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The Castle is even more devious in Ada’s add-on campaign. Exploring the castle in the Separate Ways DLC for Resident Evil 4 Remake, you’ll have to dodge killer traps and solve even more puzzles to access locked chests — and you’ll need to grab these treasures early before the story progresses and locks you from collecting them forever. Here’s all the treasures, Yellow Herbs, and other useful rare items you’ll want to get while exploring the middle chapters of the Separate Ways story.
More Resident Evil 4 Remake: Separate Ways DLC guides:
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Chapter 4 | Treasure Locations

Gold Bar (L): Fortified Tower – After rescuing Luis from the burning laboratory, you’ll climb stairs to the top of a tower. At the top, you’ll encounter a locked door. To open it, Ada needs to shoot the lock off. To the right of the door is a hatch. Drop down and find a hidden chest below.

Velvet Blue: Bindery – In a metal container hanging from the ceiling in the center of the Bindery.
Vintage Compass: Treasure Room – In the upper level of the Treasure Room, after leaving the Hall of Tribulation, you’ll find a treasure chest to your right.
Spinel x2: Treasure Room – Defeat the two Armored Parasites after taking the Silver Bottle. Each one will drop a Spinel.

Vintage Compass: Treasure Room – Entering the Treasure Room, look to the right for a small chest.

Ornate Necklace: Treasure Room – At the top of the stairs in the northwest corner of the Treasure Room, you’ll find a locked drawer. Use a [Small Key] to unlock it.

Spinel x4: Treasure Room – In the Gold Bottle ambush room, defeat the four Armored Parasites. Each one drops a Spinel.

Alexandrite: Treasure Room – After the first wave in the Gold Bottle ambush, two wall panels will reveal a hidden section of the room behind the bottle pedestal. There’s a chest here with a gem.

Elegant Chessboard: Treasure Room – In the Gold Bottle ambush room, remove the Silver Bottle to lock yourself inside. Next, place the Gold Bottle to unlock a treasure room you can access from inside. Swap the bottles to exit.

Velvet Blue: Courtyard – Before entering the Courtyard, check behind the gazebo fountain.
Black Bass (L): Courtyard – Found in the gazebo fountain pool. Don’t miss these giant fish! They can be used as healing items or sold.

Red Beryl: Courtyard – South of the courtyard entrance, follow the path opposite the hedge maze to find a larger fountain plaza with this chest.

Butterfly Lamp: Courtyard – On the far east wall of the courtyard, there’s a small section of the map sticking out from the large square. Go to this alcove to find a hidden chest.

Sapphire: Courtyard – Leaving the courtyard, you’ll use the key item to unlock the door on the northeast balcony. Through the door, you’ll find a treasure chest to your left.

Yellow Herb: Castle Battlements – Found at the entrance of the Castle Battlements. Before ziplining up to the top of the first tower, you’ll find this Yellow Herb on the right side.

Ruby: Castle Battlements – In the first tower, climb down to the bottom level. This is after Ada contacts Leon about the throne room. Drop down through the hatch and look behind the ladder to find a small chest.

Golden Hourglass: Castle Battlements – In the ruined wall section to the north of the first tower, drop down to the area guarded by a cultist and use the sun switch to open a gate. Drop down and enter the interior at the bottom level of the wall ruins to find a large chest.

Yellow Diamond: Collection Room – At the second tower of the Castle Battlements, Ada will need to drop down onto wooden scaffolding before entering the Collection Room. On the scaffolding you’ll find a small chest.
Chapter 5 | Treasure Locations

Pearl Bangle: Castle Battlements – At the start of Chapter 5, you’ll be inside a tower on the battlements. Exit the nearby door and climb the ladder to the roof. There’s a chest here that contains a treasure.

Elegant Crown: Castle Battlements – In the second tower of Chapter 5, you’ll need to flip a Sun Lever to open / close the matching doors. The tower is guarded by three cultists. After taking them out, look behind the lever to find this large chest.

Velvet Blue: Gregorio’s Waterway – Ada will use her grapple to zip down to the bottom of a massive stairwell. At the bottom, where Luis has written “This Way” — go up the stairs nearby. At the top of the curved stairs, you’ll find this treasure.

Yellow Herb: Gregorio’s Waterway – Progressing deeper, you’ll pass a locked gate and encounter a handful of cultists. Defeat them and collect this Yellow Herb in the corner of the waterway.
Ruby: Gregorio’s Waterway – Directly above the Yellow Herb, shoot down the hanging metal container to get this easy-to-miss Ruby.

Gold Bar (L): Gregorio’s Waterway – Inside the pump room with the wheel, there’s also a locked drawer. Use a [Small Key] to open it and collect this valuable treasure.

Mirror with Pearls & Rubies: Gregorio’s Waterway – After turning the wheel to drain the water, continue through the room and down the hallway to find a treasure chest.

Yellow Diamond: Gregorio’s Waterway – After draining the water, drop down into the pool near the Merchant and go through the left passage. It leads into the hive-like infested area. Defeat the swimming bugs and the armored cultist. In the lower-left (southeast) corner of the passage, you’ll find a hanging container.

Alexandrite: Gregorio’s Waterway – Near the entrance to the waterway. After draining the water, drop into the lower passages and travel north. Use the ladder to reach the area blocked off by a barred door. There’s a chest here you can view from the entrance.

Red Beryl: Gregorio’s Waterway – Dropped by the Armored Garrador in the locked arena. Kill it to unlock the gate and collect this treasure.

Housekeeper’s Barrette: Cavern – Dropped by the U-3 boss. Collecting it will trigger the next phase of the boss.

Depraved Idol: Path of Penitence – After activating the stone crushers, return to the north chamber of the Path of Penitence. One of the crushers will raise up, allowing you to access an alcove with this treasure chest.

Emerald: Path of Penitence – Leaving the Path of Penitence and travelling south, you’ll need to pass by two stone crushers. Between the crushers, look for a hanging metal container. Shoot it down to collect the Emerald.

Brass Pocket Watch: Dock – At the end of the chapter, Ada will take an elevator down to the dock. From the typewriter, turn right and look in the corner of the storage room to spot a hanging metal container. Shoot it down to get the last treasure of the castle.
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