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STALKER 2 doesn’t have night-vision goggles by default — you can’t find them in the massive game world, and you can’t upgrade helmets to give yourself this incredibly useful vision mode. The pitch-black nights are always going to be ridiculously dark, and bad guys will always be able to easily shoot you no matter the time of day. If you want to even the odds in STALKER 2, you’re going to have to use mods.
Unfortunately, because mods are required to access Night Vision Goggles, this is only available to PC players — if you can figure out how to get mods working on your PS5 or Xbox Series X, you’re a smarter gamer than us. This is the straightforward, simple method for getting Night Vision Goggles modded in your game so you can actually explore at night without getting shot from nowhere by eagle-eyed AI snipers.
How To Get Night Vision Goggles
There are no Night Vision Goggles in STALKER 2. This feature from the first STALKER was not ported over. We can only hope an expansion or future upgrade adds this item — its currently one of the most requested additions to STALKER 2 and would make the game far, far more playable when you’re stuck outside at night. When you’re exploring, the flashlight doesn’t really cut it — if anything, the flashlight makes the game harder to play, as enemies can use it to spot you from a mile away.
To get NVG you’ll need to download a mod on PC.
- Download the STALKER 2 Night Vision mod HERE.
- Once installed, Night Vision will be bound to keys on the keyboard or controller.
- Keyboard: Press [N]
- Controller: Press [LB+RB]
- To change setting, press [F7] while Night Vision Mode is activated. You’ll be able to change Night Vision Color, Brightness, Contrast and Gamma.
The Night Vision Mod created by rbwadle on Nexus Mods adds a Night Vision function to STALKER 2. The Night Vision feature does NOT require finding an item — once the mod is installed, you’ll be able to activate Night Vision at any time. This is a simple mod and is designed to match the look of STALKER 1‘s Night Vision Mode.
How To Install NVG Mod
To install mods for STALKER 2, you’ll need to download a ModLoader — to get started, follow these steps:
- Manually download the Simple Modloader and Console Enabler — Download HERE.
- Run the Modloader application to install.
- This enables the console. This will only work with an American English keyboard at the time of writing — so make sure to change your keyboard preferences to get the console to work in STALKER 2 if you’re attempting to use this mod.
- Manually download the Night Vision Mod — Download HERE.
- Open the .zip folder and place the contents into your mods folder. Find it here:
Steam\steamapps\common\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl\Stalker2\Contents\Paks\~Mods
After installing the contents of the Night Vision mod (NVG.pak, NVG.ucas, NVG.utoc) launch STALKER 2 — you’ll need to use the console and type in commands to activate the mod manually.
- After launching STALKER 2, press tilde [~] to open the console window.
- Type the command below:
mod add /Game/Mods/NVG/ModActor.ModActor_C
- Press enter to activate the mod.
Now that the mod is active, press the keybinds (press [N] for keyboard or [LB+RB] for controller) to activate Night Vision mode. No special gear required. No items to equip. This simple mod just assumes whatever gear you’re wearing has Night Vision capability. Until an official method for gaining Night Vision exists, this is the best we’re going to get.