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By the time the player has made it to the mines in Svartalfheim in God of War Ragnarok, they’ll have triumphed over their fair share of tests. Still, the game continues to throw plenty of curveballs in Kratos and Atreus’ direction at just about any chance they can get as they continue their search for Tyr.
The walkthrough below starts when Kratos and Atreus crashland in the mines and ends after the cutscene where Kratos and Atreus convince Tyr to leave the mines with them.
More God of War Ragnarok walkthroughs:
| Part 1: Surviving Fimbulwinter | Part 2: Bjorn Boss Guide | Part 3: Thor Boss Guide | Part 4: Atreus’ Secret | Part 5: Sindri’s House | Part 6: Journey to Nidavellir | Part 7: The Quest for Tyr | Part 9: Old Friends | Part 10: Groa’s Secret | Part 11: Alva Boss Guide | Part 12: Ironwood | Part 13: The Lost Sanctuary | Part 14: The Sinkhole | Part 15: Gryla Boss Guide | Part 16: Vanadis Boss Guide | Part 17: The Reckoning | Part 18: Nidhogg Boss Guide | Part 19: Familial Wounds | Part 20: The Runaway | Part 21: Into the Fire | Part 22: The Word of Fate | Part 23: Forging Destiny | Part 24: Unleashing Hel | Part 25: Reunion | Part 26: Garm Boss Guide | Part 27: Creatures of Prophecy | Part 28: Heimdall Boss Guide | Part 29: Unlocking the Mask | Part 30: Hunting for Solace | Part 31: The Summoning | Part 32: Hrist and Mist Boss Guide | Part 33: The Realms at War | Part 34: Thor Boss Guide (Second Encounter) | Part 35: Odin Boss Guide |
Search the Mines for Tyr
When the train stops, you’ll fight some more grim in the mines. Once you’ve finished them off, you’ll find yourself in a large area with plenty of paths to follow. If you’re looking for crafting resources, it’s not a bad idea to take some time here to explore a little bit and stock up. Once you’re ready, head to the path to the right of where you entered the area from and use Atreus’ bow to clear away some green ore.

Once you do, you’ll be ambushed by a grim. It’s worth noting that grim will be attacking you pretty consistently in this area, so always be on your guard. Follow the newly cleared path west and use the Chaos Blades to grapple over a gap.

On the other side, throw your ax at the red pot that’s lodged inside the gold stone. It’ll explode revealing a path forward as well as a handful of wretches. Deal with the wretches and then enter the mine.

Exit on the other side of the mine and you’ll find yourself in a new area, the Jarnsmida Pitmines. Jump down the ledge to your left and approach the spinning water wheel to the left of the giant wooden cargo bin. Throw your ax at the water where it pours down onto the wheel to freeze it.

With the wheel frozen, jump across the gap that was previously blocked by the cargo and then jump across the gap to your right. Follow the main path until you come across a wooden wall that has white paint on it. Interact with it and you’ll toss Atreus up to climb.

Atreus will jump across a gap and land next to a circular lever. Command him to pull it by hitting the square button and then throw your ax at the gear directly below him once the bridge he lowers gets flat with the ground.

Jump across to the other side on the now lowered and frozen bridge and then across the gap underneath the large stone cube. On the other side, Pull the water spout with the Chaos Blades to make the second stone cube blocking your way rise up and then drop to the ground below it.

Climb up onto the ledge in front of you and then turn around and throw your ax into the water that’s turning the wheel. This will lower the cube and allow you to grapple up to it. Once you’re on top, recall the ax and you’ll rise up to Atreus’ level. Jump across the gap and lift up the door that separates you from Atreus.

Continue forward, jumping across another gap and pushing a cart out of your way. After moving the cart, Sindri will give you some lights before running off again. You’ll be attacked by a handful of enemies in the clearing including a new enemy the draugr. Fight them off and then head into the dark mouth of the cave to the south.

Inside the mine, fight off the handful of wretches that spawn and then take the passage on the left. Drop down into the room at the end of the path and then use Atreus to clear out the green ore after taking out more wretches. Enter the newly made passage until you exit and are faced with a fight against a bergrsa mother.

The mother isn’t too much to take on by itself as it’s pretty slow, but it spawns multiple wretches to attack you. In this room, focus your attacks on the bergsra mother only stopping to take out wretches when you’re getting overwhelmed. It’s a good idea to use the Chaos Blades in this fight since they can hit multiple targets at once and wipe out wretches in just a single hit or two.

Once the bergsra mother is down, clean up the remaining wretches and then hop in the boat that’s located on the northeast side of the room. Ride the boat deeper into the mines and you’ll be let off it at Sindri’s workshop in the Applecore. Upgrade whatever gear you need to and then head down the main path to the left.

Follow the path until you come across a large cavern on your left. To get to the door on the other side, have Atreus shoot the green ore that’s blocking the water flow on the opposite side of the room. With that cleared away, throw your ax to freeze the water above the track that leads to the water wheel in front of you.

With the water properly directed, a crane hand will rise and you can swing across the gap with your blades. Enter the room and use Atreus’ arrows to clear away the green ore covering a small gap in the wall. Squeeze through it and you’ll come out into another large cavern.

Walk along the main path and jump over a gap. You’ll be ambushed by two dragr, but you should be able to take them out without issue. Follow the path to the south and then turn left onto a bridge and Atreus will comment about how many doors are in the mine.

Follow the bridge to its end on the left and then freeze the water bridge above the water wheel to your left. Then, turn to your right and drop down to the area with the red chest (opening it along the way,) and then climb the chain to the north. Once you’re up, climb the next ledge in front of you and use your Chaos Blades on the switch to the left to redivert more water.

Once you do, Atreus will comment that the way forward is now clear. Return to him and just your blades to grapple across the gap. Turn to your left and use the Chaos Blades to turn another switch that’s above the water wheel then turn to the north and throw your ax at the mouth of the waterway that’s powering the wheel below it. This will lower an elevator to the west that you can enter.

Inside the elevator, recall the ax and you’ll rise. Exit to your left and then open the door in front of you. You won’t find Tyr in here either so jump down the ledge on your left and you’ll be faced with fighting more wretches. Deal with them and then interact with the dwarf that’s stuck in the wall on the southeast side of the area.

After you take the relic from the dwarf, more enemies will spawn. Take care of them and then return to the place where the dwarf was stuck and squeeze through the wall.
Once you exit, walk down the path to your left. At the path’s end, you’ll see a cage holding some green ore that Atreus can destroy with his bow. Get rid of the ore and then grapple across the ledge with your blades. On your left, kick down the device that allows you to jump back down to the area below for ease of access later. Don’t jump down, however, keep going along the winding wooden path you’re currently on.

At the fork in the road, take the right path and then grab the chain that’s connected to a rope. Before you can pull down the chain to raise the rope, aim at the green ore that’s holding the rope down and have Atreus destroy it. Once it’s gone, pull the chain, raise the rope, and then slide down it.

After zipping down, throw your ax into the waterway above the water wheel to your left. This will move a large shipping container on the other side of the room. Turn around and jump across the gap to the north east and boost Atreus up the wall to climb. He’ll get to a switch and when he does, give him the order to pull it.

Once he does, green ore will clog the waterway that’s currently being frozen by your ax. Return to the main section of the room where you can see both water wheels and recall your ax. Because the ore is there now, the water wheel on the left will continue turning without the ice blocking it. Throw your ax into the mouth of the waterway on the right and it’ll raise a grapple point.

Grapple across the gap and then turn back to the northeast. Use Atreus’ arrows to destroy the ore that’s blocking the first waterway and the platform you’re on will return to where it was, bringing you to a new door to enter. Enter it and open the chest on the right side of the room. Head to the northeast and croutch underneath the small passage.

When you exit, use Atreus’ arrows to break the four hinges on the large door in the room. Once the hinges are gone, interact with the door. Before you can open it, however, you’ll be interrupted by some new enemies, Einherjar. After you take care of them, return to the door.

Pursue Tyr

After opening the door, you’ll see a brief cutscene where Atreus and Tyr run off as Kratos gets held up to deal with some enemies. Take them out and then cut your way through the door to the southeast. Continue along the main path and take out the two enemies that await you on the otherside of the door.

Use your blades to grapple through the rock wall at the end of the path and then fight off the enemies that are on the other side. Once they’re dealt with, squeeze through the gap on the south side of the arena.

Grapple over the gap you come across on the other side and then continue forward, following the sound of Atreus’ voice until you jump down and enter a cutscene where Kratos and Atreus convince Tyr to leave the mines with them.

Gameranx’s God of War Ragnarok walkthrough continues here.
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