Lunar New Year is the beginning of a new year based on lunar calendars and 2025 is the year of the snake, representing wisdom, transformation and resilience. Pokémon Go will offer its very own Lunar New Year festivities with an array of limited-time bonuses. To fit with 2025’s theme, there will be more chances to encounter the serpent Pokémon that reside in the mobile game.
The Lunar New Year Pokémon Go celebration will be held on January 29, at 10am to February 2, 2025, at 8pm local time. Those who participate in the event will be able to take advantage of increased wild encounters, an array of bonuses, as well as free and paid Timed Research.
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Pokémon Go 2025 Lunar New Year rewards
Event Bonuses
Here are all the bonuses that will be active for the duration of the event:
- Increased chance to get Lucky Pokémon in trades
- Increased chance to become Lucky Friends
Wild Encounters
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild, all of which have the chance to be Shiny:
- Ekans
- Onix
- Snivy
- Darumaka
- Dunsparce
Some Trainers might even encounter:
- Gyarados
- Dratini
The Pokémon listed below will hatch from 2 km Eggs, each with the potential to spawn as a Shiny. There will also be an increased chance to hatch a Shiny Nosepass:
- Makuhita
- Nosepass
- Meditite
- Duskull
- Skorupi
Field Research Tasks and Collection Challenges
- Complete Field Research tasks to earn Stardust and encounters with event-themed Pokémon
- Complete the Collection Challenge to receive Stardust
Timed Research
Event-themed Timed Research offers:
- XP for exploring Routes, Stardust, and 10 Zygarde Cells
Paid Timed Research
For US$2.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency,) you’ll be able to access event-exclusive Timed Research and earn:
- Two Lucky Eggs
- One Incubator
- Encounters with Ekans and Nosepass
As always, you will be able to purchase and gift tickets to anyone on your Pokémon Go friends list that you have achieved a Friendship level of Great Friends or higher with.
PokéStop Showcases
- Be on the lookout for Showcases at different PokéStops where you can enter event-themed Pokémon
While we wait for the Lunar New Year to kick off, Fashion Week has returned to Pokémon Go, with opportunities to catch costumed Pokémon, including through Minccino and Cinccino debuts.