When traversing both the normal and Otherworld versions of Silent Hill 2 Remake, many puzzles must be solved to progress. One of the optional puzzles that you can solve is known as the Decorative Box which can either provide you with some fantastic items or some damage to your health. Since you only get one attempt at opening this box, you will want to make sure you know the answer. This guide will show players how to open the Brookhaven Hospital Pharmacy Decorative Box code in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
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How to Find the Pharmacy Decorative Box Code in Silent Hill 2 Remake
The code for the Decorative Box is the numbers that correspond to the correct answers of the Elevator Quiz. After completing the Chained Box puzzle, you will go down into the basement of the Otherworld Brookhaven Hospital. During your trip down in the elevator, a game show will play and James is the lucky contestant. You’ll be asked 3 Questions about Silent Hill that you have a chance to learn during your time playing.

Here is each question:
- How many people died and were thrown into the lake when a plague befell Silent Hill?
- 42
- 67
- 85
What is the name of the road that goes from Sanders Street toward the Silent Hill Ranch lumber yard and cemetery?
- Bachman Road
- Munson Street
- Wiltse Road
Two twins were killed by Walter Sullivan. The boy was Billy Locane. What was his sister’s name?
- Miriam
- Heather
- Julia
The answers to these questions are 67, Wiltse Road, and Miriam. The number for each correct answer comes together to make the code for the box in the Pharmacy.
Decorative Box Code: 2-3-1.
Now that you know the answer, progress through the basement until you reunite with Maria. Once this is done, go up to the 1st Floor. Before going into the elevator, go into the now-opened Pharmacy across the hall. In the corner of the room is the Decorative Box. Enter the correct code to get a few Syringe Health Items and Shotgun Shells. If you get any answer wrong, the box won’t open and James will take some damage with more wrong answers doing more damage.

You now know how to open the Pharmacy Decorative Box in Silent Hill 2 Remake. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Silent Hill 2 Remake as well as other great games in the future.