Trial 06: Fan Out is the final level in the second chapter of Humanity, Choice. It requires players to think outside the box when it comes to using the fan and conveyor belt mechanics introduced earlier in the chapter in order to snag three Goldies and make it to the end goal.
Here’s everything you need to know about how to solve Choice Trial 06: Fan Out in Humanity while getting all Goldies.
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Trial 06: Fan Out Puzzle Solution
With all levels in Humanity, if you want to collect all of the Goldies, you’ll need to be thinking a few steps ahead so that the Goldies don’t fall off the edge. Use the guide below to know exactly where to put the direction tiles down and then retry the level if you dropped a Goldy with the knowledge of how to do it in one try.
When you first gain control in the level, you’ll find that there are three streams of people that you’ll need to guide to the exit goal, however, the stream that’s on the elevated platform will automatically make it to the goal if you take care of the other two streams, so you won’t need to worry about them. Start with the stream on the left that’s walking on the path with the two fans in their way.
Turn the stream to its right and then its left so that it avoids the wind coming out of the first fan and walks behind the second fan. Then, lay down a left turn so that they’ll push it from behind three times. Once they do, turn the group to its left again.

Snake the line around the fan that they just pushed so that they push it onto the conveyor belt area, but don’t follow it once it starts being moved by the belt. If they do manage to follow it on the belt, they’ll continue to push the fan out of position. There’s a little bit of wiggle room in this section, so just turn the line away if they manage to make it to the platform where the fan will end up after taking a ride on the belt.

With the first fan put on the belt and in place, remove all of the previous turns you’ve made for the line. Now, turn them before they get swept away by the first fan, but this time have them turn to the left to get behind the fan. Snake the line around so that it pushes the fan from behind three times.

Once the fan is in position, turn the stream so that they push it toward the conveyor belt. Let the people follow the fan onto the belt and push it once, then turn them to their left so that they end up on the belt in between both fans. When they make it onto the belt, they’ll be led along the belt’s path and then pushed onto different belts thanks to the placement of both fans, making it to the other side.

On the other side of the belt, turn the group so that they walk onto the People Switch and then turn them left so that they’re walking to the climbable wall at the end of the area. They won’t be able to make it up the wall since there’s a gap between the platform and the wall, but leave them walking off the edge there for now, we’ll be making a bridge later.

With the first stream taken care of, head to the second people stream on the bottom level. This section is dealt with in a very similar way to the first one. Turn the stream to the left so that it gets behind the fan and then push it twice. Once the fan is in the center of the platform, let the stream push it onto the conveyor belt, but don’t let them follow it onto the belt, otherwise, they may push it out of position.

Direct the line to get on the conveyor belt on the far right side so that they’ll get on the belt and then be blown farther right once they get in the path of the fan’s wind.

On the other side of the conveyor belt area, direct the people stream to step on the People Switch and then turn them toward the climbing wall on the far side.

Once both switches are pushed, the one from the first stream and the one from the second, the third stream will walk across a newly formed bridge and push a third switch. The switch will create a platform for both lower streams to walk across to get to the climbable walls. Once they make it to the top, they’ll get on conveyor belts that lead each stream to a Goldy and then to the exit goal.