Pyramid Head is one of the most iconic horror monsters of all time and near the end of Silent Hill 2 Remake, you must battle two of them. The punishment that James has brought upon himself and that has haunted him throughout the game, it’s time to finally fight back and put an end to this nightmare. This guide will show players how to bear the Dual Pyramid Heads Boss Fight in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
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How to Beat the Dual Pyramid Heads Boss Fight in Silent Hill 2 Remake
The Dual Pyramid Heads are found at the end of the Otherworld version of the Lakeview Hotel. Just beyond the door near the 9 red save tiles, two Pyramid Heads wielding spears execute Maria one last time. James, having faced the truth about Mary, is now ready to face his tormentors.
This is a fairly straightforward fight. These versions of Pyramid Head are much faster than the one you fought in Blue Creek Apartments since they don’t wield the Great Knife. They use a variety of attacks which include quick pokes and large lunge moves. Your best course of action against these bosses is to keep your distance and use the Hunting Rifle to do as much damage as possible at a safe distance. Watch out for the spear throw attack that the Pyramid Heads can perform since that move can hit you no matter how far away you are. This move also gives a good opening to attack since the Pyramid Head that throws their spear will need to go retrieve it, leaving them open to damage.
Just keep hitting the bosses with attacks. Targe the body and not the metal head. It seems that these two enemies share a health pool so don’t feel a need to divide your attention and attacks between the two of them. If one of them keeps putting themselves in harm’s way, take advantage of that.

When enough damage is done, a cutscene will play that sees the two monsters impale themselves on their spears. In their hands are the Rust-Colored Egg and Scarlet Egg, each one representing Mary and Maria. These items are used to open one of the two doors out of the boss arena. Defeating this boss will also unlock the “Obsolete” Trophy and Achievement.

You now know how to beat the Dual Pyramid Heads Boss Fight in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Silent Hill 2 Remake as well as other great games in the future.