The Green Core is the second “boss” level in Humanity that really puts the player’s puzzle-solving skills to the test. There’s an unrelenting legion of Others in this level, however, they can be outsmarted and beaten as long as you can figure out how to break them into smaller groups and take them out that way.
There are no Goldies to collect in this level, so the only thing you’ll need to focus on is getting to the two green cores on top of the two central towers.
Here’s everything you need to know about how to solve The Green Core in Humanity.
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Humanity: The Green Core Puzzle Solution
When you first start the level, you’ll see that the objective isn’t to get to an exit goal like the rest of the stages in Humanity, instead, it’s to destroy the two green cores that split off from the large green core that hovers above the level. You would have done a similar thing in The Blue Core level, but instead of pushing blocks onto the cores, you’ll be attacking them with swords. After watching the brief cutscene at the start of the level, pick up the Hit command that’s next to the door where your people will start coming out of.

Place the Hit command in front of the people and they’ll pick up blue swords (that look strikingly similar to lightsabers) that will allow them to fight off the Others. Once they’ve picked up swords, place a Branch command at the end of the path before they step onto the Block Switch.

After the group splits off for a few seconds, replace the Branch command with a left Turn so that a small group heads to the right while the rest of the line goes left. Before they can push the block that’s in their path, turn the group to the right and then have it continue right along the bridge that leads to the structure with one of the green cores on top of it.

Once the line gets to the center of the structure, have them turn to the left so that they push the black block that’s there into the line of Others. After placing the turn command, wait a few seconds and then delete it so that the line continues walking across the level.

Run back to the first black block you encountered and turn the line of people around it so that they fight the Others that have caught them there. While it might seem like your group is losing at first, they’ll eventually win since there’s now a finite number of Others coming down the line thanks to the block you pushed in the last step.

With the line of Others now taken out, turn the line so that it pushes the block it was fighting next to north and through the structure there. When the line reaches the end of the path, they’ll fight off some Others and push the block onto the door where the Others are coming from, closing it permanently.

Once the door has been closed, turn the line to the right and have it walk across the way to reach the other door that’s spawning the rest of the Others. Let them fight and eventually, your line will win and destroy the door with their swords.

With the door destroyed, have your line follow the path that the Others were walking by turning right down the hall that’s in the far corner of the level and then have them turn right again so that they push the block into the center of the second structure that has the other green core on top. Once they’ve pushed it, place a Turn command so that the line gets caught in a loop walking to the block and to the hall where the Others were.

Return to the area where you destroyed the second Other door. Turn your line to the right so that they walk to the structure that you just pushed a block into.

Let the line push the block to the other side of the level and then turn them so that they push it toward the area where the line begins. Once the block gets pushed into the beginning of the line, turn the end of the line so that they don’t push it too far and that it gets pushed by the beginning of the line onto the Block Switch.

Return to the other side of the level to the area between the two Other doors. With the Block Switch pressed, a bridge has now been made that gives you access to another block. Turn the line of people toward it and then snake them around it so that they push it across the bridge and toward the final Other door in the center of the level.

As you push it, make sure to take out any turns that will divert the line of people pushing and then have the rest of the line join the pushers once they can. Run to the area in front of the final Other door and lay down a Branch command, then turn the split lines so that they walk up the two structures. Once the door is destroyed by the block and the line, they’ll climb the towers and destroy the two cores, finishing the level and letting you move on to the next chapter in Humanity.

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