While James’ main goal in Silent Hill 2 Remake is to find his late wife, there are a lot of Achievements and Trophies that you will also want to unlock along the way. Any of them are tied to story beats and puzzles but there are several smaller Trophies that can easily be missed if you aren’t looking for them. One of these Achievements is called “Let’s NOT Party” and is found in a room where it looks like a homecoming was canceled. This guide will show players how to unlock the “Let’s NOT Party” Achievement and Trophy in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
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How to Get the Let’s NOT Party Trophy in Silent Hill 2 Remake
To get the “Let’s Not Party” Achievement and Trophy, players will first figure out how to get to Room 207 of the Wood Side Apartments. This is the first major location you explore after going through the east side of South Vale part of Silent Hill at the start of the game. This multi-level apartment complex has several locked doors and blocked paths which require players to take elaborate routes to find keys and get around these obstacles to get to specific parts of the building. To access the southeast part of the second floor, Room 212 needs to be unlocked first. To do this, go to Room 217 and get the Handgun. Gameranx has a full in-depth guide on how to get the Handgun that can be checked out right here.
Once the Handgun has been acquired, return to Room 213 to find a dead body sitting in a chair in front of a TV displaying static. Next to the body is the Room 212 Key on a dresser. Go across the hall and use the key to get into Room 212.

Go out the door on the left on the opposite side of the room and go onto the balcony. Go to the end of the balcony to enter Room 210. Go back into the hallway from Room 210 and then just go down to Room 203.
On the wall opposite the entrance of Room 203 are several balloons that spell out “WELCOME HOME.” Shoot all of the letters with your Handgun which requires a total of 11 bullets. When all the letters have been shot, the “Let’s NOT Party” Achievement / Trophy will be unlocked!

You now know how to unlock the “Let’s NOT Party” Achievement / Trophy in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Silent Hill 2 Remake as well as other great games in the future.