Pokemon Scarlet & Violet are finally here after what felt like a pretty tame hype cycle. The usual suspects, such as new Pokemon reveals, were noticeably absent which was a nice change of pace. Not only that, but reviews are mostly positive. Pokemon has finally made it into the open world (with some teething problems), and we are all for it.
Whilst a lot of the core that makes Pokemon has remained the same, there are a lot of interesting tweaks and changes that make this Generation quite interesting. We’ve compiled some tips for newcomers to Paldea, giving you the rundown of what to expect, and what’s new in this latest adventure.
More Pokemon Scarlet & Violet content:
Gym Order | How To Catch Ditto | How To Breed Pokemon | Evolution Items | Performance Issues

Starting With Your Starter
As has been the case for literal decades, Pokemon Scarlet & Violet gives you one of the most difficult choices the game offers in the first few minutes. Of course, we are talking about which starter to pick. This time around you can pick from the grass cat, Sprigatito, the fiery crocodile, Fuecoco, or the well-coiffed water duck, Quaxley.
Each of your potential Starters are excellent and will likely be with you for your entire journey. For beginners, we recommend running with the Pokemon you like the look of the most. If you want a more detailed breakdown, however, then head on over to our dedicated ‘Starter Guide’.
Tame Your Explorers Spirit – For Now
You are given a surprising amount of freedom fairly early on in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. In fact, once you are given reigns over your destiny and told to head to school, you can explore the wide plains of South Province 1 to your heart’s content. Whilst there are a LOT of Pokemon to find here, we recommend holding off.
At least, we would say try not to go overboard. A lot of the game is locked away behind progression – specifically making it to the Uva Academy, so be sure to make that a priority so you can have a few extra toys unlocked – like the ability to Terastallize your Pokemon!

Hunt Pokemon Trainers
Exp is shared between your party by default in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, which makes levelling up your party a breeze. But if you want to get the most gains from your battling, you absolutely should track down and fight other Pokemon Trainers.
Pokemon Trainers typically have more powerful Pokemon at their disposal, and they, in turn, offer more rewards. Not only do you get paid money for beating these encounters, but your Pokemon also gain more EXP. This is a huge win-win situation, so whenever you see one out in the wild, take them out.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet lets your chosen Pokemon follow you around on your adventures, but you can also let it off its leash and have it battle Pokemon automatically for you. This is done by pressing ‘R’. Simply look at a Pokemon you want to be erased from existence, hit the button, and reap the rewards.
Like with regular battling this will provide party-wide EXP, letting you run around Paldea exploring and fighting Pokemon effortlessly. There are some limitations to be had with this system, such as your Pokemon being too weak to actually fight using this system, but it’s a nice addition to the usual menu-based system.

Pokemon Centers Are Vital
Pokemon Centers in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet are very important. Not only are they your one-stop shop for free healthcare for your Pokemon, but they also provide other key benefits. Each Pokemon Center also contains two shops and the ability to engage in jolly cooperation.
More importantly, Pokemon Centers also provide the occasional quest, some helpful tips, and they even refresh your ability to Terastallize your Pokemon in battle. Whether you want healing, consumables, new TMs, a friend, or more power, Pokemon Centers have you covered.
Beware Of Powerful Pokemon
Early on your avatar will encounter a mighty foe. This is a scripted event, but such enemies do exist in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet‘s world, and they are to be avoided. The order you explore the game is not levelled to your, well, level. Each region has its own range, so it might be best to come back to an area later, rather than get beaten up over and over again.
The open world is nothing if not dangerous, so be sure to avoid these creatures when you find them. You can always come back later and take them out – or add them to your roster – so don’t fret.

Pokedex Is More Than Meets The Eye
Your Pokedex is a powerful tool, and one you should keep an eye on. As you battle, find, and catch new Pokemon, you will unlock rewards in your Pokedex that you can redeem for powerful items. These can go a long way to helping you progress through the game, and you can even get some items earlier than you would otherwise.
Gone are the days when the Pokedex was a mere collection of data – now it does that, and provides tangible benefits throughout your adventure.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs
Unfortunately, Pokemon Scarlet & Violet launched in quite an unstable state. The game, as of writing, has a number of bugs and a fair few performance issues that might hinder your enjoyment and progress. These will likely be patched out in the future, but as of right now, they are still an issue.
We have a few tricks to make your playtime a bit easier in a separate guide. It won’t completely fix the game, but it will make the game more bearable.
That’s all we have on Pokemon Scarlet & Violet for now, but we have more guides and content on the way.