The Separate Ways DLC for Resident Evil 4 Remake is much bigger than we anticipated, featuring more bosses and more unique encounters than the original version. You’ll have to battle an entirely new enemy with its own powerful tricks, as well as old favorites like the El Gigante. Ada has her own twist to each of these bosses, and her abilities can completely change the way you’ll want to play. Get the lowdown on all the bosses in this new side-story for RE4R.
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Chapter 1 | Boss Guides

Black Robe
The first boss appears immediately after rescuing Luis in the Audience Chamber. This massive creature uses a powerful biological spear to swing at Ada from medium range. Stay far away and sprint [R1] before it can launch itself at you. You’ll also find some extra ammo in vases around the chamber near the two central pillars. Break them to grab Pistol and SMG ammo. For this phase, I recommend using the handgun.
Aim for the head and keep moving. Stop shooting and sprint away when it rears back — run left or right to avoid it. Alternatively, you can parry it. When it lunges forward with its spear, press [L1] or equivalent to draw your knife. If you time it right, you’ll block the attack. If you time the parry precisely as the attack lands, you will stagger the boss. Deal enough damage to stun him and break him out of any melee attacks. Once you deal enough damage, the boss will initiate Phase 2.
During Phase 2, the Black Robe summons copies of itself. These copies will dissipate after shooting them once. They can actually hurt you and will attack if you get close. Sprint away from them before they can box you in and look for one with glowing eyes. This is the real Black Robe — you can also spot the Black Robe as it will teleport ahead of the others and reappear near you. Use the TMP to quickly wipe out a crowd of these fakes if you’re about to be cornered. The boss is generally slower during this phase, so aim for the head and you’ll bring it down.
Chapter 2 | Boss Guides

Black Robe Second Encounter
Black Robe reappears in the Town Square. It will immediately generate its illusion field but will use a wider variety of attacks — including its flesh spear lunge. You’ll also get a tutorial for parrying here — when it rears back and slides forward, you can parry by drawing your knife. Time your knife precisely to block. A perfect parry will stagger the creature briefly. If it swings left (instead of right) you’ll need to evade instead of parrying. Deal heavy damage to the head with the shotgun, rifle or grenades to stagger it quickly. Even from for away, Ada can use your grappling hook to perform melee attacks.
I recommend repairing your Tactical Knife at the Merchant before initiating the fight. Parry is extremely useful here, as Black Robe attacks faster and is far more aggressive. After dealing damage, instead of summoning a swarm it will summon one extra copy. The copies are faster this time. The real one will only reveal its red glowing eyes when it gets close. After sustaining damage, it will also attempt a grapple attack. When it feints an attack by disappearing instead of attacking, quickly sprint away from your current location or it will grapple Ada and perform an instakill grab.
Like the first fight, the copy will disappear after taking damage. But, that changes in the final phase. Black Robe will summon two invulnerable copies that can’t be hurt. Shooting them will reveal the illusion but won’t make them disappear. Keep moving and shoot through the illusions to damage the real Black Robe. Once you deal enough damage, it will be vulnerable to a knife attack. This can be done from long-range just like melee attacks. Deliver the finishing blow with your knife to end the fight.
Chapter 3 | Boss Guides

Village Chief
The Village Chief ambushes Ada after she finds evidence of Luis’s location. He’s an invulnerable stalker so there’s no reason to fight him or the Villagers that appear through the front doors of the Manor. Use Flash Grenades to stun and slow them down and escape to the south when he appears. The Village Chief will punch Ada and is only briefly stunned when hit with Grenades, Flash Grenades, or headshots. Fighting him is a waste of bullets.
Leave through the front door, then turn left and grapple to avoid the tripwire bomb. In the courtyard ahead, a villager is to your right. Stick to the left side and crouch to sneak past a second tripwire. You’ll escape after grappling over the locked factory front gate.

El Gigante
Approaching the Villa from the Farm at night, Ada will encounter her own El Gigante. The giant creature is joined by two villagers. This fight is actually very different from a normal El Gigante fight — while he has all the same moves, Ada can swing onto the nearby rooftops and use them to get easy shots on the exposed parasite of the giant. Shoot the parasite until the parasite emerges, then use the rooftops to easily hit it.
Don’t stay on the rooftops too long. The giant will smash the buildings by attacking them, knocking Ada over and dealing damage. If the structures take too much damage, they can be destroyed. Jump off or grapple onto another roof to avoid you take damage. If you deal enough damage to the parasite, you’ll stun the giant and leave it vulnerable to a knife attack. Ada can grapple onto the giant’s back and deal heavy damage even at range with her knife. Hit the parasite with two knife melee attacks to kill it.
Chapter 5 | Boss Guides

Armored Garrador
A blind, armored miniboss appears at the end of the Gregorio’s Waterway section. In this arena, cultists will continuously drop in while you fight the Garrador. This blind enemy reacts to running footsteps and gunshots. When it hears a loud noise, it will charge wildly at the location. When swinging madly, it can damage or kill other parasite-infected enemies. New cultists will pour into the arena until the Armored Garrador is defeated.
The Armored Garrador can only be damaged by shooting the exposed parasite on its back. To quickly kill the Garrador, you can also use the Blast Crossbow — even from the front, the explosive blast will damage and often stun the Garrador. An upgraded rifle like the Stingray is very effective against the back of the Garrador. If you suprise the Garrador, it will be briefly stunned and thrash around, giving you a chance to shoot the parasite in the back again.
Use the large arena to sprint away and deal with the cultists. Because of the large open area, you can fire your weapon and then sprint to a new location to avoid the Garrador’s attacks. Weapons like the Crossbow and grenades don’t generate a noise at your location — they only make noise when they explode, allowing you to direct the Garrador away from you, or take out enemies without putting yourself in danger. Destroy the Garrador by shooting the back or by using Blast Crossbow bolts. There is a bundle of x3 Crossbow Bolts in the back-left corner of the arena, leaning on some crates. Use those to end the fight much faster.

U-3 (Pesenta)
At the end of Chapter 5, Ada will face off against the Black Robe one final time. It will transform into the U-3 after losing its robes. This version is far deadlier with an array of special attacks in its first phase. It has a giant tail that can also be targeted. The two weak points are the mouth on the tail and the top of the head where the exposed brain is located.
When the tail lunges into the ground, be prepared to Evade to dodge the attack. The tail can also fire ranged spines — when the creature roars, it will cause the spines to explode like mines. You can shoot the pulsating spines early to detonate them or wait for them to explode from further away. The boss will also lunge at you, swinging its tail wide. Time your Evade to just before it swings its tail to safely dodge. The Stingray and the Blast Crossbow are extremely useful for this fight. Aim for the head and expend any Blast Crossbow ammo you have left to make this fight much, much easier — the boss will be stunned with every explosive crossbow hit.

U-3 (Tail)
After defeating U-3, it will drop a treasure and die. Collecting the treasure triggers the second phase of the fight. The tail detaches from the body and attacks Ada in an open Cavern environment. It burrows into the ground and attacks by launching spines. Like before, it will suddenly emerge from the ground and trigger an Evade warning. Evade at the right time to dodge the attack. The U-3 will also snake around the surface, leaving behind explosive biological mines. You can shoot the mines early or wait for the creature to trigger them by screeching. The screech will summon two flying bugs — take care of them fast so they don’t distract you.
There are two weak points on the tail. You can aim for the exposed spot on the belly when it stands tall out of the sand and shoots spines, or you can aim for the very end of the centipede. The ‘tail’ of the tail is an extreme weak spot, and is exposed for a good amount of time when it attempts to charge at you. If you avoid the charge, it will crash into the cavern wall and be stunned. Use the Shotgun, Blast Crossbow, or the Stingray to deal high damage. To stagger it completely, use powerful attacks on the exposed weakpoint on the belly — that’s the easiest time to deal high damage — and it will topple over. Use a powerful knife attack when it’s down. You’ll need to hit it twice with the knife to finish it.
The U-3 can also climb onto the ceiling and prepare a powerful attack. To stop it from lunging down at you and creating a shockwave, shoot the exposed weak point on the tail. This can be tricky, so use the TMP, Handgun or Stingray for accurate shots. The Blast Crossbow will also knock it down — as long as you hit near the centipede, it will fall.
Chapter 6 | Boss Guides

Inside the Comms Facility, Ada will encounter an unstoppable creature called ‘Martinico’ — this thing is invulnerable to your standard weapons. Don’t even try to fight him. Just run! If it catches Ada, she’ll die instantly.
Get away from it and use the valve to disable the steam vents. Ahead, look left for an open bunker door Ada can squeeze through. Don’t run into the dead end or you’ll get trapped. You’ll need to navigate a sewer, but exiting an interior room, the creature will return.
Sprint away and use the keypad lock. Input the code [2-3-7-E] and use the grapple point ahead to escape. For now. Later, after dodging through a laser grid and hacking into the Comms Facility, Ada will encounter Martinico one last time. Retreating from the facility, you’ll need to dodge through the laser grids to escape. Use [Evade] as it appears — evade through all three grids, and [Grapple] to escape the final blue lasers. Martinico is invulnerable against standard weapons, but lasers cut right into him.
Chapter 7 | Boss Guides

Saddler is the final boss of the Separate Ways DLC. Like the True Form of Black Robe, Saddler has long tentacles he’ll swipe to hit anything in medium range. He can also burrow his tentacles into the ground, where they’ll attack you from below. When his tentacle burrows, watch for the [Evade] command and dodge to avoid.
Stay away from Saddler and always have a nearby piece of cover. Saddler will spray black bile and sweep across the arena. Crouch to avoid the attack. Saddler can also shoot your bullets back at you. When he extends his right hand, duck behind cover or a wall to avoid getting shot. He’ll do this increasingly more often as the battle progresses.
You can’t parry most of Saddler’s attacks or evade. Stay far away and keep moving, using cover and leading him in circles back and forth across the arena. Briefly, Saddler will open his mouth and reveal a yellow eye weak spot. If you can damage the eye, you can stagger him. Either way, applying enough high damage will stagger Saddler and leave him vulnerable to Ada’s knife attack.
- Don’t miss the [First Aid Spray] to the right of the stairs. From the bottom of the steps to the altar, look right.
Saddler will charge and launch a massive attack that covers most of the arena — you’ll see two vortexes appear above him. Quickly hide behind one of the tall pillars to avoid taking damage. Perform three knife special attacks on Saddler to put him down.
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