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One of the toughest-to-get weapons in STALKER 2, the Trophy is a special variant of the AS Lavina Assault Rifle — a mid-game weapon that you can get very early if you’re willing to trek west across the Chemical Plant region. The Trophy isn’t your average weapon. To get it, you’ll need to throw a grenade into a very specific concrete object in the middle of the world — this odd Easter egg is incredibly missable, so if you want every weapon you can get your hands on, check out the full guide below.
Where To Find The Trophy | Unique Gun

The Trophy is a secret unique weapon located in Chemical Plant region to the west of the Lesser Zone. You’ll want to reach the southwest quadrant of the Chemical Plant, west of the Army Warehouse location. It’s to the west on a hill with multiple cylinder-shaped concrete objects. To get the Trophy we’ll need to solve a small Easter egg. Check the location on the map above.

- Find the concrete cylinder object on the hill west of the Army Warehouse in the Chemical Plant region. You’ll find a dead body near one cylinder and a box of grenades.
- Collect the grenades and toss one inside the broken concrete cylinder. You can bounce it off the interior or use an underhanded throw.
- Back away and wait for the grenade explosion. This should set off two more explosions — one will appear at the grating nearby, then block open another concrete cylinder nearby.

The second concrete cylinder has a blue safe inside. If you successfully threw the grenade and set off the chain reaction, the safe should be visible and open. You’ll find the Trophy and a pile of supplies inside. It contains one of the best weapons in the game.
Why Is The Trophy So Good?

The Trophy is a unique variant of the AS Lavina assault rifle. It has a red dot sight attachment and a built-in silencer. It uses 9×39 ammo and has two firing modes. It can swap between fully automatic and single shot. The Trophy has a 20-round magazine and weighs 3.0kg. It is valued at 30,667 coupons.
The AS Lavina is already an extremely good weapon for medium-range combat. It is powerful assault rifle with an extremely high rate-of-fire. The built-in silencer makes it ideal for close-quarters combat, as you’ll be able to take out human opponents quickly before they know what hits them. The built-in silencer also means this weapon doesn’t have the same drawbacks as other weapons with attached silencers. The red-dot sight is very good for sighting enemies at medium-range and it is a lightweight weapon for an Assault Rifle. Basically, it’s an all-around great choice.
The only major downside of the Trophy is that the ammo is rare. You won’t find this ammo type on enemy soldiers often — you’ll need to purchase a supply from vendors in the Zone. Make sure to sell the ammo you don’t use so you can buy all the 9×39 you’ll need.