Galarian Meowth is one of the most valuable Pokemon in the game right now thanks to a specific 6-Star Tera Raid strategy. Perrserker, the next evolution exclusive to Galarian Meowth, is extremely powerful in the online meta. Too bad getting one is seemingly impossible in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Galarian Meowth doesn’t spawn anywhere in the wild of Paldea. The only way to get one is to earn it. And everyone can get access to a free Galarian Meowth — its “hidden” in one of the most overlooked parts of the game.
Galarian Meowth is a special regional form of Meowth found in Galar, the region found in Pokemon Sword & Shield. Normally, the only way to get these Pokemon is to carry them over from the previous game, which is only available through the Pokemon Home subscription service. That service isn’t available yet, and even when it is, you’ll need to complete multiple steps to either move over a Galararian Meowth or trade for one. Neither option is ideal. Here’s a way to get a Galarian Meowth without messing with outside games and services. This Galarian Meowth can be acquired in-game through a quest.
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How To Get Free Galarian Meowth | NPC Trade Guide
Galarian Meowth can only be acquired by completing an NPC Quest in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Normally, this Pokemon is only available in the Galar Region. He can be acquired by completing a small quest very early in the story.
- Galarian Meowth Location: At your Academy, travel to Classroom 2-G and talk to Salvatore. He’ll ask for your help. Salvatore won’t appear anywhere in the Academy until you take classes.
- To talk to Salvatore, you’ll need to complete Languages classes. Talk to the receptionist in the Entrance Hall to take classes on various subjects.
- After taking at least one Language class, Salvatore will appear in the Staff Room. Continue to talk to him until you build up your friendship. Once you increase your friendship enough, you’ll be able to start a small quest.

Salvatore can be reached by interacting with any of the computer terminals in the University. Talk to him after taking classes to begin his friendship quest — he’ll ask you to help a Pawmi Pokemon.
- NOTE: To begin this quest, you need to complete 3-4 classes and talk to Salvatore x3~ times outside of class. When he appears at the Schoolyard, his special quest will begin.
In the Schoolyard, talk to Salvatore near the garden — a defeated Pawmi is on the ground nearby. You’ll need x1 Potion in your inventory. Only a standard Potion will work. If you don’t have a Potion, Salvatore will find one and use it on the Pawmi for you.
- Next Step: After helping Salvatore rescue the Pawmi, complete another Language Class and pass the Midterm Test. After passing the test, complete another class then visit Salvatore in the Biology Lab.
- Take all 6 Language classes and complete the Final to unlock the final step of Salvatore’s quest.
To earn your Pokemon, you’ll need to complete both Language Tests — the Midterm and the Final. Here’s a quick rundown of all the answers.
- Passing The Midterm & Final | Language Answers
- Midterm Answers: A – B – D – A – C
- Final Answers: B – B – B – A – D
Visit Mr. Salvatore in the Staff Room to finally complete this quest. Talk to him and you’ll get a Galarian Meowth. This fuzzy feline will later evolve into Perrserker — a feral cat warrior that’s dominating online Tera Raids right now. Using Perrserker’s power to increase Steel-Type damage, you can absolutely crush high-level raids by stacking Perrserker powers.
Even if this is Tera Raid trick is rebalanced, there’s no reason not to enjoy this extremely rare Galarian Meowth. This is the only way to get your hands on one so far.