The much beloved Mercenaries Mode has become a staple of the Resident Evil series and the horde survival mode is now available in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Players that really want to test their skills with the game’s mechanics will be right at home here, but some might need some help in understanding what exactly this new addition to the highly acclaimed title is. So, allow me to break down everything in this fun arcade side mode. This guide will provide a full breakdown and explanation of the Mercenaries Mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
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Mercenaries Mode Explained In Resident Evil 4 Remake
The Mercenaries mode can be downloaded as free DLC from the store of whatever platform you are playing on and will become an option of Resident Evil 4 Remake‘s main menu. Upon selecting the mode and pressing the start button on its menu, you will be greeted by the option to select a map and then a character that you would wish to play. The first time you start the mode, there will only be one playable character and one map: Leon and The Village.
Stages and Characters
As you play the mode, you will be able to unlock new maps and characters by completing challenges and simply playing the game. There are a total of 3 maps on the mode’s release, each one being part of the game’s major regions: the Village, which is the iconic first village area at the start of the game, The Castle, which is the exterior of this structure that you find at the start of Chapter 7, and the Island, a daytime version of the area around the AA Turret found while pushing through the facility with Mike and his helicopter. After starting with The Village, you will unlock The Castle after playing on Village once. The Island is unlocked in a similar, becoming available after playing Castle once.
The other characters that can be unlocked are the lovable Luis, the villainous Krauser, and the iconic Hunk. Each character is unlocked by getting at least an A rank with the previous character in the list on any of the 3 stages. Each character comes with their own loadout and weapons as well as a special ability that we will discuss later. Leon is a well-rounded fighter with the SG-09 R pistol, Riot Gun shotgun, and Stingray rifle as well as his Combat Knife. These weapons are all leveled up and extremely powerful. Luis relies on long-range encounters and isn’t too good up close with a much weaker Boot Knife but a powerful Red-9 pistol and SR M1903 sniper rifle. Krauser relies on his TMP submachine gun, the indestructible Fighting Knife, and his exclusive Explosive bow-and-arrow weapon that would have been seen in his boss fight. Finally, Hunk enters battle with a Boot Knife, some grenades, and the LE-5 SMG.

How To Play
As said before, Mercenaries is a horde mode that tasks players with getting as many points as possible within the time limit. Players can get points by killing enemies and can also gain more time on the clock by getting critical kills on enemies. The enemies that appear in a given level will be the enemies that appear in that region of the game. For example, regular Ganados will be the primary enemies in The Village while Zealots and Soldiers will appear in The Castle and The Island, respectively.
There is also a combo meter that goes up every time an enemy is defeated and gives you a point multiplier. The combo meter will have a bar underneath it slowly going down and if you don’t kill an enemy before the bar runs out, the combo will reset while a kill will increase the combo and rest the bar to full. Each stage comes will have a total of 150 enemies, so if you are able to survive long enough and kill every enemy in the level, you will complete the level. There are also supplies scattered around the area and are also dropped by defeated enemies so make sure you gather your supplies and keep the combo going.

Time and Mayhem Orbs
Along with supplies, there are also several glowing orbs found in the stages, with each one giving you a bonus depending on its color. A green orb is a Time Orb and will give you 1 minute of extra time on the clock. The yellow orb is a Mayhem Orb, which will immediately fill a single bar of your Mayhem Mode bar found at the bottom of the screen.

Mayhem Mode
Mayhem Mode is a special ability that you can activate whenever the bar at the bottom of the screen is filled. The ability is unique for each character and can really turn the tide if you find yourself getting overrun or simply want to rack up a giant combo. Leon’s Mayhem Mode gives him increased speed and damage for a short period of time. Luis also gains a slight speed boost and will be able to place down bundles of dynamite on the ground that will detonate after a short period of time or when shot. Krauser will tap into his Plagas form, having his arms mutate into the form seen during his boss battle. While slow-moving, Krauser can do massive melee slashes as well as a stinger maneuver that sees him quickly lung forward with his blade arm, similar to the move of the same name found in Devil May Cry. Hunk receives a slight speed boost and unlimited ammo for a short time.

Boss Enemies
Along with the regular enemies, at certain points during a match, boss enemies will appear. Similar to the regular enemies, the bosses that appear will be appropriate for the stage you are playing on with the likes of Dr. Salvador and the twins appearing in the Village, Garradors and Red Zealots in The Castle, and the gun-wielding Brute appearing on The Island. Killing these enemies will give you more time on the clock as well as massive score bonuses. The game will alert you when a boss enters the arena by showing an image of the enemy in the top left corner of the screen with a red exclamation point next to them.

End of Game Scoring
Whether you beat all 150 enemies or die along the way, you will receive a score at the end of a match of Mercenaries as well as a ranking. You can play any level with any character once they are all unlock so get in there and try to get that S+ with everyone on every stage!

Stay tuned to Gameranx for guides, tips, and tricks for the Mercenaries Mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
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