According to Niantic, big things come in small packages, or at least that is the case with the upcoming Small Yet Strong event in Pokémon Go. Participants can expect to come across a Shiny Pokémon debut, complete various event-themed challenges, and so much more.
The Small Yet Strong event and all the bonuses that go with it will go live on February 5, at 10am to February 8, 2025, at 8pm local time.
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Pokémon Go Small Yet Strong rewards
Event Bonuses
- 2x XP for catching Pokémon
- Increased chance to encounter XXS and XXL Pokémon in the wild
Wild Encounters
Various Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild. They all have the chance to be Shiny, including Shiny Nymble which is making its debut:
- Paras
- Natu
- Plant Cloak Burmy
- Sandy Cloak Burmy
- Trash Cloak Burmy
- Joltik
- Tynamo
- Red Flower Flabébé
- Blue Flower Flabébé
- Yellow Flower Flabébé
- Nymble
Flabébé with differently colored flowers will spawn in the wild depending on where you are in the world:
- Red Flower Flabébé: Appearing in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
- Blue Flower Flabébé: Appearing in the Asia-Pacific region
- Yellow Flower Flabébé: Appearing in the Americas
No matter your region, some players may even come across:
- White Flower Flabébé
- Orange Flower Flabébé
The Pokémon showing up in Raids will be:
Five-Star Raids
- Dialga until February 6 at 10am
- Enamorus (Incarnate Forme) beginning February 6 at 10am
Mega Raids
- Mega Medicham until February 6 at 10am
- Mega Tyranitar beginning February 6 at 10am
The Pokémon that will hatch from 2 km Eggs that may also be Shiny are:
- Togepi
- Azurill
- Budew
- Chingling
- Espurr
- Dedenne
Field Research
- Complete event-themed Field Research tasks to earn encounters with Burmy and Nymble
Timed Research
- Catch Pokémon to earn XP, Poké Balls, and encounters with event-themed Pokémon
Collection Challenge
- Complete the Collection Challenge to receive Stardust and an encounter with Nymble
PokéStop Showcases
- Keep your eyes peeled for Showcases at different PokéStops where you can enter event-themed Pokémon
The Small Yet Strong event isn’t all that Pokémon Go Trainers have to look forward to. Preparations are underway for a Lunar New Year celebration which will kick off on January 29, 2025. Additionally, Gigantamax will make its debut in six-star Max Battles on February 1, 2025.