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After Atreus sneaks out to try and secretly recruit Freya to join his fight against Odin, he knows that Kratos won’t be happy about his secrecy in God of War Ragnarok. When Freya refuses to join him, Atreus decides to cut his losses and head back to the secret dwarven house where his father thinks he is.
The walkthrough below starts right after the cutscene when Freya refuses to aid Atreus and ends after you see the prophecy in Alfheim.
NOTE: This walkthrough only covers the main quest and doesn’t cover any side quests.
More God of War Ragnarok walkthroughs:
| Part 1: Surviving Fimbulwinter | Part 2: Bjorn Boss Guide | Part 3: Thor Boss Guide | Part 4: Atreus’ Secret | Part 5: Sindri’s House | Part 6: Journey to Nidavellir | Part 7: The Quest for Tyr | Part 8: Search the Mines for Tyr | Part 9: Old Friends | Part 11: Alva Boss Guide | Part 12: Ironwood | Part 13: The Lost Sanctuary | Part 14: The Sinkhole | Part 15: Gryla Boss Guide | Part 16: Vanadis Boss Guide | Part 17: The Reckoning | Part 18: Nidhogg Boss Guide | Part 19: Familial Wounds | Part 20: The Runaway | Part 21: Into the Fire | Part 22: The Word of Fate | Part 23: Forging Destiny | Part 24: Unleashing Hel | Part 25: Reunion | Part 26: Garm Boss Guide | Part 27: Creatures of Prophecy | Part 28: Heimdall Boss Guide | Part 29: Unlocking the Mask | Part 30: Hunting for Solace | Part 31: The Summoning | Part 32: Hrist and Mist Boss Guide | Part 33: The Realms at War | Part 34: Thor Boss Guide (Second Encounter) | Part 35: Odin Boss Guide |
Return Home to Sindri’s
Once the cutscene with Freya is over, climb the gold chain that’s in front of you. Continue forward, stopping at the treasure chest on your left and then return to the main path. Follow the main path sidestepping across ledges and climbing walls until you make it to a cave with some soundstone blocking your path.

Use your bow to get rid of the soundstone and then climb down to Sindri on the left. Talk to him and your conversation will be interrupted by a large enemy. This draugr isn’t a boss, but does have a much larger health bar than other draugrs. Defeating it will spawn in more enemies for you to fight off. Once you do, Sindri will prompt you to head back toward the house.

Squeeze through the crack in the wall across from Sindris’ shop and follow the main path until you hop down near the metallic arm of Tyr that you crawled through earlier. When you drop down, more monsters will show up for you to take out.

With all of the monsters taken out, crawl through the arm and follow the path leading to the right. Continue along it, following Sindri, until you have to jump across a gap in the ground and more enemies spawn. Defeat them and continue with Sindri towards the tall structure in front of you.

Use the lever on the elevator to ride back up to the gateway. Interact with it and return home to the dwarven house. Go inside through the front door and you’ll see a cutscene where Atreus rejoins the group and they share a meal together while they plan their next move.

Travel to Alfheim
After the scene, you’ll be playing as Kratos once more. Stand up from the table and leave out of the front door to interact with the gateway. When you do, you’ll see a cutscene where you meet Ratatoskr and gain access to more of God of War Ragnarok‘s world. While there are a handful of quests for you to follow at this point in the game, for the sake of this walkthrough we’re going to be continuing on the main quest so choose Alfheim. If you want to do some side quests before continuing, complete them and then return to a mystic gate and head out to Alfheim when you’re ready.

The Path: Groa’s Secret
When you come out on the other side of the gateway, climb up the ledges to the east and squeeze through the crack in the wall to your right. When you come out on the other side, climb the ledges to the southwest.

At the top, drop down the ledge to the west and follow Atreus and Tyr in jumping across a gap in the ground. Continue with them on the other side until you get stopped by a wooden gate with purple ore called twilight stones on both sides of it. Twilight stones bounce objects off them so aim your ax through the opening on the gate on the left side and throw it at the stone on the other side.

By bouncing the ax off the stone, the wood gate will break and you’ll be free to proceed. On the other side of the gate, you’ll be ambushed by some monsters. Fight them off and then climb the wall to the northeast. At the top, continue forward with Atreus and Tyr, climbing up onto a ledge to the south.

Once you’ve climbed up, Tyr will try to talk some elves out of fighting, but instead of laying down their weapons, they’ll turn their focus on you. The light elves pose little threat to you as long as you’re blocking/parrying their attacks and dishing out damage with your weapons.

After taking care of the light elves. follow the main path to the south, lifting up a large piece of rock to walk under. Walk along the path to the temple and jump across the gap to reach it. Interact with the wheel on the left side of the door and you’ll see a cutscene where Tyr explains some of the background of the temple.

Follow Atreus’ instructions to open the door. Once it’s opened, the scene will be over and you’ll be able to walk through into the temple. Inside, you’ll come across a door made of solid light that needs to be opened. Aim your ax at the twilight stone hanging from the ceiling and have it bounce into the crystal above the door.

Throw the ax and the door will open. Head through it and follow the stairs down until you come across two large elven statues. Use the grapple point in between them and you’ll see the Lake of Souls in an unsettled state.

Turn to the right and follow the stairs up. Once you make it to the next floor, run across the room and open the red chest and then turn your attention to the twilight stone in the south corner. Throw your ax into it at a wide angle and it’ll unlock the light door.

Go through the door and open the second door at the top of the stairs. On the other side, you’ll find some light elves that will attack you despite Tyr’s attempts to calm them down. After they’re taken down, Tyr will find a way for you to proceed by letting you grapple onto some hanging chandeliers.

Use the grapple points and then follow Tyr to the right along the main path until you run into another light door. When facing the door, turn to the southwest and grapple up the wall. Walk to the left, pick up the poem on the ground, and then look out the window to the northeast.

Aim your ax at the hanging twilight stone until it lines up with the crystal on the wall. Throw the ax and then return to the now open door. Tyr will try again to de-escalate another fight against the light elves to no avail. Take them out and then continue up the steps to the east.

Open the door at the top of the stairs and continue up the stairs until you reach another light door. Hop down to the left of the door and turn the wheel in the ground until the hanging twilight stone is level with the door.

Use your ax to turn the stone until its uncovered side faces you then throw your ax into it to destroy the crystal and open the door. With the door open, return to the main level and continue along the main path following Tyr after taking out the nightmares that spawn to ambush you.

Open the door ahead of you and take out the elves that attack you inside the next room. Once they’re dealt with, kick down the metal grate on the ledge that faces south and then grapple across the chasm to meet Tyr on the other side.

Head down the hallway and you’ll see an unalerted elf to the south. Bounce your ax off the twilight stone in the floor to stagger it and then rush in to finish it off. After you do, climb the wall to the west.

At the top of the wall, you’ll have to fight a handful more elves in a room covered in twilight stone. Once you’ve beaten them all, push over the elf statue in the center of the room and then across the light bridge that triggers after pushing it down.

Follow the stairs to the right and then fight off the elves that ambush you at the top. After you’ve taken care of the elves and nightmares, continue up the stairs north and open the doors at the top of them.

Inside, you’ll find another light door blocking your path. Use Atreus to get rid of the soundstone on the statue on the right side of the room and then use your blades to rip it to the left. Grapple up to the ledge to the right of the statue and then turn to your right and use the grapple point to get across the room.

On the other side, use Atreus to destroy the soundstone that’s on the back of the other statue then use your blades to pull it to the left. Throw your ax at the target on its back on the right side then use your blades to shift it to the right again.

Throw your ax into the twilight stone on the statue’s shield to break the final part of its back and then use your blades to shift it to the left one final time. Return to the opposite side of the room on the ledge behind the first broken statue and aim your ax into the shield. This will have it bounce off the twilight stone and destroy the crystal powering the door.

Return to the ground and go through the now-opened door. Open the door at the top of the stairs and climb the ledges to your right. Follow the path until you come across the central chamber being blocked by another light door.

Use Atreus to shoot the soundstone on the hip of the statue on the south side of the room. Tyr will turn the now-freed twilight stone in the right direction allowing you to simply throw your ax into it to open the door.

Get on the elevator and throw the switch on it to go upwards. At the top, you’ll see a cutscene where Atreus stops Kratos from entering the light of Alfheim again.

After the cutscene is over, grapple to the staircase on the other side of the room to the south. Open the door at the top of the stairs and then continue up more stairs and through the next door at the landing.

On the other side, take the path on the left and you’ll be treated by Sindri in front of the mural that you’ve been looking for. Interact with the mural and Atreus will show you what hides beneath it in a cutscene.

Gameranx’s God of War Ragnarok walkthrough continues here.
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