The final hurdle before Saddler himself, Major Jack Krauser is the boss fight found at the end of Chapter 14 and is the second encounter with Leon’s former superior. The man that kidnapped Ashley and killed Luis has a much longer and more expansive battle in this fight and sees the man whom Leon once held some respect for fully turn to his new Plagas form. To defeat this battle-tested soldier, players might need some help in avoiding his traps and attacks. So, allow me to provide that help! This guide will tell players how to defeat the Jack Krauser boss fight in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
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How To Beat The Jack Krauser Boss Fight In Resident Evil 4 Remake
When the boss fight begins, Krauser will stand on a platform and shoot at you with a TMP and a bow with explosive-tipped arrows. You can either run away from him and towards the structure to the left or engage him by shooting at his head in between his flurry of attacks. After doing enough damage or going into the structure and up to its second floor, Krauser will jump over to your side of the area and battle you in close combat. While you will need to be able to parry his attacks as you did in your first battle with him, but you will have the option to use other weapons to deal with him. After some time, Krauser will throw a flashbang and retreat. You can now turn a valve to open a door back in the structure that you entered on your way to the valve.

Make your way through the open door to find a series of hallways through the ruins that have been rigged with traps. These range from beartraps to explosive tripwires, and even automated machine guns. Progress through this area by getting by these traps, but be aware that Krauser will show up to ambush you either from a distance with his bow and arrow or up close with his knife. Make your way up to the location shown in the picture below: an open area that sees Krauser take up a position opposite from where you enter to shoot at you with his explosive arrows. Use the rubble found dotted around the area for cover and use the time that Krauser uses to aim at you to move between covers. Once your reach Krauser, he will retreat once again.

Go through the gate that should be in front of you to once again face Krauser in combat. Similar to the encounter before, simply parry his knife and dodge his kicks to create openings to deal damage. Eventually, a cutscene will play that will see Krauser transform into his Plagas form.

The cutscene ends with Krauser blowing up part of the ruins that you are standing in, burying you in some rubble with no light. You will need to navigate this area to find your way out with Krauser ambushing you along the way. Once out of the rubble, you will climb a wooden ladder to a circular arena where another cutscene will play. This will begin the official Krauser boss fight.
This fight, despite having Kruaser now in a Plagas-infused form, has many similarities to the fights you have had with him so far. Whenever he uses his left blade arm, treat it like you did his knife in his human from a parry it. This will give you a chance to stun him and deal some damage. Also, be aware of his kicks and sweeps which can be avoided by pressing the Evade QTE at the right time. One of the new moves you need to look out for is a grab to the head he can perform with his right arm. To avoid this, you can duck underneath it or run out of the way of the move.

The final move that you should watch out for is when Krauser jumps onto a nearby cliff before jumping back down with a huge shockwave that will send you flying off the platform. You can avoid this move by climbing up to an upper platform by using one of the ladders. This also gives you the chance to take some shots at Krauser while he recovers from his powerful attack.

To defeat the boss, just avoid and parry the Krauser’s attacks and keep dealing damage to him as the opportunities arise. Eventually, you will bring his health to 0 and a final cutscene will play. You will unlock the You Used to be a Good Guy Achievement and will also get the powerful Fighting Knife to use for the rest of the game as well as in subsequent playthroughs.

Stay tuned to Gameranx for guides, tips, and tricks for Resident Evil 4 Remake.
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