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Following the fight Kratos has with Thor, the path forward for the Spartan and his son Atreus is a little uncertain. As God of War Ragnarok starts getting going, the plot takes a few twists and turns right out of the gate. Use the guide below to continue forward on The Path: Surviving Fimbulwinter.
This walkthrough starts once Kratos returns home to Atreus after the Thor boss fight and ends after Atreus shows Kratos what he’s found.
More God of War Ragnarok walkthroughs:
| Part 1: Surviving Fimbulwinter | Part 2: Bjorn Boss Guide | Part 3: Thor Boss Guide | Part 5: Sindri’s House | Part 6: Journey to Nidavellir | Part 7: The Quest for Tyr | Part 8: Search the Mines for Tyr | Part 9: Old Friends | Part 10: Groa’s Secret | Part 11: Alva Boss Guide | Part 12: Ironwood | Part 13: The Lost Sanctuary | Part 14: The Sinkhole | Part 15: Gryla Boss Guide | Part 16: Vanadis Boss Guide | Part 17: The Reckoning | Part 18: Nidhogg Boss Guide | Part 19: Familial Wounds | Part 20: The Runaway | Part 21: Into the Fire | Part 22: The Word of Fate | Part 23: Forging Destiny | Part 24: Unleashing Hel | Part 25: Reunion | Part 26: Garm Boss Guide | Part 27: Creatures of Prophecy | Part 28: Heimdall Boss Guide | Part 29: Unlocking the Mask | Part 30: Hunting for Solace | Part 31: The Summoning | Part 32: Hrist and Mist Boss Guide | Part 33: The Realms at War | Part 34: Thor Boss Guide (Second Encounter) | Part 35: Odin Boss Guide |
Follow Atreus to the Temple
After gearing up and talking with Atreus, you’ll gain control as soon as Kratos walks out the front door of the house. Walk forwards and follow Atreus as he leads you to the old temple in the Wildwoods. Follow him through the wooden gate to your left and down the path to the temple.

After hitting the button prompt on the climbable wall to grapple your way up with the Chaos Blades, you’ll come to a clearing with a handful of dead raiders. Continue down the path a little more until you come across black and blue glowing vines called brambles. You’ll be prompted to equip the Chaos Blades and clear them out.

Once you do, continue forward and you’ll find that the bridge has been destoryed so you’ll need to find an alternate path. To the right of the broken bridge, there’s a closed wooden door that you can open using the Chaos Blades. Hit the button prompt and Kratos will throw the blades and open the door.

With the door open, climb up to it and you’ll find a Hel-raider strung up on a tree. Leave it be and hop down the ledge on the left side of the area. You’ll find yourself at a fork in the road from here. If you take the left path, you’ll jump down a few more ledges to find some Hacksilver while the right road is the one to take to further the story. Either grab the silver or don’t and then take the right road.
Follow the path until you see a Hel-raider get hooked by a chained blade underneath a structure with some corpses hanging from the ceiling. When you get to the structure, both the Hel-raider and whatever hooked it will be gone and Kratos will comment that whatever it was seemed to be dangerous. Take the path to the right and follow it upwards.

At the first clearing, you’ll be faced with two Hel-raiders that are frozen meaning that they’re resistant to attacks from the Leviathan ax. Instead, equip the Chaos Blades and deal burn damage to them to thaw them out and kill them. Once they’re beaten, climb up the ledge on your right and squeeze through the gap on the landing.

Follow Atreus and rappel down the cliffs in front of you. Crouch walk into the cave to your right and then take out the raiders that jump down to attack you. Once they’re beaten, squeeze through the crack on the left side of the cave.

When you come out of the other side, you’ll find a pillar blocking your path. Hit the button prompt on it to throw your blades into it and then move the left stick to the left to tear the pillar away from the ledge. Once it’s out of the way, jump to the other side and then climb the cliff to your right

After climbing up the cliff with your blades, continue forward toward the gap that you just jumped across, now a floor below you. Use your blades again on the pillar that you ripped to the side, this time putting it back where it was before you first moved it. Now you can use it to jump on to get to higher ground.

Continue forward and grab the chain on the mechanism to your right. When you try and move it up or down, it seems to be stuck. While holding the chain, hold L2 and throw your ax to destroy the target connected to the weight that was weighing the chain down. With that gone, pull down on the chain to raise a rope.

Use the newly tightened rope to zip line across the canyon and then jump down the cliffs in front of you. When you reach the bottom, you’ll be attacked by more Hel-raiders. Take them out and then use the Chaos Blades to clear out the bramble on the left side of the arena. After the vines are cleared, squeeze through the opening and then continue forward.

You’ll be faced with even more raiders to fight so take them out and then climb up the ice wall that they jumped down from. At the top of the wall, more raiders will attack you. Once they’re defeated, climb up the ice wall that’s to the right of the corpses that are frozen into the wall. As you climb you’ll be interupted by The Huntress, the creature that hooked the Hel-raider from earlier.

The Huntress Boss Guide
This fight is pretty simple compared to the bosses you’ve faced so far in God of War Ragnarok. The Huntress is a centaur that weilds a bow which makes her lethal from both close and long range, however, you’ll want to keep her at long range for most of the fight since there’s a pretty simple way to deal a good amount of damage to her.

Avoid the arrows that she shoots at you (she’ll usually fire four in a row for you to dodge or a red-ringed flaming arrow barrage that you should avoid altogether.) When you have an opening, hit her horns when they’re glowing yellow by throwing either your Chaos Blades or the Leviathan ax at them.

If you connect, she’ll be stunned and you can rush in to get a good amount of hits in before she recovers. Use this strategy a few times and she’ll be taken down in no time.

Make sure to watch out if she gets near you, however, as she’ll be able to deal devestating damage with her yellow-ringed kicks.

Once you’ve taken down the Huntress, return to the wall you were climbing on before she interupted you and continue forward into the temple.

Into the Temple
After climbing up the cliffs, you’ll find yourself in the temple Atreus has been leading you to. The way to Atreus’ secret, however, is blocked by more broken stones. To the right of the broken statue that’s blocking your path, you’ll see a splintered tree leaning to the left. Throw your ax at it to destroy it and then use the Chaos Blades on the rubble on the stairs.

With all of that out of the way, follow Atreus up the stairs and you’ll see a cutscene where he opens a hidden portal. Inside, Atreus will show you a vision of the future. Once he’s done explaining things, walk through the portal behind you and then you’ll see a cutscene where Atreus explains where he thinks Tyr is being held captive.

Gameranx’s God of War Ragnarok walkthrough continues here.
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