After The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and the Xenoblade Chronicles games, Nintendo fans could be forgiven for thinking that no game on the Switch could possibly get any bigger or more stuffed with open-world content. However, it doesn’t take long after you start playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for you to notice just how insanely massive this supersized sequel truly is.
Whether you’re exploring the skies or the depths of Hyrule, there’s a seemingly never-ending list of things to see and do. That’s why we’re compiling helpful maps for each region to help you find all of the Shrines that you might be missing. Furthermore, we’ve also included descriptions for how to find and complete each Shrine wherever applicable. However, please note that, as always, while other Shrines seen on this map are accurate, they won’t be covered in this particular guide.

Other The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Guides:
Elixir Guide | Cooking Guide | Secret Mount Guide | Surviving Cold Weather | Surviving the Gerudo Desert | Beginner’s Guide | How to Reunite Koroks Guide | Lookout Landing Shrines and Solutions | How to Solve Ekochiu Shrine | How to Solve Tajikats Shrine | Hylian Field Shrines and Solutions | Sahasra Slope Shrines and Solutions | All Shrine Locations and Solutions | Lindor’s Brow Shrines and Solutions | Ulri Mountain Shrines and Solutions | Eldin Canyon Shrines and Solutions | Central and Eastern Sky Shrines and Solutions | Best Healing Item Location | Rupee Farming Methods | Arrow & Bomb Farming Methods | Zonaite Farming Methods | How To Get Cold Protection | How To Respec | How To Unlock Autobuild & Camera | How To Upgrade Armor | Great Fairy Locations | How To Upgrade Horses | Horse God Location | How To Unlock The Dream Home Plot | How To Easily Find Bubbul Gems | How To Unlock Gerudo Secret Club | Gleeok Boss Tips | Giant Horse Location | Hylian Shield Location | Glide Suit Locations | All Purah Pad Upgrades | All Misko’s Treasure Locations | All Divine Beast Mask Locations | Gloom-borne Illness Quest Guide
All Rospro Pass Shrine Locations and Solutions in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (So Far…)
1. Gatakis Shrine (Ride the Winds)

Glide across the first gap and then land. Next, take a look at the lasers. You’ll want to skirt to the right and then back left in order to bypass them safely. Now, jump down and time your glides until you can free-fall down the pit and miss the rotating section. This will allow you to land on the ice and crack it.
Keep jumping on the ice and cracking it until you fall through. In the next area, there are three enemies, but they’re optional. What you really want to do is glide through the opening in the cage in between where the two of them are firing from. Glide on up on the gust, and this will take you to the final room and complete the Shrine.
2. Sahirow Shrine (Aid From Above)

In this Shrine, you might be a bit more at home if you’ve played Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell. For starters, jump over the first laser, and as things get more complex, you’ll either need to crouch, jump, or climb up and glide to get past the interconnected sets of lasers. Now, Ascend through the moving platform to reach the next area.
From here, head left and jump over one laser on the first bridge before ducking the next on the second bridge. Now you’ll get a Resident Evil 4 nightmare grid of lasers, but you can bypass this one as well by standing as far away as possible and then chasing the lasers to their starting point. The ground will drop out as you leap through them, but you’ll still land on the safety of solid ground if you do this correctly.
3. Eutoum Shrine (Proving Grounds: Infiltration)

Though this Shrine might seem a bit intimidating, you can actually kill all five of the enemies here relatively easily. First, head left and kill the two enemies that attack when you’re initially noticed, and then fuse the nearby spike pads from the entryway together. Now just hold them out in front of you like a floating shield and repeatedly walk into the next attacking enemies. This will leave only the final enemy inside, who can easily be dispatched with superior equipment you’ve picked up from your defeated foes.
4. Wao-Os Shrine (Lever Power)

Since this Shrine is a bit more complicated, we made a separate post about it. For this one, we have a guide already prepared that you can check out right here.
5. Ikatak Shrine (Rauru’s Blessing)

This Shrine Quest demands that you get the crystal out of the nearby pit and return it to the Shrine. To do so, attach both rockets that you find in the cave to the crystal and launch it out of the hole. Now, Ascend through the ceiling with Link and use Recall on the rocket, as it will likely have fallen right back into the hole.
When it gets to a point where it’s within your reach, keep using Recall and stop until you can grab it with Ultrahand and take it back home. Thankfully, the Shrine has no further challenges once you head inside.
6. Tauyosipun Shrine (Forward or Backward)

For the first room, the solution is simple enough. Just use Recall on any of the rolling rocks to clear a path that you can run up. On the way to the next room, you can also reverse the wheel to get a chest. Now, for the next puzzle, step on the switch and wait for the orb to roll down to the gates.
Grab the other orb with Ultrahand and attach it to the rear of the orb that’s stuck at the gates before activating Recall on the orb closest to you. This will carry it back to where it came from, where the other orb will separate and fall onto the target. This takes you to the third puzzle, which is much easier.
Simply stop the orb in the middle of the grids with Recall and then immediately release it. Having lost its momentum, it will drop right where you need it. Now, for the last room, place the orb in the floating cup and let it get carried until it’s over the mark. Once the cup starts floating away, use Recall on the orb to get it to where you need it and release it onto the target without the cup impeding it.
7. Otak Shrine (Proving Ground: Traps)

To get to this one, start by entering Icefall Foothills Cave, as seen in the picture. Though you can melt all of the ice in the cave with arrows and fire fruit, having Yunobo with you will help a lot, as his spirit’s attack has a fire effect. As you continue to explore, you’ll see ice covering a hole in the ground. That’s where you want to go.

You’ll have to do some fighting down here, but once you’re done, you can melt some ice covering a hole in the wall to create a path to the Shrine. As you enter the Shrine, look around with Ultrahand to see all of the traps you can use on the robots here. With the traps as well as the weapons provided at the start, this one is ultimately pretty easy to work your way through.
8. Rotafu-Um Shrine (Rauru’s Blessing)

First, note the location of the Hebra Mountains Northwest Cave, as that’s where you need to go to reach this Shrine. Now once you’re inside, you’ll have to fight some enemies before you can activate the Shrine quest.

From here, shoot down three of the biggest icicles in the room and attach them together until you can use them to reach the Shrine crystal in the pond. Once you’ve got it, attach it to your makeshift fishing rod and pull it out of the water so that you can take it where it needs to go.
9. Iun-Orok Shrine (The Right Roll)

First of all, to find this one, you’re going to need to go to the spot we marked on the map above and enter a cave at the bottom of the canyon. It’s worth noting that this cave has tons of valuables, so it’s well worth your while to thoroughly explore it. Either way, you’ll find the Shrine on the other marked spot above. There are plenty of rocks to break here, so if you have Yunobo with you, this will be much easier.

Anyway, once you’re in the Shrine, just roll the orb down and strike the bullseye with it to open the first door. In the next area, attach the two orbs together and roll them down the middle to strike the second bullseye. Now, this last bit is nearly impossible, so we hope you have a bomb with you.
If you do, just fire a bomb arrow at the target rather than going for an engineering degree just to solve a puzzle in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. If not, you can still cheese this by building a snowman shape from largest to smallest and setting it on the edge so that it teeters and hits the bullseye.