After completing the main story in the Teal Mask DLC, there’s still plenty of activities to complete. You can hunt down the Loyal Three Legendary Pokemon, earn 1,000,000+ cash from the Glitterati couple, or rebuild Loyalty Plaza by donating to the village chief. Or you can really test your Pokemon team by battling tough trainers called the Ogre Clan. The Ogre Clan has 8 members spread around the Kitakami Region — you can start the quest by talking to an NPC just near the stairs leading to Kitakami Hall. He’ll give you clues to each clan member location.
He’ll also give you rewards for each Clan Member you defeat. These battles are against Level 75-77 Pokemon, so you’ll want to be prepared before attempting to take them down. They’re extremely tough! You’ll earn a reward for each Ogre Clan member you defeat — return to the NPC outside Kitakami Hall to collect the rewards listed below. Here’s where to find them all.
Fully explore the Teal Mask DLC with our guides covering all 100+ returning Pokemon, how to get a Sinnoh Starter, where to find Dipplin and how to catch Bloodmoon Ursaluna.
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Kitakami Ogre Clan | Quest Guide
The Ogre Clan are a series of high-level trainer battles you can find after completing the main story of The Teal Mask DLC — these tough opponents will give you special prizes depending on how many of them you defeat. They’re found all over the Kitakami Region map and they’re designed to give you an additional tough challenge after finishing the story.
There are 8 Ogre Clan trainers — each one uses a different type of Pokemon. Typically, trainers are Level 75-77 and have 4 Pokemon.

- Ogre Clan Rewards: For each Ogre Clan member you defeat, you’ll be given a special reward. The more you beat, the better your reward will be. To claim rewards, talk to an NPC at the entrance to Kitakami Hall. He’ll also give clues where to find each trainer.
- 1 Ogre Clan Defeated: Focus Sash – The Holding Pokemon cannot be knocked out if attacked with a move that would normally defeat it. Only if the Holding Pokemon is at 100% health.
- 2 Ogre Clan Defeated: x5 Exp. Candy XL – Gives a Pokemon a huge bounty of Exp.
- 3 Ogre Clan Defeated: Assault Vest – Increases Sp. Defense by 50% but the holding Pokemon cannot use Status moves.
- 4 Ogre Clan Defeated: x10 Rare Candy – Levels up a Pokemon instantly when used.
- 5 Ogre Clan Defeated: Choice Specs – Bosts the Holding Pokemon’s Sp. Attack Stat. Only allows 1 move.
- 6 Ogre Clan Defeated: x3 Ability Capsules – Use to switch a Pokemon’s Ability.
- 7 Ogre Clan Defeated: Choice Band – Boosts the Holding Pokemon’s Attack Stat. Only allows 1 move.
- Final Ogre Clan Defeated: Ability Patch – Unlocks a Pokemon’s Hidden Ability
Some of these items are also incredibly valuable and sell for a high price at stores. You can fight the Ogre Clan members in any order. Here’s where to find them.

Ogre Clan Quest Location: Kitakami Hall – Located right next to the Kitakami Hall fast-travel point, at the base of the steps leading up to the main hall. This is the NPC you need to talk to — defeat him to begin the Ogre Clan quest and unlock rewards. After defeating all 7 Members you’ll then be able to battle this trainer. This is a Dark / Ghost-Type Trainer.

- Ogre Clan Location #1: Apple Hills – Located directly north of Mossui Town. To the (slight) west of the waterfall, there’s a cave containing the first Ogre Clan Member. This is an Electric-Type Trainer.

- Ogre Clan Location #2: Mossfell Confluence – South of Fellhorn Gorge and in the valley to the east of Kitakami Hall fast-travel point. This is a Fairy-Type Trainer.

- Ogre Clan Location #3: Fellhorn Gorge – Located in Fellhorn Gorge on the central rock island. Found just south of the Fellhorn Gorge fast-travel point. This is a Water-Type Trainer.

- Ogre Clan Location #4: Paradise Barrens – Found in the northeast crater of Paradise Barrens. Search to the northeast of the Paradise Barrens fast-travel point. This is a Fire / Grass-Type Trainer.

- Ogre Clan Location #5: Oni Mountain – Near the Infernal Pass and to the northeast of the Crystal Pool, look on a high mountain ledge high above the Chilling Waterhead cave entrance. This is a Normal-Type Trainer.

- Ogre Clan Location #6: Oni Mountain – Inside the Crystal Pond, look for a hill on the east side. There’s a cave entrance that’s easy-to-miss on the hill. Enter and drop down the deep hole to reach a lower chamber. The Ogre Clan Trainer is here. This is a Fight-Type Trainer.

- Ogre Clan Location #7: Oni Mountain – Located at the pond in the northwest corner of Oni Mountain. This is an Ice / Rock-Type Trainer.
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