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- Bay of Bounty | All Collectibles & Favors Guide
- Bay of Bounty | Svartalfheim
- Modvitnir’s Rig | Svartalfheim
- The Watch Tower | Svartalfheim
- Radsvinn’s Rig | Svartalfheim
- Althjof’s Rig | Svartalfheim
- The Watch Tower | Svartalfheim
- Lyngbakr Island | Svartalfheim
- Alberich Island | Svartalfheim
- Bay of Bounty | Svartalfheim
- Dragon Beach | Svartalfheim
- Dragon Beach – Revisited | Svartalfheim
- Alberich Hollow | Svartalfheim
- Alberich Island | Svartalfheim
- Dragon Beach | Svartalfheim
- Modvitnir’s Rig | Svartalfheim

Instead of featuring one massive open-world area to explore like the Lake of the Nine, God of War Ragnarok gives you multiple massive optional areas — you’ll find more as you progress through the Nine Realms, and the first you’ll encounter is the Bay of Bounty in Svartalfheim. While rowing a raft to reach a dwarf ally that may be able to help, you can detour north to the massive open-ended area. There are collectibles to grab. side-quests to complete, and a massive scripted “dungeon” to fight your way through. You won’t be able to do everything on your first trip to this area, so we’ll split up this list in order of your first visit and your second visit much later in the story.
Don’t miss out on the collectibles for more optional areas. Get 100% collectibles and quests in the Barrens, the Forbidden Sands, the Jungle, the Plains, and the Sinkholes.
More God of War Ragnarok guides:
All Rage & Health Upgrades | Nornir Chests Guide | All Odin’s Raven Locations | All Treasure Map Solutions | Fully Upgraded Leviathan Axe | Fully Upgraded Draupnir Spear | How To Unlock Muspelheim | How To Unlock The Crater | How To Fully Explore The Crater | How To Use Crystalline Shards | Across the Realms Ingredient Locations | How To Unlock Witch Time Playstyle | How To Make Finding Collectibles Easy | All Jewel of Yggdrasil Locations | How To Unlock Enchantments | All Cosmetic Armor | Best Graphics Settings | Atreus Combat Guide | How Leveling Works | How To Upgrade PS4 To PS5 | All Healing Methods | How To Increase Health | How To Increase Spartan Rage | How To Unlock Transmog | Aurvangar Wetlands Gate Puzzle Solutions | How To Earn More Hacksilver | Best Healing Armor & Enchantments | Best Runic Attacks | How To Damage Heimdall | How To Stop The Sandstorm | Barrens Favor Guide | Bonus Epilogue Ending | Gna, Valkyrie Queen Boss Location | Secret Post-Game Dungeon | The Plains Collectibles Guide | The Jungle Collectibles Guide | The Sinkholes Collectibles Guide
Bay of Bounty | All Collectibles & Favors Guide
The Bay of Bounty is a large optional area located north in Svartalfheim. This area becomes available very early in the story but can’t be completed until much later — once you complete your main quest at The Forge, you can return and collect the last remaining collectibles in the Bay of Bounty.
Bay of Bounty | Svartalfheim
Dew of Cooldown: After leaving the city, you’ll reach a boat dock and exit into the Bay of Bounty. Right near the entrance, you’ll find a Yggrasil Dew which improves your runic cooldown timer.
Modvitnir’s Rig | Svartalfheim
Go to this area as part of the “In Service of Asgard” favor, given by Raeb in the tavern.

Legendary Chest: In Modvitnir’s Rig, climb the old wooden tower that gives you a view of the giant crane. Open the chest to find this piece of the seed.
- Reward: Muspelheim Seed Half
- Finding this begins “The Crucible” favor.
Lore Marker: After swinging across the crane, turn right to find an Ormr enemy below. Drop down to collect the lore marker.
Mining Rig: Climb up the rig, throwing your axe at the markers on the giant crane to move it. Reach the very top of the crane area, defeat the large monster that appears, and smash the gears.
- Destroying the rig gives you a special type of ore.
The Watch Tower | Svartalfheim
To reach this area, go to Sindri’s shop in the Bay of Bounty. Climb the wall here to reach the upper level of the watchtower. To your right, there is a large, locked door that requires a key found at the giant geyser in the Bay of Bounty.

Draugr Hole: The Hateful – The burning undead creature spawns behind the watchtower. The Draugr will continue to spawn until you deplete the health bar.
- Defeat them to begin the “Born From Fire” favor.
- Reward: Cursed Empress Handles
- Reward: Chaos Spark Weapon Upgrade. Find all 6 to earn the special weapon upgrade.

Odin’s Raven: Circles the trees on the cliffs of the watchtower. It flies fast, so wait somewhere it loops and throw your axe to take it down.
Radsvinn’s Rig | Svartalfheim

Odin’s Raven: Visible from the bottom of the rig. Look on the hanging crane hook!

Nornir Chest: Climb up into the Mining Rig combat area and you’ll find this chest directly left on the ledge overlooking the bay. You need to use the Blades of Chaos and light these up in order.
- Brazier #1: Diretly left of the chest. Impossible to miss.
- Brazier #2: From the metal catwalk at the top of the rig, look down at the small, caged area. Throw your axe to break the explosive and light the brazier.
- Brazier #3: Behind the mining rig, blast the barriers with Atreus’s sonic arrows.
- Reward: Idunn Apple. Max Health increased.

Mining Rig: No trick to reaching this one. After climbing up the path past Sindri’s workshop, you’ll immediately enter combat against enemies. Clear the enemies and smash the rig.
- Once again, you’ll get a unique crafting material for destroying the rig. Collect the Nidavellir Ore to craft a unique armor set.

Lore Scroll: Pops out of the small chest behind the Mining Rig.
Althjof’s Rig | Svartalfheim

Odin’s Raven: After climbing the chain, a raven is visible directly ahead in the marked building to the left of the metal wheel. Throw your axe through the cracked wall to hit it.

Lore Marker: After smashing through the wooden floor from above with the Chaos Blades, look left for a lore marker.

Mining Rig: To reach the Mining Rig in this area, lower the anchor you can swing from with the Blades of Chaos. Swing across, then smash the explosive barrels to climb up to a high vantage point where you can jump down on the marked floor. From this lower level, use the Blades of Chaos on the anchor to raise it up.
- For destroying the rig, you’ll get a unique piece of Nidavellir Ore.

Legendary Chest: After destroying the rig, look in the corner to the right. There’s a narrow ledge Kratos can squeeze through and drop a chain. Raise the anchor to the top and swing across, smashing through the wall to reach this hidden Legendary Chest.
- Reward: Runic Gem: Njord’s Tempest Light Runic Attack

Lore Scroll: In the same area as the Legendary Chest. After smashing through the wall, look to your right for a small, caged windowsill.
The Watch Tower | Svartalfheim

Favor: The Weight Of Chains – This favor begins immediately after disembarking on the island with the giant geyser. Find it on Lyngbark Island, in the center of the bay.
- Watchtower Key: Found in the underground chamber on the island. To reach it, use the metal wheel and freeze the gear on the lift. Next, return to the wooden beams on the cliffside and go right to reach the top.
- Ride the lift up and jump down onto the floor to smash through with the Blades of Chaos. Defeat the monster and open the chest down below.
Lyngbakr Island | Svartalfheim
After gaining the Watchtower Key and using the key on the Watchtower, you’ll summon the Lyngbakr. Use your boat and land on the only available dock (for now) to explore the Lyngbakr. This isn’t an island. It is a giant creature!

Lore Marker: After freeing the first fin, follow the new path that unlocks and climb the metal chain. It leads up to this collectible, opposite a series of barnacle-covered wooden beams you can climb to the top.

Artifact: Kvasir’s Poems – Opposite the Lore Marker, climb the wall of wooden beams. At the top, swing across the gap then hop to the platform with a red chest. There’s a body with this artifact on the ground nearby.

Odin’s Raven: After freeing the second fin, collect the firebomb and take it back around to the gold debris blocking the path across the gap toward the front of the creature. Swing across once the debris is clear and crawl through the tunnel to another chest. To the left of the chest you’ll find the raven.

Legendary Chest: After cutting the last anchor above the tail, the creature will raise up the tailfin. Slide down the rope to break the seal with your axe. The Legendary Chest is to the left.
- Reward: Shield Attachment – Rond of Aggravation
Alberich Island | Svartalfheim

Nornir Chest: The chest is located to your right after disembarking on the boat landing. Impossible to miss. This one requires you to hit three bells before they reset.
- Bell #1: In the left corner, hit the spinning wooden panels with your axe to raise the bell up. Once the bell is raised enough, you can hit it with your axe.
- Bell #2: To the left of the wooden tower, use Atreus to shoot the crane and drop the bell. Shoot it!
- Bell #3: Directly behind the Nornir Chest. This is the easiest one, so save it for last.
- Reward: Horn of Blood Mead. Increases your maximum rage meter.
Bay of Bounty | Svartalfheim

Yggrasil’s Dew of Defense: Located on the far east of the Bay of Bounty. Increases your defense by picking it from the branch over the water.

Yggrasil’s Dew of Streanth: Located to the right of the boat dock where Durlin’s Office is found. Collect it to permanently increase your strength by +2.
Dragon Beach | Svartalfheim

Lore Marker: On the underside bridge leading to the giant dwarf statue, to the right of the Nornir Chest.

Nornir Chest: Next to the runes on the wooden strut. Find the three seals and break them in any order.
- Seal #1: Behind the chest, you’ll see a geyser. The first seal is hidden behind this geyser.
- Seal #2: To the right, there’s a crane and another geyser. You can’t hit it from the geyser — go around and behind to the giant dragon skeleton and look at the location — you can see behind the fence from here.
- Seal #3: There’s another geyser / crane combo near the beach around the entrance. This hides the last seal.
- Reward: Idunn Apple. Increases maximum health.
Dragon Beach – Revisited | Svartalfheim
To fully explore Dragon Breach, return after unlocking the Spear weapon for Kratos.

Favor: The Lost Treasure – Talk to the spirit on the way up to the broken bridge using the Draupnir Spear. Landing on Dragon Beach, go onto the wooden structure on the left and use the Draupnir Spear to climb up. There is a spirit here.

Yggdrasil Rift: Past the spirit, grapple onto the large, ruined bridge and duck under the fallen wooden pillar to reach this rift.
- Reward: Dust of Realms
Alberich Hollow | Svartalfheim

Favor: Spirit of Rebellion – Return to the tavern in the city to get this favor. You’ll be able to reach the quest area by climbing up onto the old bridge on Dragon Beach.

Hidden Chamber Door: Use the rune device on the left as you approach the giant statue. Speak the glowing orange runes to reveal a treasure chest.
- Hammer of the Revolution: Located in the chest hidden under the giant hammer. Use the Hidden Chamber Door to reveal it. Take the hammer back to Durlin at the tavern in Nidavellir.

Legendary Chest: On the second visit to Svartalfheim, Durlin will give you a quest to collect a hammer from the giant statue at Dragon Beach. Climb up to reach Alberich Hollow. To the left of the giant dwarf statue, clear the cave of enemies then use a firebomb to break the debris covering a glowing chest.
- Reward: Muspelheim Seed – The second half of the Muspelheim Seed. Now you’ll be able to finally access Muspelheim, an area where you can access combat challenges.

Odin’s Raven: As you leave the Alberich Hollow cavern and reach an exterior area, it is on a tree to the left. Ahead you’ll fight more grims and use firebombs to blast another rock wall.
Ormstrunga: A named grim boss. Found at the end of the Alberich Hollow cave.
- Reward: Emblem of Elusion Amulet Enchantment. Increases movement distance of your evade.
- Reward: Svefnthorn Unique Resource

Favor: The Lost Lindwyrms – Yggdrasil Rift: Past the Ormstrunga boss at the end of the cavern. Interact with the Yggdrasil — it contains a Lindwrym.
- Reward: Gale Spark Weapon Upgrade.

Favor: The Lost Treasure – Legendary Chest: At the end of Alberich Hollow, on the wooden platform where you can kick down a chain to the beach below.
- Reward: Folkvangr Whetstone.

Treasure Map: Fruits of Industry – Collect the treasure map on the raised wooden platform right at the chain shortcut leading to the exit of the cavern.
Alberich Island | Svartalfheim

Favor: The Lost Treasure – Progress this quest be travelling to Alberich Island. The spirit’s son is located here. The island is in the north of the Bay of Bounty. Land at the larger beach, east of the small wooden dock.
- With the Draupnir Spear, you can now climb up onto the high cliff with the spear anchor point. Look for the glowing yellow spot. Talk to the spirit at the top of the hill.
- We still need to collect the second treasure. To reach the island, break the sound stones to the left of the lift structure, then shatter the rocks with your Draupnir Spear. Use the grapple anchor to reach the wooden platform.
- Cross onto the island from the right side of the platform. Destroy the rock with the glowing yellow weak spot using your Draupnir Spear, then circle around to the chain. Use the chain and throw your axe at the revealed gear to freeze it in place with a Sigil Arrow.
- Next, reach the lift and recall your spear. You’ll be able to ride up to the top and get the last piece of the quest. Return to the original spirit on Dragon Beach.

Yggdrasil’s Dew of Runic Power: The dew drop is revealed after using the Hidden Chamber door on the small dock to the east of Alberich Island. A gate will lower and allow you to access the dew from your boat.
Berserker Gravestone: Found on the beach at Alberich Island.

Raven’s Odin: Up the cliff from the beach, you’ll reach a large wooden crane. There are Sound Stones to the left. Shatter them and you’ll see the raven flying around in the distance.

Favor: The Lost Lindwyrms – Yggdrasil Rift: Grapple across onto the wooden platform leading to Alberich Island. The rift contains a Lindwyrm.
- Reward: Gale Spark Weapon Upgrade

Treasure Map: Washed Ashore – Reach Alberich Island from the wooden platform. Grappling onto the landing to the right of the giant water wheel, you’ll find this map.

Odin’s Raven: Once you land on the actual island by crossing the wooden platform. Landing on the right side of the water wheel, climb up and look for a hole in the rocks to the left. There’s an extremely easy-to-miss raven hidden here.
- This is the area where you need to lower the gate by turning the crane.

Favor: The Lost Treasure – Legendary Chest: Located at the top of the island. You’ll need to solve the water wheel and life puzzle by pulling the chain to lower the gate and freeze the gear with your frost axe. At the top you’ll find a chest related to “The Lost Treasure” favor.
- Reward: Jewel of Yggdrasil
Dragon Beach | Svartalfheim

Buried Treasure: Washed Ashore – Return to Dragon Beach and run to the far right to dig up the treasure. It is right next to the giant beached skeleton.
- Reward: Jotunheim’s Virtue Amulet Enchantment
Modvitnir’s Rig | Svartalfheim

Buried Treasure: Fruits of Industry – Land at this rig in the Bay of Bounty and you’ll find the buried treasure on the ground near a climbable wall.
- Reward: Svartalfheim’s Lifeblood Amulet Enchantment
And that’s everything for the Bay of Bounty! To get every collectible in the rest of Svartalfheim, you’ll have to wait until the very end of the game. After completing the story, new portals will unlock and allow you to reach the mines and other areas you couldn’t fully explore the first time.