After speaking with the Norns, Kratos returns to Sindri’s house to work on a plan to kill Heimdall and make it to Asgard. While the rest of his party might be a little cautious to go through with the plan, it seems as if there’s only one way forward: through Heimdall to rescue Atreus from Asgard. After returning home, The Path: Forging Destiny will begin in God of War Ragnarok.
The walkthrough below starts after Kratos returns to Sindri’s house after meeting with the Norns and ends after Kratos wakes up from his dream about Faye.
NOTE: This walkthrough only covers the main quest and doesn’t cover any side quests.
More God of War Ragnarok walkthroughs:
| Part 1: Surviving Fimbulwinter | Part 2: Bjorn Boss Guide | Part 3: Thor Boss Guide | Part 4: Atreus’ Secret | Part 5: Sindri’s House | Part 6: Journey to Nidavellir | Part 7: The Quest for Tyr | Part 8: Search the Mines for Tyr | Part 9: Old Friends | Part 10: Groa’s Secret | Part 11: Alva Boss Guide | Part 12: Ironwood | Part 13: The Lost Sanctuary | Part 14: The Sinkhole | Part 15: Gryla Boss Guide | Part 16: Vanadis Boss Guide | Part 17: The Reckoning | Part 18: Nidhogg Boss Guide | Part 19: Familial Wounds | Part 20: The Runaway | Part 21: Into the Fire | Part 22: The Word of Fate | Part 24: Unleashing Hel | Part 25: Reunion | Part 26: Garm Boss Guide | Part 27: Creatures of Prophecy | Part 28: Heimdall Boss Guide | Part 29: Unlocking the Mask | Part 30: Hunting for Solace | Part 31: The Summoning | Part 32: Hrist and Mist Boss Guide | Part 33: The Realms at War | Part 34: Thor Boss Guide (Second Encounter) | Part 35: Odin Boss Guide |
Ask the Dwarves
After exiting the mystic gateway, enter the house through the front door. Inside, speak with Brok and Sindri on the left side of the house. Watch the cutscene where Brok and Sindri explain that they’ll need an object named Draupnir to help Kratos kill Heimdall. Sindri grabs it and Brok explains that they’ll need to go to the dwarven realm to get the rest of the resources needed for what they’re making Kratos.

Travel to Svartalfheim
Leave the house after the cutscene and interact with the mystic gateway.

The Path: Forging Destiny
On the other side, follow the path to the right and take a right again at the end of the hall. When you make it to a dead end, use your blades to ignite the red barrel in the western passageway. Crawl through the hole you blasted in the gate and continue forward until you come to a fork in the road. Take the path to the right and fight off the monsters in it.

Once the monster are dealt with, continue down the hall until you come across another dead end. This time, ignite the oil on the ground and the barrel on the other side of the bars will explode, making a new path for you. Crawl through and walk to the end of the hall, dealing with the monsters that attack you.

After fighting off the monsters in the room with the circle of light in the middle of the floor, continue forward by moving a cart out of the way on the southern edge of the area.

Grab the chain to your left in the center of the hall and pull it down. With the chain pulled down, use Freya’s sigil on the gear on the ceiling and then throw your ax into it. Recall your ax, drop the chain and then throw it into the twilight stone to break the rope holding the gate.

Walk through the now-opened gate and into the room with the water wheels. Inside, you’ll fight a bergsra. Take it down and then turn your attention to the waterwheel in the southwest corner of the room. Throw your ax into the waterway above it, causing the water to overflow and turn the wheel. Once the wheel turns, it’ll open a tunnel to crouch through to the south.

Go down the tunnel with Freya and come out on the other side. Head down the hall and then turn right and follow the ramp upward. Follow the path until you come to a fork in the road. Take out the nightmare-possessed grim and take the path to your left. Head into the room before you and take care of the monsters inside.

After taking care of the monsters, climb the gold chain in the southeast corner of the room. At the top, follow the path and interact with the lever at the end of it, causing water to flow through the second waterway in the waterwheel room.

Return to the waterwheel room by climbing down the golden chain, leaving the monster room through the path you came into it from and take a left when you come to a fork in the road. Kick down the metal plate and then jump into the waterwheel room.

Use Freya’s sigil on the waterway on top and throw your ax into it. After freezing it, recall the ax and then throw it into the lower waterway above the waterwheel. This will cause it to turn, raising a metal gate on the north side of the room. Once the gate is opened, walk through it.

On the other side of the gate, you’ll have to fight off two bersras. Make use of the exploding barrels scattered across the area and focus on taking out one monster at a time. Once both are down, exit the arena through the gate on the north edge. Follow the path, climbing the walls of the mine, until you reach the surface and reunite with Brok.

Head to the Forge with Brok
Follow Brok to the west, taking out a nightmare nest, until you reach a pack of gulan at a wooden gate. Take out the monsters and then interact with the gate they were blocking. Follow Brok through the town and he’ll stop at a lift station saying that a nightmare nest is blocking your path.

Destroy the Nightmare Haunt to Release the Lift
Follow Brok to the east and take out the nightmare nest on the path. Continue forward until you come to a large open area where Brok says you’ll need to get to an upper level to proceed. Ignite the bramble on the elevator on the east side of the area and then climb the wall to the south of the elevator you just cleared.

Throw your ax into the geyser in front of you and jump across to the area behind it. Follow the path forward until you can climb up another ledge. Climb the ledge and throw your ax into the geyser in front of you to raise the elevator that Brok is standing on.

Return to the elevator after Brok gets off it and hit the bottom prompt to tell him to raise the lift once you’re on. When you step off the lift, grapple up the wall to your right and then tell Brok to lower the lift. Throw your ax into the first user and then have Brok raise the lift again and the gate to the northwest will open.

Head through the gate, follow the path in front of you, and take out the nightmare nest on the lift.

Ride the Lift Up to the Forge
Take the path to the southeast to return to the now-nightmare-free lift. Ride the lift to the top and then take out the monsters that await you at the landing. With them taken care of, enter the cave in front of you and squeeze through the wall. Once you’re through, follow the path until you reach a giant bell suspended over a lake. Interact with the switch underneath the bell.

Repair the Switch
The switch is broken, but Brok can fix it with the proper resources. Interact with the black and blue ore that’s sticking out of the ground to the east and then give the ore you cut off to Brok. Turn around and interact with the bronze ore that’s sticking out of the ground to the east next to the rotted wood staircase and return with more ore for Brok.

Forge the Weapon
After a quick conversation between Brok and Mimir, Brok will return to the bell above the lake. Follow him and turn the switch under the bell. Watch the cutscene where the Lady makes a spear for Kratos and Brok discovers the truth about his body.

After the scene is over, use your newly forged spear to fight off the monsters that have entered the area. With them defeated, it’ll then be time to find a way back to a mystic gateway.

Find a Path Down the Mountain
Look to the southwest and you’ll see a part of the cliff face that’s glowing with golden light. Throw your spear into the rock by holding L2 and tapping R1 and then detonate it by hitting the triangle button. This reveals a climbing ledge for you to scale the cliff with.

At the top of the wall, follow Brok through the cave in front of you and down to the ground below. When you hop down, some more monsters will spawn. Take them out, making sure to destroy the three nightmare nests first, and then go to the west corner of the combat arena. Turn to the north and you’ll see another golden glowing symbol on a boulder. Destroy it with the spear and then follow the newly made path west until squeezing through a gap in the wall.

On the other side, take care of the monsters and then throw your spear into the hole with wind coming out of it on the rock wall on the northeast side of the arena. The spear will stick in the wall allowing you to climb up to the cliff above. Climb up and then walk to the east edge of the cliff you’re standing on. Look down to the giant stone pillar to the right and throw your spear into the golden symbol on its left side. Destroy the rock by detonating the spear and then return to the ground with Brok and shimmy across the ledge.

On the other side, you’ll be ambushed by two orgres and a handful of grim. While they can be a lot to manage at once, as long as you make sure to remember to use your shield and duck out of the way of the monsters’ red and yellow-ringed attacks, you should be able to take care of them with ease. After the fight, jump across the gap in the ground and interact with the rope on the southeast corner of the arena. Grapple down to the ground below.

Follow the path to the south and as you pass through the small dwarven town, you’ll see a cutscene where Odin appears to speak with Kratos.

Return to Sindri’s
After the scene, head through the wooden doors down the southern path and you’ll be ambushed by Einherjar and Freya will return as your companion. Take them out and then follow Freya down the path to the wooden train that you rode on your first trip to the dwarven realm. Get into it and watch the scene where Kratos and Freya talk about the fight with Heimdall that’s to come.

Once you get off the train, head to the northwest and throw your spear into the hole in the wall, allowing you to jump across the gap to the mystic gateway and return to Sindri’s house. Inside, speak with the two dwarves and then drop Mimir off at the table. Watch the scene where Kratos gets into bed and then follow Faye into the boat after Kratos awakes in a dream.

In the boat, paddle down the river until Kratos puts the paddle down and you let the stream carry you across the water. Watch the scene where Kratos and Faye talk about being better than their failures.

Gameranx’s God of War Ragnarok walkthrough continues here.
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