Months later and we still can’t stop playing Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The biggest game on the Nintendo Switch is packed with weird details, hidden features, hilarious tricks and more. We couldn’t fit it all onto one list. So after sharing 50 things we didn’t know about Tears of the Kingdom, here are 30 more.
And we can’t even get into all the details here. Creating the best weapons in Hyrule requires extra work, and a lot more explanation. We’ve put together a guide showing off some of the weirdest fusions in Hyrule. Learn how to fuse one of the best all-around swords in the game. Or, if you want ultimate power, learn how to make the strongest weapon without RNG.
More Tears of the Kingdom guides:
All Shrine Locations & Solutions | All Skyview Towers Locations & Solutions | Best Healing Item Location | Rupee Farming Methods | Arrow & Bomb Farming Methods | Zonaite Farming Methods | How To Get Cold Protection | How To Respec | How To Unlock Autobuild & Camera | How To Upgrade Armor | Great Fairy Locations | How To Upgrade Horses | Horse God Location | How To Unlock The Dream Home Plot | How To Easily Find Bubbul Gems | How To Unlock Gerudo Secret Club | Gleeok Boss Tips | Giant Horse Location | Hylian Shield Location | Glide Suit Locations | All Purah Pad Upgrades | All Misko’s Treasure Locations | All Divine Beast Mask Locations | Gloom-borne Illness Quest Guide
Even More Tips, Features & Secrets We Didn’t Know

#1. After dozens of hours of playing Tears of the Kingdom, who knew there was an easier way to tame horses. Instead of sneaking up behind a horse and praying you don’t get kicked in the face, Link can hold food. By holding a food item in your hand and slowly approaching a horse, that horse will approach Link instead. If the horse eats it out of your hand, they’ll be much easier to ride. It still might not work for you. This method only seems to work on horses with a Gentle temperament.

#2. Unlike Link’s other powers in Tears of the Kingdom, Recall is seemingly limitless. There is no range limitation to using Recall — if you drop an item off a tall cliff, you’ll be able to Recall to send it back up. The only limit to Recall is how far an object will actually Recall. If you can see it, you can Recall it!

#3. Completing Regional Problems is a great way to unlock new, useful features at all four locations. One of the best ways to earn arrows is by trading with an NPC in Rito Village. Talk to one of the bird people, and she’ll trade for arrows. Bring her Chillfin Tuna / Glowing Cave Fish and Brightcap Mushrooms for arrows. This is only unlocked after fighting back the flying monsters for the Rito near Tabantha Village Ruins.

#4. Beneath the Outskirts Stable, you’ll find a location called the Floating Coliseum. This extremely difficult challenge requires Link to defeat x5 Lynels. If you manage to defeat them, you’ll be able to open a chest containing Majora’s Mask. This mask causes all regular enemies to ignore Link. It doesn’t look like much, but this mask is incredibly powerful.

#5. The best way to earn money in Tears of the Kingdom is by finding diamonds — and the only consistent way to find diamonds is by hunting Rare Stone Talus. Certain Stone Talus, mini-boss monsters made of rock, will spawn with glittering gold ore deposits. These have a much higher chance of dropping valuable gems. There are multiple Rare Stone Talus that are easy to hunt on the Surface map. Check out the locations here.

#6. In Gerudo Town, you can create (what might be) the best sword in the game. The Scimitar of the Seven is a special weapon that doubles the strength of materials you fuse. Complete the side-quests for the Accessory Shop after saving the town to build the special weapon — then combine it with something powerful like a Silver Lynel Saber Horn to make one of the best weapons in the game.

#7. Roctoroks (Rock Octoroks) are incredibly useful. Roctoroks that appear all over the Eldin Region can suck up your weapons and spit them out. This has a secret benefit — a sucked-up weapon, when spit out, will be fully repaired and adds a yellow perk effect. If your weapon already has a perk, the roctorok will give you a randomly selected new perk.

#8. Not only do Roctoroks give your weapon a new perk, these perks stack. You’ll get a Tier 2, Tier 3 upgrade as you continue to repair your weapon. Yes, you can repair the same weapon multiple times. Each Octorok can only be used once, so you’ll need to go to a new Octorok to get another repair / upgrade.

#9. The Yiga Uniform isn’t just for infiltrating the Yiga Clan HQ in the Geruda Desert. Wearing the outfit has lots of other effects — if you talk to disguised Yiga Clan members in the depths, they won’t attack you! And if you wear in in Gerudo Town, you’ll be arrested immediately.

#10. The Frog Set that lets you climb walls when wet has another weird quirk — it stays wet longer. “Wetness” is a specific condition that makes you more vulnerable to electricity or less vulnerable to fire. With the Frog Set, you’ll double how much time you’re wet. With each additional piece you wear, that time increases exponentially. You go from staying wet for about 1 minute to 4 minutes with a full set. A very weird (and extremely tiny) detail!

#11. Zora Weapons become more powerful when wet. Yes, really! If you’re soaking wet, your Zora weapons will do more damage. This is especially useful when parred with the Frog Armor Set from the Rito Village questline. The Zora Shield you can unlock after completing the regional problem also counts as being wet all the time.

#12. Phantom Ganon, a powerful enemy that spawns after defeating the Gloom Hands enemy, has a special ability. If you run away from Phantom Ganon for too long, he’ll begin to spread gloom everywhere. Seriously, the gloom envelopes everything in his area and can travel a far distance, covering entire structures in gloom. Running away is almost guaranteed to trigger this ability.

#13. While Phantom Ganon is spreading gloom, one hit will cause the gloom to recede. If you turn back and try to fight him, he’ll continue to fight you like normal. Triggering the all-encompassing gloom flood doesn’t have to be a death sentence for Link.

#14. Defeating Phantom Ganon will cause it to drop powerful Gloom Weapons. These weapons drain your health when used, but are some of the most powerful weapons in the game. The Gloom Spear just might be the strongest spear.

#15. Pine Cones generate a powerful gust of wind that Link can ride on, but you can create even more powerful gusts that’ll send you into the sky map. To create a super powerful gust, create any flame (a campfire is a good start) then hold a Pine Cone and an Oil Jar at the same time. Drop them into the fire at the same time to generate a super powerful gust of wind.

#16. Starting fires with Oil Jars will cause fires to stay lit even in the rain. If you splash oil onto a torch or any other wooden weapon (or object) then start a fire, it will stay lit longer. Water won’t put them out!

#17. Speaking of weird uses for items, Dazzlefruit defeats Stal type enemies in a single hint. This counts for everything except the Stalnox. Any smaller skeletons will instantly die when caught by a Dazzlefruit. That’s handy when you’re exploring late at night.

#18. Another useful item is Muddlebud. We already know how useful it is against packs of enemies, but it is especially useful against Battle Talus. Throwing a Muddlebud causes the Battle Talus to go berserk and launch the Bokoblins on its back. They’ll fly off, making them much easier to pick off on the ground.

#19. Create your own farm in Hateno Village. Go to the schoolhouse and complete both side-quests to unlock a plot of land. You can grow any food material you want from the plot — there are some restrictions, but you’ll be collecting fresh food every few in-game days. Incredibly useful in the endgame. You’ll never run out of free Hylian Rice.

#20. By completing quests in Hateno Village and finishing up the election storyline, you’ll also be able to grow a new food item that’s exclusive to the town. Talk to Mayor Reede after the questline, and you can developer the Sun Pumpkin. You’ll be able to buy them from the General Store or grow them at your farm. Like Sundelions, they can be used to cure Gloom damage.

#21. You probably already know about Lurelin Village. The optional town in the southeast coast is a treasure trove after you restore it. Defeat all the enemies, and the town will give you a series of rewards including free inn, free meals, and free daily prizes. What the game doesn’t tell you, is that you can get even more rewards. By trading Roasted Porgie to the Lucky Treasure Shop owner, he’ll let you open additional treasure chests to earn powerful materials. You can get all three rewards every day.

#22. Continuing the secrets in Lurelin Village, the restaurant will always give you a meal with a recipe you haven’t unlocked yet. Next to her, a child NPC will give you a Quiz and reward you with the solution. Talking to a lost Shop Owner from Lookout Landing will open a new shop you can loot daily, and chatting with Bolson lets you build an entire water racetrack.

#23. The Depths and the Surface effect each other in strange ways — one of those ways involves the ghostly soldiers that present Pristine Weapons in the Depths. There’s a reason you’ll find some weapons and not others. When you shatter a weapon found on the surface, it will spawn as a Pristine Weapon in the Depths. Seriously! Only weapons you’ve broken once before will appear in the hands of a ghost soldier.

#24. Weather doesn’t just hurt Link. Weather can be useful. Leave out meat in a burning location like the Depths beneath Death Mountain, and the meat will automatically cook. If you want to cook fast, dump your meat in the burning Depths and start collecting. You can also cook with Fire Fruit — throw a Fire Fruit at a pile of food to sear it. Or you can throw Ice Fruit to instantly freeze it, creating a more valuable meat.

#25. Frozen Meat has a special bonus. Frozen Prime Meat is more valuable when selling to vendors. Frozen Meat is also a great way to improve your Shield Surfing. By fusing Frozen Meat to a Shield, Link can start gliding across the map. It lets you surf almost anywhere! The meat won’t break off either.

#26. The Purah Pad Sensor is useful for more than tracking down creatures in the wild. You can sense other things — you can sense Wells, Bubbul Frogs and other rare objects. Try taking pictures of anything! It might be something you can track.

#27. The Purah Pad Sensor is unlocked by taking the Lookout Landing researcher to the Hatena Ancient Tech Lab. In addition to the Purah Pad upgrades, you can also spend rupees to purchase Compendium Entrees — you can fill out your compendium, but it costs big money. It costs about 40,000~ rupees total to buy entries instead of finding them yourself.

#28. Speaking of tracking, you might not know about Cherry Blossom Trees in Hyrule. By leaving a fruit at the altar beneath a tree, you’ll summon a creature that lights up every cave in the area that contains a Bubbul Frog. We already knew that, but did you know that caves where you’ve already found the Bubbul Frog are marked on your map? Any cave where you’ve collected a Bubbul Gem have a tiny checkmark when you zoom in.

#29. Even better, there’s a map with every Cherry Blossom Tree location. Go to Outskirts Stable, southwest of Lookout Landing, to find a map with all the Cherry Blossom Trees marked. That’ll make finding caves so much easier — and glowing pillars will remain for a day or two after appeasing your Bubbul friend at a Cherry Tree.

#30. There’s yet another way to find Bubbul Frogs. When exploring the environment, you’ll encounter strange glowing bunny-like creatures called Blupees. Hitting them causes them to flee and drop rupees — but there’s an additional use you might not notice. When a Blupee runs away, it always runs toward a cave with a Bubbul Frog. Yes, really. It may disappear before it ever gets close to a cave, but it always runs in the direction of the nearest cave.
That’s 30 more weird things we’ve found after hundreds of hours of exploring Hyrule, and there’s still so much more to checkout.