nd Floor, you need to go to the basement to restore power to the elevator. The basement is locked and to get the key, you will need to open the Reception Office Padlock. Gameranx has a full guide on how to unlock the Reception Office Padlock. Go to the Reception Office near the entrance of the hospital and enter the code that corresponds to your Puzzle Difficulty.
- Light Difficulty: 2-8-7
- Standard Difficulty: 7-2-4
- Hard Difficulty: 1-5-2

Once you have the Basement Key, head to the staircase in the southeast corner of the 1st Floor and head to the basement. There is a generator in the 03 Generator Room at the north end of the basement to find the generator. Gameranx also has a full guide on how to fix the generator. Go to the southwest corner of 010 Boiler Room to find an Empty Fuel Can. Take this can to 09 Storage, which can only be reached by moving a box from 05 Laundry Storage to 08 Laundry Room and jumping through an open window. Fill the canister, take it to the generator to refuel it, and then flip the switch on the machine to restore power to the elevator.

Take the elevator to the 2nd Floor and a cutscene that sees Maria become ill and rest in a room. Now alone, go west through the hallway behind the door directly in front of you after the Maria cutscene. Luckily, there aren’t any keys required to reach the Shotgun but be prepared to fight a few new enemies. When you first meet the Bubble Head Nurse enemy, take the hallway south toward the Director’s Office. When outside the office, take the hallway to the west end and defeat the more Nurses along the way. Then, go north until you reach the Women’s Locker Room. Head inside and in an open lock is the Shotgun. Interact with it to pick it up and add it to your Inventory. This weapon is a hard-hitting pump action shotgun that carries 6 shells when fully loaded.

You now know where to find the Shotgun weapon in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Silent Hill 2 Remake as well as other great games in the future.