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When they finally meet him and convince him to leave Svartalfheim with them, Tyr turns out to be a little different than Kratos and Atreus expected him to be in God of War Ragnarok. Still, once he agrees to escape with them, he seems to be a useful ally, despite some of his oddities.
The walkthrough below starts right after Tyr agrees to leave with Kratos and Atreus and ends after the cutscene where Atreus tries to convince Freya to join him.
NOTE: This walkthrough only covers the main quest and doesn’t cover any side quests.
More God of War Ragnarok walkthroughs:
| Part 1: Surviving Fimbulwinter | Part 2: Bjorn Boss Guide | Part 3: Thor Boss Guide | Part 4: Atreus’ Secret | Part 5: Sindri’s House | Part 6: Journey to Nidavellir | Part 7: The Quest for Tyr | Part 8: Search the Mines for Tyr | Part 10: Groa’s Secret | Part 11: Alva Boss Guide | Part 12: Ironwood | Part 13: The Lost Sanctuary | Part 14: The Sinkhole | Part 15: Gryla Boss Guide | Part 16: Vanadis Boss Guide | Part 17: The Reckoning | Part 18: Nidhogg Boss Guide | Part 19: Familial Wounds | Part 20: The Runaway | Part 21: Into the Fire | Part 22: The Word of Fate | Part 23: Forging Destiny | Part 24: Unleashing Hel | Part 25: Reunion | Part 26: Garm Boss Guide | Part 27: Creatures of Prophecy | Part 28: Heimdall Boss Guide | Part 29: Unlocking the Mask | Part 30: Hunting for Solace | Part 31: The Summoning | Part 32: Hrist and Mist Boss Guide | Part 33: The Realms at War | Part 34: Thor Boss Guide (Second Encounter) | Part 35: Odin Boss Guide |
Exit the Mines with Tyr
Once you gain control of Kratos after the cutscene where Tyr agrees to leave the mines with you, follow Atreus and Tyr along the winding path until Tyr pulls down an elevator for you to get on. Walk onto the platform and activate the lever to ride it up and out of the mines.

Continue following Atreus and Tyr along the main path until you get ambushed by some monsters. Take care of them and then follow the main path until you find a platform floating in the water. Enter it and then watch the cutscene where Tyr asks for some clarification.

Escape Through the Mystic Gateway
After the cutscene, you’ll see Asgardian reinforcements coming to Svartarlfheim to stop Tyr from leaving. Follow Atreus and Tyr through the wetlands taking out the enemies that spawn. When you make it to the gateway, exit the realm through it and return to Brok and Sindri.

The Path: Old Friends
Enter the house and upgrade your gear with Brok. Once you’re done, head to the store room on the opposite side of the house. Here, you’ll see a cutscene where Kratos talks with Mimir about Atreus.

When the scene is over, you’ll be controlling Atreus who overheard Kratos and Mimir’s conversation. Sneak out of the house garden and exit to Midgard with Sindri through the gateway out front.

Talk with Sindri until the gateway opens to Midgard and then follow him down the ramp and to a gate locked with green ore. Use your bow with L2 to break the two seals on the gate and continue following Sindri across the frozen wastes.

Eventually, you’ll come across a roadblock: the metallic arm of Tyr. Shoot the soundstone ore that’s sticking out of the metallic arm to the left. Once that’s been destroyed, return to the snow slopes above the arm that you came from and you’ll be able to see more soundstone inside the arm now that the first piece has been cleared away.

After destroying more of the arm, return to Sindri and pass through it. On the other side, you’ll fight your first enemies as Atreus. Atreus’ moves are different than Kratos’ so make sure to take advantage of his abilities. Atreus builds up stagger meter pretty quickly by shooting arrows at enemies allowing you to deal deathblow finishers to many before their health bar is even close to being emptied. Deal with the enemies and then continue following Sindri to the large tower across from the arm.

Approach the broken elevator switch and interact with it. Sindri will pull out a replacement lever for you to use. Ride the lift up and when you exit, you’ll see a cutscene where Atreus speaks with the World Serpent.

Open the door behind you and follow the main path until you encounter more enemies. Take them out then break the red pot that’s covered in gold ore to expose a red chest. Open it and then continue through the cave by shooting more soundstone off a boarded-up wall and squeezing through it.

On the other side, jump down into the area in front of you and Sindri will notice one of his old shops on the left side of the area. He says that he’s going to stay there to fix things up so leave him behind and climb the rock wall to the right of the shop.

Climb the next wall to your left when you make it up the first one and then take out the draugr across the chasm from you when you find your feet on solid ground. Continue climbing towards the area where you took out the draugr and then squeeze through the gap in the wall when you make it to the ledge.

When you make it to the other side, follow the main path out of the cave you’re in and down the snowy stairs to your left. Jump across the gap on the right side when you make it to the bottom of the stairs and then fight off the enemies that spawn.

Once the draugrs are dealt with, continue along the path until your progress is stopped by golden ore. Shoot the soundstone that’s attached to the wooden wall in between two gold ore deposits and the wood will break revealing a red exploding jar for you to shoot. Shoot the jar to destroy some of the gold ore.

Walk over to the area where the now exploded ore was and look to your left to find another bit of soundstone that you can destroy revealing another red jar to shoot. Be warned, shooting the soundstone will also spawn a druagr, so make sure to deal with that first and then destroy the pot.

Run to the area where the now destroyed ore was and open the red chest that’s been revealed. Once you’ve grabbed its loot, return to the wood planks that you destroyed and jump across the gap to climb on the wall. Follow the climbing path. Once you make it to the landing, more draugr will appear for you to take out.

After you’ve taken care of the draugr, grab the chest on the left side of the area and then jump to climb the wall that’s directly across from where you entered the area from.

Once you’ve made it to the top, walk forward and take the stairs to your right. You’ll be attacked by some monsters. Once you’ve health with them, however, continue along the path, taking out any enemies you encounter, until you come to a large open part of the cave.

As you start crossing the snow-covered bridge, you’ll be attacked by a group of draugrs. Deal with them and then cross the bridge, opening the chest on the left side. Head through the stone arches and then turn to the left walking up the stairs. Take care of the enemies that ambush you and walk into the passage on the right.

Follow the path and open the red chest on your left as you do. After opening it, jump down to the area below you and you’ll be able to call out to Sindri. Once you’re done talking with him, follow the path to your left and climb up to the partially opened stone door.

Squeeze through the door and continue forward to the Council of Valkyries and climb the wall once you’ve followed the main path to its conclusion. Climb all the way to Freya’s campsite and you’ll see a cutscene where Atreus unsuccessfully tries to convince Freya to join his fight against Odin.

Gameranx’s God of War Ragnarok walkthrough continues here.
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