After Atreus starts to settle into his life in Asgard, God of War Ragnarok‘s perspective returns to Kratos inside Sindri’s house. He goes to Freya to ask for help finding the Norns and decides to look to them for guidance on how to save Atreus. When players return to the god of war, The Path: The Word of Fate will begin.
The walkthrough below starts after the cutscene where Kratos goes to Freya for help finding the Norns and ends after returning to Sindri’s house after Kratos and Freya talked to the Norns.
NOTE: This walkthrough only covers the main quest and doesn’t cover any side quests.
More God of War Ragnarok walkthroughs:
| Part 1: Surviving Fimbulwinter | Part 2: Bjorn Boss Guide | Part 3: Thor Boss Guide | Part 4: Atreus’ Secret | Part 5: Sindri’s House | Part 6: Journey to Nidavellir | Part 7: The Quest for Tyr | Part 8: Search the Mines for Tyr | Part 9: Old Friends | Part 10: Groa’s Secret | Part 11: Alva Boss Guide | Part 12: Ironwood | Part 13: The Lost Sanctuary | Part 14: The Sinkhole | Part 15: Gryla Boss Guide | Part 16: Vanadis Boss Guide | Part 17: The Reckoning | Part 18: Nidhogg Boss Guide | Part 19: Familial Wounds | Part 20: The Runaway | Part 21: Into the Fire | Part 23: Forging Destiny | Part 24: Unleashing Hel | Part 25: Reunion | Part 26: Garm Boss Guide | Part 27: Creatures of Prophecy | Part 28: Heimdall Boss Guide | Part 29: Unlocking the Mask | Part 30: Hunting for Solace | Part 31: The Summoning | Part 32: Hrist and Mist Boss Guide | Part 33: The Realms at War | Part 34: Thor Boss Guide (Second Encounter) | Part 35: Odin Boss Guide |
The Path: The Word of Fate
Once you gain control of Kratos, exit the house after upgrading your gear and go through the mystic gateway and travel to Midgard after Brok and Sindri give you your shield back.

When you make it to Midgard, follow Freya down the path in front of you to find your dog sled. After showing the dogs the Norns’ scent, open the gate behind you and then get on the sled.

Follow the Wolves to the Norns
When you get on the sled, ride it forward until you reach the Lake of the Nine. Here, you’ll have access to a handful of side quests, but if you want to focus on the main path, head to the southeast. As you look for the Norn, you’ll be taught that you’ll need to go the direction that your wolves are looking to find them, so follow their lead across the lake.

The dogs will get distracted by enemies that have set up camp around the area, but head southeast until you reach the bridge that’s part of Tyr’s workshop. Don’t go underneath it, instead, change your course so that you’re going east up a hill of snow.

Head up the hill to the East until Freya remarks that the company will need to climb up a wall and continue on foot. Climb the ledge and follow the path forward until you jump down into a new section of frozen lake where you’ll be ambushed by enemies. Because some of the enemies are frozen, it’s a good idea to use the Blades of Chaos on them. Be mindful of the troll that they have with them.

Once you’ve dealt with the enemies, interact with the broken gravestone that’s in the center of the arena. After a quick scene where Kratos picks up a sword hilt, the gravestone will blast a hole in the ice to the west revealing a new path. Follow the path and interact with the wall that Freya stares at.

Return to the wolf sled and head down the hill and across the lake to the west. As you make your way across, turn to the southwest and take the route that has two pieces of a broken boat at its mouth. Follow the path until you reach a ledge that you need to vault over. Hop off the sled and get over the ledge.

Follow Freya to the next wall and interact with it. Once she opens it, you’ll find another dead end. Return to the wolves and you’ll be ambushed by some enemies. Take care of them and return to the sled.

Go down the hill you came from and then head to the northwest to the route that passes Sindri’s workshop and a mystic gateway. Stop and upgrade your gear or continue northwest up the hill. Hop off the sled when you make it to the base of the large stone structure and vault over the ledge that Freya points you to.

Follow the path and grapple your way up the cliffs. At the top, Freya will ask you to cut a way through the ice to the west. Interact with the wall and you’ll cut a hole for you to squeeze through. Take out the enemies on the other side of the ice and then climb the wall on the northwest edge of the arena.

When you make it to the top, fight off the raiders and then interact with the wall that Freya points out.

Find the Norns at the Well of Uro
Head inside the now-opened cave and follow the path, jumping down into the area below. Walk towards the broken pillar that stretches across the floor, blocking the way forward. Look to the wall to the right of the pillar and use your blades to burn the bramble. Grapple onto the wall where the bramble was and then climb up to the area above you.

When you make it to the top, cross the snowy bridge to the left and you’ll be confronted by a tanky, knight-like enemy. While it may seem a little daunting, it’s a relatively simply enemy to defeat. It’s very slow, so its attacks are pretty easy to avoid as long as you get down the timing for its sword swings. Deal with it and then follow the path to the south.

As you follow the path, you’ll come to a clearing where some Elves will spawn to attack you. Fight them off and then vault over the downed tree to the southwest. Follow the path and fight off the enemies that spawn until you fight a Hel-Revenant. After the ghostly entity is down, climb the wall to the west of where it spawned.

At the top of the cliff, you’ll walk to a large arena area.
Frost Phantom Boss Fight
This fight is a pretty simple one of God of War Ragnarok‘s bosses. To beat it, you’ll need to attack the Frost Phantom directly by hitting its head until its stagger bar is completely full. Once it is, the two tower shines it draws its power from will be vulnerable to attack.

There are two phases to the fight, when the phantom is at full health and when it’s at half health. When you start the fight, it moves pretty slowly and telegraphs its attacks clearly making it pretty easy to multiple hits in before needing to dodge an attack. When up close to it, keep an eye out for red-ringed AoE slam attacks. You’ll be able to predict these since the ground beneath the phantom lights up for a few seconds before it slams down giving you ample time to get out of the way.

When at medium range, the phantom does a two-hit combo of sweeping attacks that can cover the entire arena. When it rears back to do its first horizontal sweep, carefully watch its “arms” and duck out of the way once it sweeps towards you. Do the same thing for the vertical sweep.

Once the Frost Phantom’s stagger bar is full, turn your attention to the tower shrines in the center of the arena. Focus on attacking just one until it breaks. Once it does, the other will become invincible again, so you’ll need to build the phantom’s stagger meter once more.

After you’ve taken out the first tower, the Frost Phantom will become much more aggressive. It will not only attack more frequently but add additional attacks to the end of its previous combos. For example, the two-hit vertical-horizontal sweep will get a third attack tacked on to the end. The behavioral changeup isn’t to be feared entirely, however, since the Frost Phantom doesn’t hit for all that much damage and clearly telegraphs its attacks.
Build the stagger bar again and once it’s full, destroy the second pillar. Then, attack the Frost Phantom a few more times and perform a finisher on it.

Continuing the Search for the Norns at the Well of Uro
After defeating the Frost Phantom, exit the boss arena by lifting the downed stone pillar on the northwestern edge. On the other side, follow the main path, jumping across a ledge, climbing cliffs, and descending into a cave. At the bottom of the cave, you’ll come across a door locked with magic. Interact with it and turn around to see Freya being confronted by a spectral version of Baldur.

After the phantom Baldur leaves, fight off the enemies that attack you. Once you’ve dealt with the horde, watch the scene where the phantoms recreate Baldur’s death. When you gain control, approach Mimir and interact with him as he’s back to his tree-prison. After you do, you’ll be attacked by more enemies.

As you continue fighting, you’ll eventually be interrupted by a spectral Valkyrie. Return to Mimir once the scene with the Valkyrie is over and interact with him. You’ll be then ambushed by more enemies after seeing a vision of Atreus running from a monster. Here, you’ll face a small legion of enemies all rushing you at once. If you haven’t already, it’s not a bad idea to switch to the Chaos Blades for better crowd control.

Fight off the enemies until the path to the Great Lodge becomes clear. Walk towards Atreus and Odin and you’ll return to the area in the cave where the magically locked door once was. Walk forward and follow the path until you come across a Kelpie. Climb on the horse with Freya and watch the scene where the Kelpie leads the group through the water.

When you dismount the Kelpie, walk up the ramp and interact with the golden vines. Inside, you’ll see a cutscene where Kratos, Mimir, and Freya speak with the Norns. After the scene is over, return to the Kelpie.

Leave the Norns
After dismounting once more, continue forward through the cave in front of you. When you reach the end of the path, climb the wall to the east and then continue forward until you reach a dead end with a red treasure chest. Open the chest and then return to Freya who points out a grapple point on the ceiling.

Interact with the grapple point and you’ll find yourself near the entrance of the cave. Climb the wall to the east and follow the path to the cave’s exit. Climb down the cliffs and return to the dog sled. Hop on and head to a mystic gateway. The closest one is the one by Sindri’s shop to the southeast. Enter it and return to Sindri’s house.

Gameranx’s God of War Ragnarok walkthrough continues here.
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