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The Saiga D-12 is a powerful late-game shotgun you can grab early in STALKER 2 if you know where to find it. This thing absolutely shreds mutants, making the biggest threat in the Zone a lot less scary. Every Stalker needs the best shotgun — and for our money, the Saiga D-12 is one of the best. The only downside? You’ll be eating through ammo. It’s worth it to turn a Controller into red mist in just a few seconds of shooting. The Saiga D-12 fires as fast as you can pull the trigger.
Saiga D-12 Shotgun | Free Location
The Saiga D-12 is an automatic shotgun with a 12-round magazine. It reloads extremely quickly compared to other shotguns due to the magazine and fires extremely quickly, making it one of the best weapons against mutants. Use Slug ammo for maximum penetration — mutants have heavily armored skin, so the better your penetration, the more damage you’ll do to the toughest enemies in the game.

- Saiga D-12 Shotgun Location: West of the Chopper Field area in the Yantar region, look for a large crane at the end of a series of derelict buses in the sunken area.
- Travel south to find a spot you can jump onto the buses — then jump across the gaps to reach the crane. There are anomalies that will suck you in and ruin your jumps, so use a bolt to clear them before hopping from one bus to the next.
- At the end of the path of bus rooftops, you’ll reach an electrical anomaly and the Saiga on the crane catwalk with a stash.
Reaching the stash requires a lot of jumping, so bring Energy Drinks and drop inventory until you’re in green weight.

- Stash Content: x9 12x76mm Expanding Dart Shotgun Ammo, x3 Canned Food, x4 Bandage, x2 Nonstop Energy Drink, x5 Medkit, x2 Anti-Radiation Drug, x1 Army Medkit, x59 5.56x45mm M995 Assault Rifle Ammo, x1 RGD-5 Grenade.
The Stash contains Expanding Dart ammo, which is an extremely deadly shotgun ammo variant type. Try this on Bloodsuckers to rip them to shreds.
- Saiga D-12: Auto shotgun with an AKM-74 form factor. Deals max damage with high penetration. Contains 8 shots per magazine and uses standard shotgun ammo. Weighs 3.76 kg and is worth 15,000~ coupons.
The Saiga D-12 at this location is in yellow condition so will require repairs, but it’s in good enough condition you can start using it or immediately sell it.
Best Upgrades For The Saiga D-12?

The Saiga D-12 is already a beast, but a few upgrades at any Technician will make it better.
- Purchase the Scope Mount and add a Red Dot Sight.
- Buy a Laser Designator to lower spread and aiming speed for deadlier shots.
- Purchase Extra Barrel Rifling for increased armor-piercing power by 12%. Very importat for mutant hunting.
Range doesn’t matter when it comes to the Saiga D-12. You’ll be using this gun at extremely close range, so any range increases or bullet drop-off damage modifiers don’t matter. We want damage — lower spread, lower recoil, increasing reload speed, and reduce weight. There are multiple weight reduction upgrades you can purchase. They’re all worth it if you plan on using the Saiga D-12 for a long time.