Zorua is another rare Pokemon you might never see in the wild. Like Ditto, Zorua disguises itself as other Pokemon — and unlike Ditto, Zorua can evolve into a cool second form. Finding Zorua in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can be a real challenge, so we’re going to help you track these hidden Pokemon. They’re fan-favorites for a reason.
The tricky fox Pokemon can be found in two major locations — Tagtree Thicket and North Province (Area Three). We had more luck with one area than the other, and you’re better off just evolving Zorua than trying to find a super-rare Zoroark. The evolution is very simple, and you’ll get it naturally by leveling up. Learn all about Zorua and how to catch it in the full guide below.
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How To Catch Zorua & Evolve To Zoroark | Secret Pokemon Guide
Zorua and Zoroark are unique Pokemon that disguise themselves. Like Ditto, most players will only encounter a rare Zorua accidentally while battling. They’re extremely rare and battling Pokemon can take forever. If you want to speed up the process, there’s a trick you can use to identify Zorua early.

- Where To Find Zorua: Tagtree Thicket – Go to the small enclosed forest north of Zapapico, accessible through the East Province (Area Three) desert.
- To find Zorua, hold [ZL] to target Pokemon. Look for a Pokemon with “???” — you’ll want to fight and identify all the Pokemon in the area.
- If you find a Pokemon you’ve encountered before but it still has a “???” over its head, you’ll know that the Pokemon is an imposter. If you’ve encountered one of these Pokemon before, their true name will be displayed.
Once you battle the disguised Pokemon, the true form will appear. Make sure to catch it! Zorua in this area spawn at Level 25 — bring Pokemon about that level so you don’t defeat it too quickly, or you can just spam Ultra Balls until you catch it. Now that we have a Zorua, here’s how to get a Zoroark.

- Evolving Zorua To Zoroark: Zorua evolves at Level 30.
- No tricks. Just reach Level 30 and Zorua will evolve. You must level up during a standard battle to trigger the evolution. Pokemon will not evolve if you level up with autobattle.
That’s only 5~ Levels to earn to gain a powerful Pokemon ally. You can rapidly earn XP by battling Chancey in North Province (Area Three) after eating a Ham Sandwich from the picnic. Or you can take classes and pass exams. Each time you pass an exam in class, you’ll earn a bunch of XP Candy. Or you can continue to play with Zorua in your team and just earn that XP naturally. This is a great Dark-Type with plenty of useful attack moves, so enjoy your new sneaky fox friend.