The three Legendary Pokemon of the Kitakami Region are ridiculously difficult to catch. We’ve already covered where to find the Legendary Pokemon in the Teal Mask DLC — but actually catching them is a different matter. To make this a lot easier, you’ll want a specific Pokemon with specific moves that’s both strong against Poison Type and can equip all the moves we’ll need to weaken these Legendary Pokemon as much as possible. Here are some useful tricks to finally catch Munkidori, Okidogi and Fezandipiti.
Fully explore the Teal Mask DLC with our guides covering all 100+ returning Pokemon, how to get a Sinnoh Starter, where to find Dipplin and how to catch Bloodmoon Ursaluna.
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Catching Munkidori, Okidogi & Fezandipiti | Easy Method
The Teal Mask includes three new optional Legendary Pokemon you’ll be able to collect after completing the main story — Munkidori, Okidogi & Fezandipiti. After finishing the story, return to the three locations where you battled their Titanic Pokemon form. You can rematch them by interacting. Even if you lower them to 1 HP, they’re incredibly difficult to catch. It took us 70+ Ultra Balls to catch one of these Legendary Pokemon. No joke.
To make catching these Pokemon easier, here are a few tips. Thankfully, there’s a perfect Pokemon you can use.
- Catching Teal Mask Legendary Pokemon:
- Use Kingambit — a difficult evolution of Bisharp. To evolve to Kingambit check out our guide here.
- Equip Kingambit with False Swipe, Thunder Wave and Swords Dance.
- Kingambit will automatically learn Swords Dance at Level 64.
- To learn False Swipe and Thunder Wave, you’ll need to teach with a TM.
Kingambit is the perfect Pokemon for catching all of the Loyal Three. Kinggambit is immune to 3/4 on Monkidori’s moves — and with Thunder Wave, you can paralyse the Pokemon before attempting to capture.
False Swipe and Thunder Wave can be crafted at the Academy.
- False Swipe Crafting: 400 LP / x3 Kricketot Shell / x3 Chewtle Claw
- Thunder Wave Crafting: 400 LP / x3 Mareep Wool / x3 Pawmi Fur
Kingambit is also much easier to acquire in the Kitakami Region. Instead of evolving, you can catch a high level Kingambit immediately.
- Where To Find Kingambit In Kitakami: Kitakami can spawn in the Timeless Woods in the far northeast of the map.
Once you have a Kingambit, you’ll be prepared to catch the Loyal Three. Bring 70+ Ultra Balls to be safe — you don’t want to run low on Ultra Balls during the catch. Alternatively, you can just reset your save file and try again.
- Kingambit Catch Method: Start with Kingambit and use the following moves. Reaching max level with Kingambit will make this much easier.
- Use Swords Dance to deal damage.
- Use Thunder Wave to paralyze.
- When the Legendary is low on health, use False Swipe to get them down to 1 HP.
- While they’re paralyzed, just keep throwing Pokeballs.
This can take a ridiculously long time. Pokemon are easier to capture when you apply a status effect like Sleep or Paralyze, and these Legendary Pokemon basically require it unless you’re willing to throw away dozens and dozens of Ultra Balls.
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