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Make yourself a whole lot sneakier in STALKER 2 with an early Silenced Pistol location. This powerful handgun comes with a silencer and an extended magazine upgrade, making it one of the best all-around pistols you can get for a very, very long time. Normally, you won’t be able to get a Silenced PTM until you reach the Junk region and have access to the third trader. This handgun is available in the second region and it’s totally free. It’s also extremely easy to miss and found in a dangerous area. Here’s where to get one of the best weapons we’ve found so far.
Stealth Weapon Location Guide

To get an extremely useful Silenced Handgun fairly early in the game, you’ll need to progress the main story. Complete the ‘Behind Seven Seals‘ main mission — which you can do by following Gaffer or getting help from the Ward Faction in Zalissya. Later in this main mission, you’ll infiltrate a base called the Sphere. After confronting Solder, you’ll be given permission to leave the Lesser Zone region.
Leaving Lesser Zone, you’ll reach the Chemical Plant region. This expansive area is where you’ll find a large Ward base. Follow the main mission to the base and talk to Mateus at the front entrance — he’ll give you a mission to explore the Chemical Tanks area to the south of the plant. This is the ‘All That Is Left‘ side-mission.
You can follow this side-mission or explore this area on your own. Either way, go to the Chemical Tanks — it is directly south of the south checkpoint to the Ward Base — this is a deadly area with green poisonous chemical pools. A Psychic Dog enemy will appear at the entrance when you go inside — take care of it and explore to the center of the Chemical Tanks.
Where To Find UDP Compact & Silencer

- Silenced Pistol Location: In the center of the Chemicals Tanks area in the Chemical Plant region, look for metal gratings leading down into a basement level. The grates are broken — and there are multiple deadly mutants inside the underground.
Clear out the Snorks and drop down into the area. At the bottom of the ramp, there’s a cave hole. Crouch and check inside for a body. Loot the backpack near the body to find a UDP Compact Pistol. This is a sidearm and there are two additional upgrades in the container.
- UDP Compact Pistol
- Tactical Pistol Silencer
- High-Capacity UDP Magazine
Equip both of these upgrades in the item menu to vastly improve the UDP Compact. This is a free pistol with multiple upgrades, finally making stealth more viable in STALKER 2. The handgun is much stronger than you’re starting PTM handgun, and the silencer makes using it in stealth situations totally viable. Now you can score a headshot and prepare a sneak attack on enemies.
To complete the side-mission ‘All That Is Left‘ check the body for a PDA in the main room full of Snorks. After that, take the stairs up to exit the underground and use the ramp — cross the vats to reach the broken catwalk section with the artifact Mateus is looking for. If you have the PDA, you can complete the side-mission for Mateus and deliver the artifact to the scientist that contacts you near the entrance to the Chemical Vats area. You can even keep the artifact!
There are two artifacts in this area. The Soul Artifact is the objective and located on the upper catwalks. You can also get a Crystal Thorn artifact in the green goo near the center — use the Echo Detector to find it. The Crystal Thorn is an extremely useful artifact because it has no downsides. It provides weak radioactive protection, which is far better than no protection at all.