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When Kratos and Atreus finally make it to Nidavellir in God of War Ragnarok, the pair can sense that something is amiss since the city’s dwarven inhabitants all run in fear of them upon their arrival. They’ll come to find out that there’s a reason for the dwarves’ caution, despite their peaceful intentions.
The walkthrough below starts when Kratos and Atreus dock their canoe in Nidavellir and ends after Kratos and Atreus crashland in the mines.
More God of War Ragnarok walkthroughs:
| Part 1: Surviving Fimbulwinter | Part 2: Bjorn Boss Guide | Part 3: Thor Boss Guide | Part 4: Atreus’ Secret | Part 5: Sindri’s House | Part 6: Journey to Nidavellir | Part 8: Search the Mines for Tyr | Part 9: Old Friends | Part 10: Groa’s Secret | Part 11: Alva Boss Guide | Part 12: Ironwood | Part 13: The Lost Sanctuary | Part 14: The Sinkhole | Part 15: Gryla Boss Guide | Part 16: Vanadis Boss Guide | Part 17: The Reckoning | Part 18: Nidhogg Boss Guide | Part 19: Familial Wounds | Part 20: The Runaway | Part 21: Into the Fire | Part 22: The Word of Fate | Part 23: Forging Destiny | Part 24: Unleashing Hel | Part 25: Reunion | Part 26: Garm Boss Guide | Part 27: Creatures of Prophecy | Part 28: Heimdall Boss Guide | Part 29: Unlocking the Mask | Part 30: Hunting for Solace | Part 31: The Summoning | Part 32: Hrist and Mist Boss Guide | Part 33: The Realms at War | Part 34: Thor Boss Guide (Second Encounter) | Part 35: Odin Boss Guide |
The Path: The Quest for Tyr
After docking in Nidavellir, head forward through the docks and take the ramp on the right. Continue along the main path following Atreus to the left of the large statue of Odin until you run into Sindri. Talk with the dwarf and he’ll upgrade Atreus’ bow allowing him to break through the green glowing pieces of metal scattered across the world.

As soon as you try it out for the first time, a handful of monsters will attack you. Deal with them and then turn your attention back to the hole that Atreus made with his newfound ability. Interact with the hole and you’ll climb into it. Follow the path until you’re able to stand up straight and then continue forwards up the street until you see a cart carrying green ore to your left.

Use Atreus to clear the cart away and follow the path until you have to push a cart out of your way, revealing the tavern. Open the tavern door and speak with the dwarf inside playing an instrument. He’ll tell you where you can find Durlin.

Once you’re done talking with the dwarf, exit the tavern through the door to your left and Sindri will give you a compass to use to better track your quests. After he leaves, walk down the main path in front of you until you come to a dock. Hop in the boat.

Canoe down the river until it opens up into a large lake hub. Atreus will comment on the different places you can go, but to stick to the main quest, you’ll want to paddle to the left taking you to the dock outside Durlin’s office. Once docked, head into the building and you’ll see a cutscene where Durlin will refuse to help.

After the scene, head out the door to the right of Durlin’s desk. Outside, take care of the enemies in the area and Atreus will discover that the “fine” Durlin gave him isn’t that at all but a map leading to a mine.
Reach the Mine Beyond the Mountain
Once Atreus reveals that Durlin gave him a map, exit the combat arena through the wooden gate to the southwest. Walk up the path and then get into the wooden train car to the left of the clearing area. Ride the car up and you’ll exit in a new area, The Forge.

Follow Atreus through along the wooden path until a fork in the road appears. Head right and then straight until you come across a stone arch that you need to crouch under. When you do, Atreus will look at a dead dreki and then a living one will approach.

Dreki Boss Guide
Unlike the last boss you faced, the Huntress, there are no real gimmicks to this boss fight. To kill the dreki, you’ll need to avoid its attacks and attack when you have an opening. While this is something of an oversimplification, the dreki doesn’t have much in its moveset for the first half of the fight that should give you any real trouble.
In the first phase, the dreki really only has four moves: a two-hit combo of bites, a tail whip, a long-range spit, and a long-range leaping lunge.

The bite attacks it has are pretty easy to avoid since it telegraphs when it’s going to do them by shrieking and opening its mouth wide before bringing its jaws together quickly. These two attacks are pretty easy to dodge because of how much time you have to react so when it goes to get its first bite in, dodge to the side of the lizard and deal some damage while it follows up with a second, easily dodgeable bite.
The tail whip is a little tougher to spot since it comes so quickly, but you should be able to dodge it pretty consistently by noticing that before the dreki attacks, it’ll do a small jump and raise its hind legs. Once it does, you should know that it’s about to do a full body spin and that you should do a dodge before getting back to dishing out damage to it.
Both the long-range attacks are easily avoidable as they’re telegraphed really early on. You’ll know that the attacks are coming because the dreki will jump to a far end of the arena and either spit a relatively slow-moving projectile at you or jump towards you which is also pretty slow.
Once you’ve gotten the dreki down to half health, it’ll use two new moves: an electric AoE attack that deals damage in a large circle around it and a close-range electric spit attack that shoots two smaller electric AoE circles. Both are relatively easy to avoid since the big AoE attack gives you ample time to run out of range and the spit attack usually only hits directly in front of the dreki which means that you may simply need to start strafing around the boss a little more in this section.

It’s not a terrible idea to switch to the Chaos Blades for this section of the fight since they have a little more reach and allow you to turn around and run out of AoE range more easily, but both of Kratos’ weapons deal similar amounts of damage to the boss.

Reach the Front of the Broken Train
After the dreki boss is taken care of, pick up the items off of its corpse and squeeze through the gap on the western side of the arena. Take the path to the left, jumping across a small ridge and then grappling up a wall to get to a clearing where you’ll be ambushed by some wretches.

Take out the wretches by destroying their nest and finishing off those that remain and then fix the train car to the east by interacting with it to put it back on the tracks. Hop into the train car once more and complete the scripted monster fight inside the cabin.

When you exit the sequence, you’ll be thrown into another fight with some grims. Take them out and you’ll be in the mines.
Gameranx’s God of War Ragnarok walkthrough continues here.
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