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After reuniting with Freya in Vanaheim, she leads Kratos to where the Aesir are keeping her brother Freyr. Before they can reach him, however, Heimdall appears to try and stop Kratos. Following a tense scene where Kratos has Freya leave him so that he can defeat Heimdall, the fight finally breaks out and is one of God of War Ragnarok‘s most memorable fights.
The walkthrough below starts at the beginning of the Gulltoppr boss fight and ends after Kratos and company make it back to Freyr’s camp.
NOTE: This walkthrough only covers the main quest and doesn’t cover any side quests.
More God of War Ragnarok walkthroughs:
| Part 1: Surviving Fimbulwinter | Part 2: Bjorn Boss Guide | Part 3: Thor Boss Guide | Part 4: Atreus’ Secret | Part 5: Sindri’s House | Part 6: Journey to Nidavellir | Part 7: The Quest for Tyr | Part 8: Search the Mines for Tyr | Part 9: Old Friends | Part 10: Groa’s Secret | Part 11: Alva Boss Guide | Part 12: Ironwood | Part 13: The Lost Sanctuary | Part 14: The Sinkhole | Part 15: Gryla Boss Guide | Part 16: Vanadis Boss Guide | Part 17: The Reckoning | Part 18: Nidhogg Boss Guide | Part 19: Familial Wounds | Part 20: The Runaway | Part 21: Into the Fire | Part 22: The Word of Fate | Part 23: Forging Destiny | Part 24: Unleashing Hel | Part 25: Reunion | Part 26: Garm Boss Guide | Part 27: Creatures of Prophecy | Part 29: Unlocking the Mask | Part 30: Hunting for Solace | Part 31: The Summoning | Part 32: Hrist and Mist Boss Guide | Part 33: The Realms at War | Part 34: Thor Boss Guide (Second Encounter) | Part 35: Odin Boss Guide |
Gulltoppr Boss Fight

Once the cutscene where Heimdall introduces himself to Kratos ends, you’ll be alone in the arena with him and his mystical steed, Gulltoppr. In order to get to Heimdall, you’ll need to fight through Gulltoppr. Luckily, Gulltoppr is a pretty big pushover when compared to the other bosses in God of War Ragnarok.
The beast has a pretty small move pool with most of its attacks being very clearly telegraphed before they’re executed. This gives you plenty of opportunity to dodge and parry, allowing you to deal a lot of damage to it in a short amount of time.

The attacks to keep an eye out for are the red-ringed Bifrost AoE attack that Heimdall will perform, the long-range Bifrost projectile followed by a charge attack, and the blue-ringed jumping combos. The rest of Gulltoppr’s moves are simple claw slashes and headbutts that can be seen coming from a mile away.
The Bifrost AoE attack that Heimdall does can first be noticed when his hands start glowing with the Norse magic. You’ll see a red-ring telegraphing that the attack is coming and then there will be a magical blast in a circle surrounding him. It’s not a particularly big area, so you won’t have to run too far away to avoid taking damage.

The long-range Bifrost projectile attack is easy enough to avoid, however, Gulltoppr will immediately rush you with a red-ringed charge attack. It’s not the most difficult thing to dodge, but if you parry the projectile back at Heimdall, it’ll interrupt the charge attack and momentarily stun the two. When they’re stunned, run in and deal some damage.

Keep an eye out for when Gulltoppr leans back on its hind legs and then jumps onto its front legs for a blue-ringed combo. It’ll attack multiple times in a row meaning that it can drain your health pretty quickly if you’re not careful. Luckily, it’s super easy to interrupt with a quick shield bash, so just stun it like that and get some free hits in.

Gulltoppr shouldn’t give you too much trouble. Once you deplete its health bar, you’ll see a quick scene of Kratos putting the beast down and the fight against Heimdall will begin.

Heimdall Boss Fight
Phase 1
When the fight against Heimdall starts, you won’t be able to hit him thanks to his precognition. Throw your spear at him and he’ll catch it. Once he does, detonate it in his hand and he’ll be stunned. Click R3 and after a quick volley of punches, Heimdall will change up his approach.

He’ll still be walking slowly towards you, occasionally doing harmless yellow and red-ringed attacks at you, but now, he won’t catch your spear out of the air, instead, he’ll hit them out of the air with his sword. Have him hit the spears into the ground and then detonate them when he’s walking over them. This will build his stagger meter and, once it’s all the way full, allow you to click R3 and get some hits in again.

After this point, he’ll start doing some real attacks. He’ll use the Bifrost projectile that he used with Gulltoppr that can be easily avoided or parried and he’ll be moving more quickly around the arena, but continue with the strategy of throwing spears at his feet and you’ll stagger him again, this time landing a real punch.
Once he says “you actually hit me?” Heimdall will perform a time-slowing attack that causes you to move in slow motion. Dodge or parry his incoming attacks when he does the slo-mo status effect on you and now you’ll be dealing actual damage against him.

Eventually, he’ll buff his defense, barring him from taking any real damage. This doesn’t do much to change the fight in any drastic way, however, it just gives him an additional bit of health, same as the elemental enemies you’ve faced up to this point in the game.

Continue dodging his attacks and attacking when he’s open and you’ll take his health down pretty quickly. Watch out for his Bifrost AoE attack which is telegraphed by Heimdall spinning his sword around and then plunging it into the ground. It’s essentially the same move as the AoE attack he performed on Gulltoppr’s back, so it’s pretty easy to avoid.
Once you bring his health down all the way, you’ll be prompted to click R3 and perform a finisher. Do it and you’ll see a scene where Kratos stabs Heimdall into the wall, but doesn’t kill him.
Phase 2
After the scene, Heimdall will get angry at Kratos and attack him again. This time, he’s a lot more aggressive. He’ll chain multiple red-ringed attacks together meaning you’ll need to do a lot more dodging than blocking/parrying in this leg of the fight. Watch out for his long-range lunge/grab attack as it comes out very quickly and has a good amount of range to it.

Also, keep an eye out for his ground slam AoE as its damage radius is larger than it was before. When you dodge it, his hand will stay in the ground for a moment and you’ll be prompted to shield bash with blue-rings. Do so and the boss will be stunned and open for plenty of counterattacks from you.
Because Heimdall has so many close-range attacks at his disposal during this phase of the fight, it’s a good idea to keep him at mid to long-range so that you can clearly see what he’s about to do. He only has a handful of long-range attacks and they’re all clearly telegraphed and easily dodgeable, so baiting out those attacks for you dodge and then get your hits in is the best course of action.
Although Heimdall’s moves have changed, the strategy for this section of the fight is pretty much the same: avoid his attacks and counterattack while he’s vulnerable. Do it enough and his health bar will go down pretty quickly. Once it’s entirely drained, you’ll see a cutscene where Kratos kills Heimdall for good.

Regroup with Freyr’s Allies
Once the fight is over, exit the arena using your blades to break down the wooden wall to the north. Follow the path to the flaming building and climb up the ledge at the end of the path. You’ll see Freya and company burst out of the building below. Turn to your left and follow the path there until you reach a grapple point through the trees.

Grapple across the gap and fight the Einherjar in the arena you land in.

Escape from the Prison
After taking out all of the enemies, pick up Freyr and complete the sequence where you run through the woods with Freyr on your back. Hit the enemies that run to your side and you’ll eventually make it to the river.

Watch the scene where the group gets into Freyr’s boat and fights their way to safety.

Gameranx’s God of War Ragnarok walkthrough continues here.
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