Table of Contents[Hide][Show]
- The Path: The Reckoning
- Seek the Source of Freya’s Binding Curse
- Frost Ancient Boss Fight
- Continue to Seek the Source of Freya’s Binding Curse
- Cross the Valley to Reach the Watchtower
- Find a Way to Cross the Broken Bridge
- Press Onward in Search of the Binding Curse
- Fiske Boss Fight
- Continuing Onward in Search of the Binding Curse

After Freya reveals that she’s potentially interested in joining up with Atreus for his plan to defy Odin, she requests Kratos’ help to which he cautiously gives it to her. The pair heal old wounds during The Path: The Reckoning in God of War Ragnarok.
The walkthrough below starts after the Vanadis boss fight and ends after Kratos and Freya make it to her childhood home.
NOTE: This walkthrough only covers the main quest and doesn’t cover any side quests.
More God of War Ragnarok walkthroughs:
| Part 1: Surviving Fimbulwinter | Part 2: Bjorn Boss Guide | Part 3: Thor Boss Guide | Part 4: Atreus’ Secret | Part 5: Sindri’s House | Part 6: Journey to Nidavellir | Part 7: The Quest for Tyr | Part 8: Search the Mines for Tyr | Part 9: Old Friends | Part 10: Groa’s Secret | Part 11: Alva Boss Guide | Part 12: Ironwood | Part 13: The Lost Sanctuary | Part 14: The Sinkhole | Part 15: Gryla Boss Guide | Part 16: Vanadis Boss Guide | Part 18: Nidhogg Boss Guide | Part 19: Familial Wounds | Part 20: The Runaway | Part 21: Into the Fire | Part 22: The Word of Fate | Part 23: Forging Destiny | Part 24: Unleashing Hel | Part 25: Reunion | Part 26: Garm Boss Guide | Part 27: Creatures of Prophecy | Part 28: Heimdall Boss Guide | Part 29: Unlocking the Mask | Part 30: Hunting for Solace | Part 31: The Summoning | Part 32: Hrist and Mist Boss Guide | Part 33: The Realms at War | Part 34: Thor Boss Guide (Second Encounter) | Part 35: Odin Boss Guide |
The Path: The Reckoning
After the cutscene where Freya asks for Kratos’ help, walk along the side of the house to the mystic gateway in the front yard. When you make it to the other side of the portal, follow Freya along the main forest path until you have to squeeze through an overgrown stone arch.

On the other side, continue following Freya (she’ll have turned into a hawk when you make it through) until you come across a giant metal door. Get on the other side of the door and walk down the hall then take a slight left turn. Watch out for the blue blobs that stick out of the floor, ceiling, and walls as they’ll explode leaving poison everywhere if you get too close. Destroy them by throwing your ax or blades into them and then continue along to the right over a destructible floor tile.

When you get to the tile, you’ll be attacked by a new enemy type, legion, which is pretty easy to take out. There will be a lot of them spawning at once, but they only take a few hits before going down for good. With them dealt with, head to the southeast and then turn the corner to the east.

Follow the path and then climb the ledges to the left. Follow the upper path across a bridge and then a second one on the left path. Jump across the gap to the platform to the east and then continue along the raised path into the woods again.

Continue north keeping an eye out for the exploding blob traps until you vault over a stone ledge. On the other side, you’ll be ambushed by lion-like enemies. Once they’re dealt with, duck under the giant tree root to the northwest and take out the venom-spitting plant on the other side by throwing your ax at it when it opens its leaves.

Once it’s dealt with, head down the path in front of you, taking out blob traps and venomous plants as you go. Drop down into the area near the lake and hop across the rocks in the water to get to the other side. On the other side, take a left and continue down the main path to the northwest.
On the path, you’ll be confronted by two Wulvers. They’re a lot tankier than the other enemies you’ve faced in Vanaheim and can deal a lot of damage very quickly so make sure you’re staying out of the way of their red-ringed grab attacks. As long as you dodge those and strike when you have openings, they shouldn’t give you too much trouble.

With both enemies defeated, head to the northwest and interact with the large stone slab that sits in your way. On the other side, Brok will expose a hidden trap. Use your ax on the blue target inside the mouth of the trap to disable it and then continue forward by boosting Brok up the wall. He’ll reveal a grapple point for you to use to get up to his level.

When you make it to the ledge above you, Brok will be dragged off by some unseen creature. Crawl after Brok and you’ll see a cutscene where Kratos is introduced to Freyr. After the scene, you’ll be free to roam Freyr’s camp. Brok will set up a workstation to your right, so make sure to upgrade your gear before heading out.

Walk over to Freyr and talk to him. He’ll be standing by a table to the northeast, right of the campfire in the center of the area.

Seek the Source of Freya’s Binding Curse
Once you’ve spoken with Freyr and left Mimir with him, open the wooden gate to the northeast, left of where you left Mimir with Freyr. Walk forward across the wooden bridge and follow the main path with Freya until you come to a fork in the road in the forest. Take the path to the right.

Follow the path climbing up ledges, grappling over the water, and keeping an eye out for hostile plant life until you find yourself crawling under some roots at the end of the path. On the other side, you’ll come face-to-face with a frost ancient.

Frost Ancient Boss Fight
Frost Ancients are a relatively common miniboss in God of War Ragnarok, so make sure to study this one’s moveset as you’ll be fighting them again later on. Essentially, the Frost Ancient is completely invulnerable everywhere on its body except for its chest. To beat it, you’ll want to throw your ax into its chest when it exposes itself to attack.

When the ax gets lodged into the giant, a rock-type item will fall off its body. Grab the rock and then throw it at it to stun it. If you hit it anywhere on its body, it’ll expose its chest for several seconds, giving you plenty of time to throw your ax into it a few times. If you manage to hit its exposed chest with the rock, however, the ancient will be staggered.

When staggered, run up to the Frost Ancient and click R3 to jump on top of it. You’ll then be able to hit R2 and R1 to do light and heavy attacks, dealing a massive amount of damage.

Overall, the fight is pretty straightforward, just make sure to dodge out of the way of the ancient’s attacks and mind the legion that spawn on the outskirts of the arena.
Continue to Seek the Source of Freya’s Binding Curse
With the ancient defeated, enter the structure to the east. Once inside, destroy the bramble to your left using your blades, then jump across the water and grapple up to the ledge above. Take a right and jump down to the area below with the bones.

Take care of the pack of Gulan in the area and then crawl into the tree roots to the northeast. On the other side, continue down the main path following Freya’s eagle form until squeezing between two cliff faces.

When you make it through, you’ll be faced with fighting some Einherjar. Once they’re dealt with, a Flame Gradungr, an ox-like creature, will spawn into the arena for you to fight as well. It can be pretty dangerous thanks to its fire AoE attacks. Make sure to avoid them and use your ax to break its flame wall to make it vulnerable to damage.

Cross the Valley to Reach the Watchtower
Once all the enemies have been dealt with, climb the rocks on the north side of the arena. Grapple across the water once you’ve made it to the end of the climbing path and then follow the main path until exiting out of a cave into a fight against some enemies.

Take care of the monsters by dealing with the Cursed Nokken, the small humanoid enemy clinging to the ceiling, first. Then, deal with the Draugr. Once they’re defeated, continue with Freya across wooden bridges to the northeast. After reaching the end of the path in a small wooden hut, look out the open side of the hut to the north and throw your ax at the crane in the water until the grapple point hanging off it is between you and the next hut.

Grapple across and continue northeast following Freya to a small hole in the wall for you to crawl through. On the other side, grapple across the gap and take out the Einherjar occupying the temple. After you’ve taken them all out, pull on the chain to open the gate on the east side of the arena.

On the other side of the gate, follow the path to the left and continue along it until you come across a plant poisoning the ground with a blue mist. Throw your ax into it to freeze it and then continue along the path, recalling your ax only once you’re out of the reach of the plant.

After dealing with the plant, you’ll come to a small clearing where you’ll need to use your blades to light some bramble on fire. Once you do, a chain for you to climb will drop down to you. Climb the chain and then climb up the ledge in front of you. At the top, pull the chain down to raise a rope for you to zip line on.

Zip down the rope and then continue forward, jumping across the stones in the river in front of you, then jumping to the tree at the end of the stone path. After grappling across the water, climb up the stone wall you find yourself on. At the top of the cliff, walk forward and take the center path at the fork under the stone gazebo.

Find a Way to Cross the Broken Bridge
When you get to the end of the path, you’ll find yourself at a large clearing with another crane. Walk down the path to the left and use your blades to light the bramble on fire that’s weighing the crane down. With the crane free, turn it until the grapple point on its long arm is between you and the stone structure to the left.

Grapple to the structure and then turn the crane until the torch the crane is holding is hanging between you and the unburned bramble to the north. Use your blades to pull the torch towards you to ultimately swing it towards the bramble, destroying it.

Return to the area where you first entered the clearing by moving the grapple point and then move the grapple point once more to cross to the other side of the clearing.

Press Onward in Search of the Binding Curse
After grappling across the broken bridge, take the path to the left heading southwest with Freya. Follow the path and squeeze through the gap in the wall at the end of it. On the other side, you’ll be faced with a fight against one of Odin’s captains Fiske.

Fiske Boss Fight
Although Fiske is one of Odin’s captains, they’re a pretty straightforward boss fight. His moves are generally well telegraphed making them easy to avoid. Because he tends to attack in multi-hit combos that usually end with a red-ringed or yellow-ringed attack, it’s best to dodge out of the way and attack Fiske from behind as opposed to parrying his attacks since they rarely stun him out of his attack patterns.

Fiske is a pretty simple dodge-hit-rinse-repeat type fight, but there are two attacks to watch out for. The first is an AoE attack where he drops his scythe down for a moment before pulling it back up and plunging it down into the ground. When he starts to do this attack, run to safety while the effects of the blue fog die down.
The other attack to be mindful of starts when he jumps back away from you and his scythe turns into a spear that he holds above his head. He’ll then rush you and take stabs at you with the spear. These attacks come out pretty quickly, one after another, so it’s best to either block them entirely or parry them as it’s an attack that parries can interrupt and open Fiske up for damage.

With Fiske taken down, interact with the wooden wall on the south side of the boss arena to open the path forward.
Continuing Onward in Search of the Binding Curse
Walk through the hole in the wall you made from breaking down the wooden wall and then follow the path to the right until you come to another clearing with a crane. You can use the crane to find some hidden treasures, but we won’t be covering those here. Use it to get access to treasure chests and then follow Freya to the northwest, jumping over a spike put and climbing the wall at the end of the path.

Jump off the wall once you’ve reached the end of the climbing path and follow Freya to the doors to the north. On the other side of the doors, continue following Freya north into her childhood home.

Gameranx’s God of War Ragnarok walkthrough continues here.
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