Fortnite players already have enough evil forces to fight against, with demons using their powers to unleash chaos in Chapter 6 Season 1. However, the island is about to face its biggest threat yet in the form of Godzilla.
Godzilla is just one of many crossovers to feature in Fortnite, but this isn’t Godzilla’s first cameo in existing video games. Back in 2022, Operation Monarch saw the legendary battle between Godzilla and King Kong take place in Call of Duty: Warzone.
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Cause destruction as Godzilla in Fortnite
During a battle royale match, there’s a chance that a special portal will spawn somewhere on the map and the first player to locate the portal and jump through it will transform into Godzilla.
Only one player can become Godzilla and take advantage of the titan’s special abilities. This includes revealing nearby players with its Roar, launching enemies with a Mighty Stomp Attack, and ripping through players and structures with an unforgiving Heat Ray.
There’s no doubt that Godzilla will be a deadly force in any battle royale match, but players will be awarded for taking down Godzilla. It is possible to deal extra damage to Godzilla by shooting its weak spots which will also drop Godzilla Fragments. Consuming Godzilla Fragments will see you gain 40 Health and 3 dash charges.
The player that manages to deal the most damage to Godzilla will be able to equip the Godzilla Medallion, awarding a recharging dash ability (up to three charges at a time,) as well as the exotic version of the Burst Quad Launcher.
Godzilla will arrive with the next Fortnite update which is scheduled to go live on January 17, 2025. The update will also unveil Godzilla as the secret battle pass skin and add a further Mechagodzilla outfit and a Kong skin to the in-game store, too.
Hopefully, Godzilla won’t be as overpowered as Chapter 5 Season 4’s Doctor Doom, almost guaranteeing the match victory to the player who captured the Isle of Doom. Only time will tell how exactly the limited-time event will play out.