Just getting your hands on a Ray Gun Mk. II is pretty darn difficult in Alpha Omega. In most Black Ops 4 Zombies maps, the Wonder Weapon isn’t particularly difficult to unlock — and that’s kind of true here. Yes, you can get the Ray Gun Mk. II from the Mystery Box, so it isn’t that tricky to find. The problem is upgrading the Ray Gun. That’s when things get a whole lot harder, and there are tons of steps required.
It isn’t enough to get three hidden parts around the map and unlock frames; you’ll also have to complete a mini-quest for each individual upgrade tree. Each Ray Gun upgrade is associated with a different elemental ammo type. That’s pretty standard for these maps, and all of the quests follow roughly the same format. The devil’s in the details, and you’ll need the full explanations below to successfully build these all-powerful upgrades.
More Black Ops 4 Zombies: Alpha Omega guides:
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Alpha Omega – Complete Easter Egg Guide | How To Fight The Final Boss
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Alpha Omega – How To Turn On The Power | First Step Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Alpha Omega – How To Unlock The Pack-A-Punch | Upgrade Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Alpha Omega – How To Build The Riot Shield | Part Locations Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Alpha Omega – How To Unlock Telepads | Portal Parts Guide
How To Get All The Ray Gun Mk. II Upgrades | Wonder Weapons Guide
Before you can get the Wonder Weapon upgrades, you’ll need to collect the Ray Gun Mk. II Frames and construct the Ray Gun Crafting Station.
Learn how to get the Mk. II Frames & find the Crafting Station parts in the full Alpha Omega guide right here.
Once you activate Rushmore and complete the steps to unlock the Mk. II Frames and Crafting Station, you can upgrade the Ray Gun — there are four different forms, and each one is associated with an elemental power / effect. There is a unique quest for each individual Ray Gun type.
NOTE: All four special Ray Gun Mk. II versions can be upgraded at the Pack-a-Punch.
How To Get Elemental Effect Weapons: Each of the four Ray Gun Mk. II models requires a special elemental power from a Pack-a-Punched weapon. There are four random effects you can gain when you Pack-a-Punch upgrade a weapon that’s already been Pack-a-Punched.
- Elemental Powers: Brain Rot, Cryofreeze, Fire Bomb, Kill-a-Watt
You’ll need to acquire the matching Elemental Ammo Type from the Pack-a-Punch before attempting to complete any of these Ray Gun quests.
Ray Gun Mk. II-Y (Brain Rot)
- Prerequisites: (1) A PaP weapon with Brain Rot. (2) Pack-a-Punch unlocked. Rushmore activated. (3) Mk. II Frames unlocked. (4) Operations Crafting Bench completed.
To begin the quest, you need to find a dirt mound emitting green mist. Use Brain Rot against a zombie when near the dirt mound, and the allied zombie will dig up the dirt, revealing an Orange Cannister.
- Dirt Mound Locations:
- Cul-de-Sac: In the center of the map, next to a light pole to the right of the power pointer sign.
- Yellow House Backyard: Directly right as you exit the Yellow House kitchen.
- Green House Backyard: To the right of the shed with the power-up inside.
Find a yellow glowing orb at a random telepad location after collecting the Cannister. Place a Telepad Amplifier where the yellow orb is located, then shoot it. It’ll reappear at another Telepad. Track it down, shoot it again, and this time travel through the Telepad.
The orb will reappear in Storage. Go there and place the Orange Cannister on the light, and a soul circle will appear. Kill zombies in this circle with Brain Rot until the Orange Cannister is fully charged. Now you can travel to Operations and collect your Ray Gun.
Ray Gun Mk. II-X (Cryofreeze)
- Prerequisites: (1) A PaP weapon with Brain Rot. (2) Pack-a-Punch unlocked. Rushmore activated. (3) Mk. II Frames unlocked. (4) Operations Crafting Bench completed.
Once you have a Cryofreeze weapon, search for a drawer / cabinet spewing blue gas. It will spawn in one of three locations — find it and shoot the drawer with Cryofreeze to open it, revealing a Blue Cannister. Collect it.
- Blue Cannister Cabinet Locations:
- Operations: In the garage, to the left of the mat when entering from the driveway. The drawer is slightly open, at the bottom of the filing cabinet.
- Prisoner Holding: Directly left when you enter through the front door.
- APD Interrogation: On the desk to the left of the first floor wall-buy, with the radio and monitor.
Go to the Bunker, and zombies covered in blue gas will spawn. Use Cryofreeze ammo on these zombies to freeze them, then melee shatter it. They’ll drop blue stuff on the ground. Collect three of these.
Travel to APD Control and place the filled blue cannister into a spot on the concrete shelves to the right of the large computer terminal. A blue soul circle will appear — kill zombies with Cryofreeze inside the circle to charge the cannister. When it’s fully charged, take it to the Crafting Bench in Operations to acquire the Ray Gun.
Ray Gun Mk. II-Z (Fire Bomb)
- Prerequisites: (1) A PaP weapon with Brain Rot. (2) Pack-a-Punch unlocked. Rushmore activated. (3) Mk. II Frames unlocked. (4) Operations Crafting Bench completed.
Like Cryofreeze, you need to find a cabinet / drawer marked with purple gas. The cabinet spawns in one of three random locations. Find it and shoot the drawer with Fire Bomb ammo to open it, and collect the Purple Cannister inside.
- Purple Cannister Cabinet Locations:
- Lounge (Bunker): Hanging cabinet next to the pool table.
- Yellow House: First floor, a hanging cabinet behind / above the fallen fridge.
- Green House: First floor, hanging cabinet above the fallen fridge.
After collecting the Purple Cannister, look around the six above-ground houses — one of the chimneys will emit purple smoke. You need to throw a frag grenade on top of the chimney to make the smoke disappear. This is easily the most difficult step if you get a difficult location.
Place the Purple Cannister in the fireplace of the matching chimney to make a purple circle appear. Kill zombies in the circle with Fire Bomb ammo until it is charged, then re-collect it and take your Ammo Cannister to the Operations Crafting Bench.
Ray Gun Mk. II-V (Kill-a-Watt)
- Prerequisites: (1) A PaP weapon with Brain Rot. (2) Pack-a-Punch unlocked. Rushmore activated. (3) Mk. II Frames unlocked. (4) Operations Crafting Bench completed.
Travel to the Generator room in the Bunker and look for a power panel highlighted by yellow gas. The panel will appear in one of three random locations — but it is always in the Generator room. Shoot the panel with Kill-o-Watt ammo and collect the Yellow Cannister inside.
Go above ground, and look at the top of the electrical poles. A yellow ball will appear above one of the poles — shoot it with Kill-a-Watt ammo. The balls will spawn above four more random poles. Search the area and shoot them — each time you shoot a ball, the electricity will connect the poles.
Once you’ve found them all, go to the green diesel generator in the Cul-de-Sac and interact to place the Yellow Cannister. A yellow circle will appear — kill zombies inside the circle with Kill-a-Watt ammo until the cannister is fully charged and ready to combine at the Operations Crafting Bench.
Table of Contents – Black Ops 4: Zombies Guides
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Blood Of The Dead – How To Turn On Power
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Blood Of The Dead – How To Pack-A-Punch | Upgrade Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Blood of the Dead – Main Easter Egg Guide | ‘Most Escape Alive’
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Blood Of The Dead – How To Get Acidgat & Magmagat Wonder Weapons
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Blood Of The Dead – How To Get Hell’s Retriever | Wonder Weapon Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Blood Of The Dead – How To Get Hell’s Redeemer | Upgrade Retriever Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: How To Build The Zombie Shield | All Maps [Blood, IX & More]
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: How To Unlock Every Secret Song Easter Egg [Blood, IX & More]
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Where To Find Every Jumpscare Easter Egg [Blood & Classified]
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Voyage Of Despair – How To Pack-A-Punch | Upgrade Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Voyage Of Despair – Elemental Kraken Wonder Weapon Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Voyage Of Despair – Main Easter Egg Completion Guide | ‘Abandon Ship’
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: IX – How To Pack-A-Punch | Upgrade Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: IX – How To Get The Death of Orion | Wonder Weapon Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: IX – How To Complete The Main Easter Egg | ‘Venerated Warrior’ Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Classified – How To Complete The Main Easter Egg Quest | Ending Cutscene
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Classified – How To Pack-A-Punch | Upgrade Guide
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Classified – How To Unlock The “Shockwave” Easter Egg Song
- Black Ops 4 Zombies: Classified – How To Get The Winter’s Howl | Wonder Weapon Guide